Versatile Mage: Imperial Dragon Emperor

Chapter 19 Intermediate (5k big chapter)

When Lin Yi and Lingling returned to Qingtian Hunting House, it was already seven o'clock in the morning.

The morning sun shines on the world, and everything wakes up at this moment.

Looking at the high-hanging sun, Lin Yi felt no sleepiness at all, so he simply stayed up and went to investigate the sign.

He must have seen that sign somewhere, but he, who always had a good memory, really couldn't recall it.

You still have to look it up slowly, maybe you will suddenly remember it.

After Lingling uploaded the information to the Hunter Association, she originally wanted to help Lin Yi investigate.

But Lin Yi said to Lingling.

Children can grow taller if they get enough sleep. Be good and go to sleep.

This tone of voice towards a child made Ling Ling go back to sleep.

It's so coaxing~

Lin Yi sighed as he watched Lingling scolding him while going upstairs.

What's so flattering?

Suddenly, Old Man Bao appeared silently behind Lin Yi and said quietly.

Wow! I was scared to death. When did you come back, Director?

Long Sen didn't sense the existence of Old Man Bao at all.

Is this the difference in strength?

Lin Yi looked at Old Man Bao and couldn't help but think to himself.

No! No! Nothing. It's just that Lingling refused to sleep. I gently persuaded her for a long time before letting her go to sleep.

Lin Yi explained hurriedly, fearing that Old Man Bao would be unhappy and give him a try.

How's the investigation going?

Old Man Bao asked as he placed the bag containing soy milk and fried dough sticks on the table.

There's some gain, but it's not very clear.

It's a good thing that your work is not in vain. Let's eat something first. Breakfast is still very important.

Yeah, it's morning now, it's time to have breakfast!

Lin Yi suddenly realized, then turned around and walked up to the second floor.

Old Man Bao watched Lin Yi go up to the second floor, knocked on Lingling's door, and walked in directly.

Lingling! Do you want to have breakfast before going to bed?

Lin Yi!! You gangster! Didn't you see that I was changing my clothes? Get out of here quickly!

Don't worry, Lingling! I'm not interested in children.

Hurry up! Me! Get out! Get out! Go!

Old Man Bao only heard a bang and saw Lin Yi walking down with a pink rabbit slipper on his head.

Director, has Lingling reached her rebellious stage? Her temper is so bad. I obviously do it for her own good, ugh~

Old Man Bao looked at Lin Yi with aggrieved expression and told him about his improper operation just now. He wanted to beat Lin Yi when he heard it.

But he didn't do that.

Since the death of Lingling's father, Lingling has become more and more mature, and has become more and more addicted to hunting activities, as if to numb herself.

But the more this happened, the more worried he became. A child who was still in elementary school should not get involved in these things. He wanted Lingling to have a happy childhood instead of being involved in the cruel side of the world.

But since Lin Yi came to Qingtian Hunting Center, Lingling seemed to be influenced by Lin Yi. She gradually showed behaviors and thoughts in line with her age in many places, and the smiles on her face became more and more.

Maybe it's the rebellious stage, but children also need privacy. Be more careful next time and don't be so careless.

Old Man Bao taught Lin Yi a lesson, but Lingling happened to go downstairs at this time.

Grandpa! You still follow his words!

Lingling's hair was rarely tied into twin tails but let down. Her hair was like a black waterfall reaching her waist. She was also wearing a pink bunny doll pajamas.

Wow! Lingling's pajamas are so cute!

Lin Yi saw that Lingling's body was truly girly and was moved.

Lin Yi:(ˊωˋ*)

Shut up! You lolicon!

Lingling said angrily, but she still sat next to Lin Yi and angrily stuffed the steamed buns and fried dough sticks into her mouth.

Old Man Bao just smiled and watched.

After the three of them finished breakfast, Lingling went back to the room to rest, while Old Man Bao exercised after dinner and went for a walk around the city.

Lin Yi watched Old Man Bao leaving and silently observed a second of silence for those who committed crimes in the Magic City.

Lingling once told him that Old Man Bao would go for a walk after meals every day, and then remittances began to come in from time to time in the accounts of Qingtian Hunting House.

A semi-retired Forbidden Curse boss was wandering outside, no different from a time bomb, just a controllable nuclear bomb.

Those remittances were all a coincidence by Old Bao. The wanted criminals or criminals he happened to meet on the road were kindly educated by Old Bao and sent to the trial to be reformed.

In order to express their gratitude to Old Man Bao, the trial meeting also gave him bonuses, but they were all transferred to the account of Qingtian Hunting Agency.

After Lin Yi found out, he said that this is Batman in the magic city.

He's still the kind of invincible Batman who won't have his back broken.

After eating breakfast, Lin Yi went to investigate as he wanted.

But in the end, the sun was about to set, and he was stunned to find out nothing.

Apart from knowing that Xiyu Cleaning Company is a subsidiary of a large company, nothing else can be found!

Lin Yi felt that he had entered a dead end, and there was a very crucial mechanism that he had not found.

The right road has not yet been opened, the fog is thick, and the dangers hidden in it are glaring.

It seems that it's over. Let Lingling check it out next. From a different perspective, maybe there will be something to gain.

In the dragon sense perception, he sensed that Lingling had gotten up.

Sleeping from morning to afternoon, as expected, it is too much for a child's physical strength to stay up all night.

After Lingling woke up, she was still a little confused and wanted to go down and drink a glass of water. But when she saw Lin Yi looking at her with sympathetic eyes, she suddenly became furious and suddenly woke up.


Lin Yi saw Lingling's angry look, and when Lingling had just arrived on the first floor, he jumped to the railing on the second floor and said.

Lingling will leave it to you next, I'm going to rest.

After saying that, Lin Yi climbed over the railing and went back to his room.


In this way, a week passed. During this period, Lin Yi felt that he was about to break through to the intermediate level, so he concentrated on practicing and basically locked himself in the room. Lingling was still investigating the mess left by Lin Yi. After investigation, Lingling also felt that something was wrong.

Hahaha, I have a breakthrough, I am really a genius, hahaha.

Lingling saw Lin Yi standing upstairs laughing like a fool.

Why are you laughing? Someone just called and said that what you want is ready. It will be here in about ten minutes.

Lin Yi jumped from the second floor to the first floor with a hurdle. However, Lin Yi had crossed his legs for too long while practicing, and his legs were numb. As soon as he landed, he fell to the ground.

Lingling watched Lin Yi's actions, and the corners of her eyes couldn't help but twitch.

Are you here to perform acrobatics? And don't smash the floor of my house!

Lin Yi raised his head and smiled stupidly at Lingling.

Looks like he lost his head. It's time to change his partner.

The next moment Lingling felt like she was suddenly picked up.

Lin Yi was super excited because he had broken through the middle level. Without thinking, he picked up Lingling and spun around in circles.

Lingling, I have broken through to the intermediate level! Hahaha.

You want to die, Lin Yi! I know you have broken through to the intermediate level, put me down now!

Lin Yi:o(≧v≦)o

Lingling:(▼Dan▼ # )

The two of them made so much noise that they woke up Old Man Bao who was taking a nap on the first floor.

When Old Man Bao opened the door, he saw Lin Yi holding Lingling and spinning around there. He wiped his eyes and thought he was confused because he saw something wrong, so he closed the door and opened the door again. Sure enough, he saw it right.

When Lin Yi heard the sound of the door opening, he looked over subconsciously. Then he saw Old Man Bao's unsmiling smile, which suddenly scared Lin Yi back to his original state.

He immediately put Lingling on the chair, and then quickly poured a glass of water for Old Man Bao.

Director, please drink some water.

Seeing Lin Yi's very conscious actions, Old Man Bao expressed his forgiveness for this time.

While Lin Yi was still playing tricks, Chi Hui's roar came from outside the door.

Will someone take care of it? Hey! Someone, come and save me. Don't come over, don't come over! Don't come near me!

Lin Yi heard someone screaming and immediately came out to see what happened.

As a result, he saw Li Junnan sitting on the ground and being forced back by Chi Hui.

Li Junnan looked at the huge dragon head that was approaching in front of him. He felt that he would be eaten in the next second. He didn't expect that he was just here to deliver goods and would die here. Master, I will never be a blacksmith again in my next life. Too dangerous.

Li Junnan:(Д`)

Okay Chi Hui, he is not a bad person, stop teasing him.

When Chi Hui heard Lin Yi's words, she turned back to her corner and lay down to sleep. The weather was just right for sleeping in the sun.

Chi Hui:(@ ̄ー ̄@)

When Li Junnan saw this scene, he didn't know that this demon was Lin Yi's summoned beast, and looked at Lin Yi angrily.

Sorry, I didn't expect you to come so quickly. I originally wanted to pick you up. Don't worry, even if Chi Hui eats you, with your physique, you can probably be pulled out alive.

Li Junnan felt even more uncomfortable after hearing Lin Yi's words.

Okay, where's the goods?

Lin Yi interrupted what Li Junnan wanted to say next. If he didn't deliver the goods anyway, he would close the door and let Chi Hui go.

Seeing that Lin Yi was completely ignoring his anger, Li Junnan could only throw out two large boxes and an extra large box from the space equipment.

This is the equipment you commissioned to build. I have never seen the master so happy. What do you have here?

Li Junnan asked curiously.

Ahem, this is a trade secret.

Forget it. I'll ask my summoned beast to move these boxes for you. They are too heavy and cannot be moved by humans.

Lin Yi was about to refuse when he saw Li Junnan summoning a bear.

As soon as this bear came out, it roared loudly to show its dominance.

Chi Hui opened one eye and looked at the bear that suddenly appeared, staring at it roaring there.

The bear who was showing off himself felt that there was some powerful being staring at him. He slowly turned his head and saw a dragon lying there staring at it. It was so frightened that it immediately closed its mouth and ran to its summoner. He went to hide behind his back.

When Lin Yi saw such a funny bear, he found it very interesting and asked.

What kind of bear is this? It's wearing armor and yet it's so timid.

Li Junnan, who was comforting his summoned beast, said angrily when he heard Lin Yi say that his summoned beast was timid.

Why are you so timid? There's something wrong with your summoned beast. My earth-armored bear is also the best among slaves, right?

Slave level, I'll punch you one at a time.

Li Junnan:???

Hearing what Lin Yi said, Li Junnan directly thought that Lin Yi was mocking him and ignored his ridicule.

Just ask the Earth-Armored Bear to move the oversized box into the house first.

I saw the armored bear carrying the box in very hard, and then walking towards the inner room step by step at the same speed as the turtle.

Lin Yi looked at this scene and said to Li Junnan.

Your armored bear is a bit weak, and even a tortoise is faster than it.

Just at this moment, a little turtle crawled out of the pond in the yard.

Lin Yi and Li Junnan just watched the turtle catch up with the earth-armored bear and then surpass it.

The little turtle raised its head after passing the Earth-Armored Bear and taunted the Earth-Armored Bear.

Li Jun and the men were all dumbfounded.

You you on the line!

I'll go up, I'll go up.

Lin Yi directly wrapped a thin layer of dragon energy around his hands and feet, walked to the Earth Armored Bear, took the box over, and then moved it into the house quickly.

The earth-armored bear saw that a human could move it faster than him, which made him doubt that his life as a bear could not even compare to that of a human, and he would no longer be alive.

Earth Armored Bear:T_T

The earth-armored bear told its summoner that it was going back, it was too offensive, oh no, it was too offensive to the bear.

Li Junnan was so shocked by Lin Yi's operation that he didn't even close his jaw. He didn't expect this guy to be really good at it.

After sending the earth-armored bear back, Li Junnan saw Lin Yi come back and move the remaining two boxes in easily. He wiped his eyes. He felt that this was not Lin Yi, but a demon in skin. That's outrageous.

Lin Yi said when he came back after moving and saw Li Junnan there.

You haven't left yet?

After Li Junnan heard this, he became very angry.

After all, I personally delivered the goods to you, and I still suffered a lot of psychological trauma from you. You didn't even give me a glass of water, so you just wanted to drive me away.

My, my, Lingling, bring me a cup of oolong tea.

Lingling quickly brought over a cup of oolong tea, and Lin Yi took it and handed it to Li Junnan.

Here, let me reward you.

Li Junnan said after taking it.

That's pretty much it.

Then I drank the cup of oolong tea in one sip.

Lin Yi looked at Li Junnan with the same eyes as a warrior.

After Li Junnan drank it, his throat felt like it was going to burn, and then it stopped.

Lin Yi looked at Li Junnan who had fainted on the ground, picked him up, called a taxi at the door, threw Li Junnan in, and then talked to the taxi driver.

Master, send this person to the Medium Sphere Magic Association. You can ask him directly for the fare when he arrives.

Lin Yi pointed at Li Junnan. Li Junnan, who was in a coma, didn't expect that Lin Yi would trick him in the end.

After hearing this, the taxi driver said Okay and drove away.

Lin Yi looked at the taxi driving away and sighed that today was another good day.

Lin Yi, who returned to Qingtian Hunting House, saw that Lingling had opened two relatively small boxes.

Inside lies a large sword and a giant revolver.

Lin Yi, you used so many Chi Hui's scales to create something like this? Are you going to rush in and chop it with this sword?

Lingling asked doubtfully.

Yes, the attack range of the fist is too small when used. And for some very large monsters, it should be very comfortable to use this sword to chop them.

Lin Yi picked up the nearly two-meter-long sword, weighed it, and felt it fit right in his hand.

As expected of a blacksmith master, the things he forges are good.

Lin Yi sighed.

Lin Yi picked up the giant revolver again. The main body of this giant revolver was silver, and there were red veins on the gun body. All in all, it was a gun full of science fiction.

It's decided, the big sword will be called Chiyuan, and the spear will be called Huishuo.

Lingling didn't know what to say when she heard Lin Yi's casual name.

By the way Lingling, I have prepared some things for you.

Lingling looked at Lin Yi searching around in the oversized box and felt that it was not a good thing.

Here you are, Lingling. This is the equipment prepared for you, so that you can better protect your own safety when fighting against monsters.

Lin Yi knew that Lingling had a lot of self-defense equipment, but for his own safety, no amount of preparation was too much.

Lingling looked at the windbreaker and shoes that Lin Yi brought, and couldn't imagine how these two things could protect herself.

Lin Yi ignored Lingling's objection and put the windbreaker and shoes on Lingling directly.

How does it feel?

I'll wear it myself next time. It feels okay. The shoes are very comfortable and the size of the windbreaker is also suitable. Wait, how do you know my size?

Lingling suddenly realized something was wrong.

Lin Yi moved his gaze to the side. He would not say that he used Long Vision's dynamic vision to observe Lingling's body to get Lingling's size.

Say it and I will forgive you.

Lingling said to Lin Yi kindly.

I used Long Vision's dynamic vision to observe your body to get the data.

After saying that, Lin Yi immediately squatted down and avoided the water glass flying over his head.

Lingling said to Lin Yi in an emotionless voice.

I won't miss it the second time.

Lin Yi looked at Lingling coming true and immediately bent at 90 degrees.

I was wrong! Lord Lingling.

Seeing Lin Yi's sincere attitude, Lingling finally put down the fruit knife in her hand.

Seeing Lingling put down the knife, Lin Yi returned to his usual appearance.

Seeing Lin Yi's playful smile, Lingling thought that she shouldn't have been soft-hearted just now, and she should have killed this gangster with one blow.

Lingling: (‵□′)

Lin Yi:('ω')

This is for you Lingling.

Lin Yi took out a diamond-shaped dragon energy crystal and gave it to Lingling.

Lingling asked after taking it.

Why do you give this to me? I can't use dragon energy.

Lin Yi pointed at the collar of the windbreaker.

There is a groove over there, put the dragon energy crystal into it, and then activate it according to the method of activating magic equipment, and you will know the effect.

Lingling followed Lin Yi's instructions, put the dragon energy crystal into the groove, and then activated the windbreaker's ability.

The crimson lines on the windbreaker lit up, and then there was a layer of dragon energy covering the windbreaker. Lingling's shoes were also covered with dragon energy.

That's right. This allows you to use dragon energy to move and defend. If you want to use it to attack, just imagine it covering your hands.

Lingling tried it and found that the dragon energy did cover her hands according to her own thoughts. This experience made Lingling feel very novel.

Then Lingling jumped hard and found that she could jump to a certain height on the second floor. This increase in strength made her a little addicted, and then she found that she didn't know how to land.

Lin Yi saw that Lingling couldn't maintain her posture in the air, so he hurriedly caught Lingling from below.

Just as Old Man Bao came back from strolling outside, he saw Lin Yi hugging Lingling like a princess.

Lin Yi suddenly felt a coldness rushing towards Tianling Gai. He subconsciously turned his head and saw Old Man Bao's smileless smile.

Lin Yi immediately put Lingling down and ran over to take the bag from Old Man Bao's hand.

Director, I can do this little thing. Just sit down and rest as soon as you come back.

After Lin Yi put the bag away, he immediately made a pot of tea and filled Old Man Bao's teacup.

Lin Yi, you haven't awakened yet, have you?

Old Man Bao said to Lin Yi while drinking tea.

Yes, I originally wanted to go to the Magic Association to awaken at night.

No need, there is an awakening ball in the store for you to use.

Lin Yi asked doubtfully.

Isn't that thing strictly controlled by the state? Isn't it illegal to hold it privately anywhere except in schools and magic associations?

It was left behind by a client who had no money to pay for debts. No one has ever used it. It would be a hindrance just to leave it alone. It is just for your mid-level awakening.

Thank you, Director. It's great. I can have some money left over. Otherwise, Chi Hui will eat up all the money sooner or later.

Chi Hui:(_)

Watching Old Man Bao get up to get the Awakening Ball, Lin Yi also sat on the chair and looked forward to which element he would awaken at the intermediate level.

“It’s really exciting!”

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