Is he the kind of werewolf who sees the full moon and then transforms into a werewolf? Or is he the kind of werewolf who is very cruel to himself?

After Lingling heard this, she subconsciously put her hand towards the gun on her waist. When Lin Yi saw it, she hurriedly expressed that she was wrong.

Lin Yi:π_π

Lin Yi regretted that he should not have given Lingling a gun in the first place. No matter how dishonest he was in the past, Lingling would still take advantage of him. He would be beaten again and again without pain, and scolded but felt like he was being rewarded. But now he is better, he has a gun, although he cannot No harm done to him, but no one can bear someone shooting you in the head every day!

There were no dead this time, but there were many injured. A demon suspected to be a werewolf suddenly appeared at the red light port in the XC area. It wreaked havoc and then disappeared.

So let's go now?

No, wait until night. If they are really creatures like werewolves, they will be no different from ordinary people unless they transform. There are too many people during the day and it will be troublesome to find them. We will go to the XC area at night. , see if we can meet one.”

That's okay, Lingling is here to introduce you to a new partner.

Lingling was suddenly confused but reacted immediately.

What new partner? Oh, by the way, you have reached the intermediate level and can contract summoned beasts, but it has only been half a month and you have already chosen?

Lin Yi informed Apu to come through the contract.

Lingling saw a little dragon flying staggeringly at the door, seeming to be eating something in its mouth.

so cute!

When Lingling saw Apu eating, she immediately went up and hugged Apu directly.

After all, Apu is still a baby. He was just born, so he is not as domineering as an adult. Chi Hui was very cute when he was born, but his scales were too hard. Lin Yi rarely held him, but the growth cycle of dragons is so long. Well, Chi Hui is still in his infancy. Although he has warrior-level strength, he is still in his infancy.

Apu felt a little uncomfortable being held by Lingling. Lingling held him too tightly, and Apu felt a little pain from being knocked on his face.


Okay, Lingling, Apu is almost as tall as you. If you hold Apu in your arms any longer, he will suffocate.

Lingling looked at Apu in her arms, and sure enough, her tongue was sticking out. Lingling hurriedly let go of Apu.

After Apu escaped Lingling's death embrace, he immediately flew to Lin Yi's shoulder, patted his chest with his little paws, and sighed in a very humane manner.

It almost screamed, it was so scary for this little human girl.


Okay Apu, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here to give you something to eat.

Lin Yi patted Apu's back, took out a dragon energy crystal from his pocket and gave it to Apu.

After seeing it, Apu immediately grabbed it and started eating it, his face full of happiness.

Lingling saw that Apu was so afraid of her and stared at Lin Yi fiercely.

Why are you staring at me? You can't blame me.

I don't care. I blame you if Apu ignores you.

Lin Yi:╯▂╰

Lingling: (; ≥ pan ≤)

In order to please Apu, Lingling pestered Apu for almost a whole day, and did not give up the action until she was about to set off in the evening.

Ling Lingqi put on the silver windbreaker, inserted the gun into the buckle of his belt, and turned around to shout to Lin Yi who was climbing on the bar.

Let's go! Lin Yi, why are you still lying there?

Lin Yi stood up weakly.

Lingling, you said in the morning that you would leave in the evening, right?

Yes, we'll leave in the evening.

Lingling looked at the moon in the sky to confirm her answer.

But do we have to catch werewolves at two o'clock in the morning every time? How can a werewolf come out so late? It's not a bat.

Lingling did not reply to Lin Yi, but stared at Lin Yi fiercely.

Let's go, let's go right now.

The oppressed migrant worker Lin Yi succumbed to Lingling's threats and started working the night shift.

The two of them soon arrived at the Red Light Harbor in the XC District. This place is basically the center of the gray area of ​​the Magic City, where all kinds of gray industries open at night.

Lingling and Lin Yi were very conspicuous walking in the red light port. Not only did Lingling look too young, but Lin Yi also looked like he had just grown up. The main reason was that their temperaments were incompatible with this place.

Lingling, that werewolf couldn't have appeared in such a dense place, right? Is there anything it wants in this place?

Lin Yi asked doubtfully. He and Lingling had been wandering here for almost twenty minutes, and saw Lingling observing passers-by while walking. Lin Yi was curious about what was wrong with the passers-by at first, and he didn't even look at them for a long time. Find out why.

Didn't I tell you?

When did you say anything to me?

I'm sorry, Apu is so cute, I forgot about it for a moment.

Lin Yi was speechless. When Lingling, who was usually so shrewd, would make mistakes, it seemed that Apu had to take the blame.


Just an hour before we set off, the Hunters Association sent some new information. The werewolf is suspected to be a human.

Lin Yi was confused by this sentence, because this special creature has two forms, human and werewolf, and is one of the few special monsters in the world that has human form.

Lingling saw Lin Yi's confusion and explained.

The identity of the person who turned into a werewolf has been found out by the Hunter Association. He is a man named Zhang Sheqi. He is 37 years old and works for Xiyu Trading Co., Ltd. He is an ordinary person. I mean his type is human's.

Lin Yi understood immediately, but how could this be possible!

Lin Yi knew that there were many bizarre magics in the world. For example, the curse system of his ancestral family had a secret technique that could allow demons to possess him and give him his own abilities. However, this could not turn him into a demon. There was only one kind in the world. A forbidden technique that can turn living people into creatures more evil than demons, and the holder of this forbidden technique is the Black Church, the world's largest anti-human organization.

Lingling knew that Lin Yi wouldn't believe it, and she didn't believe it at first. It wasn't until she saw the attached content sent by the association that she believed it.

Lingling showed a video to Lin Yi.

The content of the video is very simple, but also very scary. A werewolf fell from a height, and then lay on the ground wailing in pain. Gradually, the werewolf's body became smaller and returned to a normal human size, and all its claws and hair disappeared. A middle-aged man just appeared where the werewolf had been lying. The middle-aged man got up from the ground and quickly disappeared into the depths of the alley.

After watching the video, Lin Yi took a deep breath. He knew that if this was true, it would mean that humans would face a nightmare. Humans were already at a disadvantage in this world, and now there is an unknown method that can turn people into monsters. , and from the video, it seems that he is completely unable to control himself after turning into a demon.

This video was taken by an old man living in the red light district. The hunter who came here to investigate discovered the contents of the mobile phone, so it was uploaded to the association. The time and place where this video was shot was one day ago. Near the Red Rose Bar.”

Hearing this, Lin Yi knew that if he didn't catch this middle-aged man and find out who was behind it, a catastrophe might be coming.

Red Light Harbor is very large and has a large flow of people. It has been almost thirty minutes since we entered the Red Rose Bar.

As soon as he arrived here, Lin Yi's dragon sense was fully activated. After reaching the intermediate level, not only Chi Hui's power was improved, Apu's dragon sense could also be used by Lin Yi, which meant that Lin Yi had stronger abilities than before. Several times the dragon sense, a radius of 500 meters was within the range of Lin Yi's dragon sense.

Lin Yi kept his dragon sense and searched for the whereabouts of Zhang Sheqi near the Red Rose Bar.

Finally, a suspicious man was found one kilometer away from the Red Rose Bar.

Wearing a hat and a mask in the crowd, the coat wraps up his whole body, as if he doesn't want anyone to know everything about him.

But through Long Sense, Lin Yi noticed that the man's steps were frivolous, he had a vague aura, sweat was dripping from his face, and his eyes were looking around, as if he was escaping from something.

Although he couldn't see the whole man, Lin Yi had already determined the man's identity through those eyes.

Lingling has been found. Let's move closer slowly so as not to attract the target's attention.

Lin Yi and Lingling slowly approached Zhang Sheqi.

Zhang Sheqi felt very scared now. He escaped from that place and took a drug that was still in the experimental stage, which made him a little nervous. Suddenly his enhanced sense noticed a young man and a little girl with him in the abortion. The distance was getting closer and closer. Although it was not obvious, Zhang Sheqi felt that these two people were just looking for him.

Just when Zhang Sheqi looked at Lin Yi, Lin Yi immediately noticed Zhang Sheqi's gaze and looked at him.

The next moment, Zhang Sheqi turned around and ran out into the alley.

Lin Yi knew he was exposed and shouted to Lingling.

Lingling, we have been discovered. I will chase you and contact other people from the association to surround this place.

Lin Yi chased Zhang Sheqi in the direction of his escape. He could feel that Zhang Sheqi had an unknown secret, and now was an opportunity. He had to seize this opportunity and unlock the darkness hidden behind it.

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