Under one person, the mountains and seas are painted as demons

Chapter 229 Emei Puxian White Elephant is stable, there are many top secrets of Tibetan Tantric Budd

After seeing Lu Linglong and exchanging pleasantries for a while, Mr. Lu decided to leave. He had other things to do. You Fang and the others had to leave tomorrow, so it was naturally inconvenient to stay for a long time.

After that, You Fang and others had nothing to do, so they each started practicing in the house until the next morning.

"Master, the disciple is gone!"

"Goodbye, Mr. Zhang!"

After having breakfast and saying goodbye to the old Taoist priest, everyone went down the mountain and started their journey again.

At this time, Tang Yingjie and Hong Bin, who had also finished saying goodbye at the door and at home, were already waiting at the foot of the mountain. They all gathered together and headed towards Mount Emei.

Speaking of Mount Emei, it has quite a history. In addition to being a tourist attraction, it is also a famous Buddhist holy place and the dojo of the legendary "Samantabhadra".

After everyone has traveled all this way, there is only one dojo left for the four great Bodhisattvas of Buddhism. Once they have visited Mount Emei, they have visited more than half of this important place of Buddhism in China.

Mount Emei is not far from Chengdu. With the travel distance of many people, it only takes more than one day and less than two days to complete the journey and arrive at the foot of the mountain.

Looking at the majestic mountain and the Buddhist aura emanating from it, everyone looked at each other and smiled, then stepped up.

Like the previous sects, the monks on Mount Emei had already learned of the arrival of the group and were already prepared to welcome them. As soon as the group arrived, they welcomed them into the temple.

After all, everyone has interacted with Master Jiekong before, and You Fang even made an agreement with him. Master Jiekong said that he would open more convenient doors for them, and this was already explained.

With Master Xie Kong's explanation in front of him, the trip naturally went smoothly. Soon, everyone sat down together and started communicating, starting a collision based on the two different positions of Buddhism and Taoism.

On You Fang's side, it was naturally You Fang and Fu Chen who mainly discussed Taoism, while the others occasionally added some words based on their own understanding. However, in Mount Emei's Wannian Temple, all the monks were present, and everyone could express their opinions.

Like Songshan Shaolin Temple and Lingyin Temple, Emeishan Wannian Temple also belongs to the "Mahayana Zen Buddhism". The concepts are the same and emphasize "quiet meditation". The monks are naturally wise and have many Zen principles. Philosophy arises.

As for You Fang and his party, they have come into contact with quite a few "Zen" disciples along the way, and they know their methods well. They are very familiar with each other, and there is no distinction between them.

After a day of chatting, everyone felt very refreshed. You Fang and his party have further understood the concept of "Zen". The monks in Wannian Temple have also gained something and their wisdom has increased accordingly.

After eating the fast meal, everyone took a rest, digested what they had gained for the day, and waited for the next day.

As usual, the second day was the day of competition. After breakfast, everyone came to the practice ground again and started fighting with the monks.

Since they have been to the Shaolin Temple before, everyone is already familiar with the monks' techniques and moves. The purpose of fighting again is to review the past and learn the new, and to find more ways to deal with and solve the problem.

What is worth mentioning is Yu Fang's battle. From the beginning to the end of this battle, he never activated the "Three Levels of Reverse Life". He only relied on his own tempered life and what he got from Master Jie Kong. Secret tricks.

Throughout the competition, he was completely using Shaolin Zen techniques to fight against his opponents, which also greatly surprised all the monks. And his move was also for training. While improving his techniques, his life and perception could also be improved. Then it improves.

After several discussions, everyone's trip was coming to an end, but Yu Fang was not in a hurry, but sat down again and started communicating with the abbot of Wannian Temple.

The content of this exchange is different from yesterday. It is no longer a battle between Buddha and Taoism. In order to gain more understanding here, the whole process revolves around only one theme, and that is - "Samantabhadra Bodhisattva" !

Samantabhadra Bodhisattva has always been known for his "asceticism". At the same time, according to legend, the power of his vows is also quite strong. His famous "Ten Great Vows" are the first thing all Buddhists should read by heart. of scripture.

The so-called "Ten Great Vows" are also called the "Ten Great Practicing Vows", which are "reverence to all Buddhas", "praise the Tathagata", "extensive cultivation and offerings", "repent of karma", "rejoice in the merits", "invite "Turn the wheel of Dharma", "Invite the Buddha to live in the world", "Always follow Buddhism", "Consistently obey all sentient beings" and "Universal dedication".

It can be seen from this that Samantabhadra Bodhisattva's sincerity and sincerity during his practice, regardless of whether he actually exists, his deeds are an absolute example for practice and can be studied seriously.

In this regard, Master Hongyi Li Shutong also wrote a special sentence: "I wish to obtain the true and wonderful deeds of Samantabhadra, and always be happy to benefit all living beings."

This is used to express the wish of Samantabhadra.

In addition to these "Ten Great Vows", Samantabhadra Bodhisattva also has the famous "Ten Endurances", which are "endurance of sound", "endure of obedience", "endure of unborn dharma", "endure of illusion", "endure of illusion". Flame Ninja", "Ruyu Ninja", "Rubo Ninja", "Rubo Ninja", "Rusha Ninja", "Rubo Ninja" and "Ruby Ninja".

These "Ten Forbearances" are the proof of Samantabhadra's asceticism. It also shows that he has firm perseverance and a strong will to practice. He should be a model for practitioners in the world.

In this way, You Fang chatted with the abbot for a long time, until he had thoroughly talked about the legend of Samantabhadra, and then he bowed and stood up.

Then, he walked to the top of Mount Emei, raised his head and looked at the phantom of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva above his head condensed by the power of his wishes. In his mind, he suddenly had many thoughts, such as "Mountain and Sea Scroll" and "Monster Painting Brush". Then he held it on his fingertips.

After that, You Fang's brush strokes were flowing smoothly, and a brand new picture was completed.

On this scroll, all the blank spaces are blackened, and in the middle is a steady and heavy white elephant. This is the legendary mount of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva - the "Six-tusked White Elephant"!

The white elephant has six tusks, which correspond to the "six degrees of Prajna" of the Mahayana Bodhisattva, namely "giving", "keeping the precepts", "patience", "diligence", "meditation" and "wisdom". "The other side" method.

Moreover, the animal "elephant" itself is a sacred animal in Buddhism. Just like in Buddhism, metaphorical talents use the word "dragon elephant". Using the "six-tusked white elephant" as a mount can further highlight the universal The steady practice of Xian Bodhisattva has profound implications.

After getting this new picture, Yu Fang's trip to Mount Emei came to an end. He put away the picture and returned to Wannian Temple. He waved to everyone and started traveling again.

After bidding farewell to the abbots and monks, they quickly went down the mountain, and then followed the planned route and embarked on the "Sichuan-Tibet Route" leading to XZ.

In this way, the Youfang group walked on the Sichuan-Tibet Line, day and night, without rushing or being lazy. After about ten days, they finally arrived at Maburi Mountain in the northwest of LS. Potala Palace.

As the most famous Tibetan Buddhist temple in XZ and the largest and most well-preserved Tibetan Buddhist temple in the world, the Tantric inheritance in it is naturally extremely intact, without any omissions.

In fact, Tantra was divided into two types: "Tibetan Tantra" and "Han Tantra" in the past. But now, "Han Tantra" has almost disappeared, leaving only "Tibetan Tantra".

The reason is that due to the extermination of Buddhism by Tang Wuzong during the Tang Dynasty and the chaos of the Five Dynasties, the original "Han Tantra" gradually declined, and later it was transferred to the "Zen" and "Jing" sects, and along with the two sects of acceptance As the influence deepens, its true heritage gradually disappears.

But really speaking, except for some details, there is not much difference between "Tibetan Tantra" and "Chinese Tantra". Their essence is the same, and the scriptures they practice are all based on the Mahavairocana and Vajra Sutra. Ding Sutra" and so on.

Based on these two classics, he created the method of "Three Tantric Yoga", practiced it every day, observed the principles of affairs, and cultivated the secret method of the supreme deity.

In You Fang's opinion, in terms of practice and methods alone, this Tantric practice is actually somewhat similar to the original Indian Buddhist practice, especially the "Yoga method". Although I have never seen it, I have heard about it. .

In addition, they had passed many temples in their previous travels and had basically seen the other seven of the eight major sects. However, they had not yet seen the skills of this tantric sect, so they could not help but look forward to it.

It has to be said that as a well-known tourist destination in XZ, the Potala Palace has a lot of tourists. There are also countless people who claim to be "pilgrims" after being baptized by online articles. Watching the fake Such piety, the group could not help but smile to themselves.

Before entering the real "inside", they simply took a tour here. They were attracted by the exquisite murals, paintings, sculptures, thangkas, etc., and couldn't help but linger in them.

As Han Chinese and having lived in the city for a long time, everyone had to admit that this XZ and the Potala Palace gave them a very different feeling.

You Fang was okay, after all, he had already visited and experienced it in his previous life, while the others kept sighing at the word "pure".

In this way, the whole morning was spent during the tour. After enjoying an authentic Tibetan meal at noon, the group finally found the alien lamas hidden deep in the Potala Palace.

For their arrival, a group of lamas naturally welcomed them, and then took them to find the abbot. The influence of Master Jiekong also counts here, and the exchange and discussion were quickly settled.

After some exchanges, everyone also understood what is special about this "Tantra". The word "Secret" in the name "Tantrism" is the key point, which means "secret".

This sect regards the secret method of the sect as the ultimate secret, and it cannot be taught or shown to others without initiation or teaching. This point alone makes it completely different from the other seven sects.

This is also the reason why only this sect is called "esoteric sect" and the other seven sects are called "exoteric sects".

Of course, it is said to be top secret, but this esoteric sect is not closed to the outside world. Especially the strangers who practice it often communicate with outsiders in order to improve themselves.

However, the scope of this exchange is relatively narrow compared to other sects, and some of it is hidden. However, due to its special method, the outside world has gradually accepted it over time.

When You Fang and his party came this time, they were reminded in advance by the abbot that it was okay to communicate and discuss, but they were not able to show everything. I hope they could understand.

Naturally, the group of people wouldn't say much about this. Each sect has its own rules. It was naturally impossible for people from the Tang Sect to perform alchemy for others.

In addition to the word "esoteric", another characteristic of Tantric Buddhism is that they do not worship all Buddhas, but each person will choose a Buddha, a Bodhisattva or a Mingwang that he loves and respects most as his or her own. An object or role model for learning achievements.

And this is the so-called "Original Buddha Vairocana Buddha", that is, the "Great Sun Tathagata", and the "Original Buddha's secret practice". Its essence is due to the belief in Tantric Buddhism that all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Tantric Buddhism are "from" "The Great Sun Tathagata" comes from.

In this way, after some exchanges, despite various restrictions, everyone still gained something, especially Xia Mingyu, who was very interested in talking about the "Great Sun Tathagata" and felt that it was related to the "power of wish". The principles seem to be similar.

After the exchange, everyone followed the arrangements of the lamas to eat and rest. Tibetan people are bold and honest, even many practicing lamas are like this, so they were all very enthusiastic and organized very well, for fear of not taking enough care of them.

On the second day, the agreed-upon sparring began, but due to the "secret" nature of this "esoteric sect", none of the lamas tried their best, so they were not too happy.

Even so, everyone still saw their "Yoga Technique", well... at least they saw the soft muscles and bones they had developed by practicing "Yoga Technique", and it was really weird and weird to use it in battle. Unpredictable.

However, because the core and most fundamental things have not been revealed, You Fang's lack of insights during this trip is not enough to complete the painting, which makes him a little regretful.

But he didn't have much entanglement with this. After all, he traveled for "insights", not to collect and understand many paintings. The two must not be inverted, otherwise he would be trapped in a cocoon.

Hong Bin and others also had the same idea. In addition to their own original purposes, they also traveled for the word "experience". Only by experiencing various unique skills and seeing the vastness of the world can their horizons be broadened. , the path of spiritual practice can be broader.

Therefore, no one complained and everyone seemed very satisfied. Even Chen Duo, who knew nothing, felt that the food in this snow area was quite unique.

In this way, after the discussion, everyone set off again, gradually leaving XZ and heading towards XJ.

In You Fang's plan, the XJ's "Vajra Gate", that is, the "Shaolin of the Western Regions" is also worth visiting, and the original "Through-Arm Vajra" also impressed him...

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