After leaving the "Ruins of Time".

You Fang immediately took out the spare Qi from the "Cave Sky", and absorbed part of the soul energy from the "Twelve Beasts Eating Ghost Picture". At the same time, he turned on the "Third Level of Reverse Life" to completely recover from his weakness.

When the breath adjustment was completed, he took out the "Mountain and Sea Scroll" directly from his waist, took out the "Demon Painting Brush", and poured Qi into it.


The next moment, the tip of the pen breathed out pure white Qi, condensing into a long sword, exuding a frightening sharpness...

Immediately afterwards, You Fang closed his eyes and entered the "Tao Realm" directly through the connection with the "Purple Yang Dao Fruit". He immersed his mind in the mystery of the "Tao Fruit" and began to feel it.

In this way, he stood motionless for a long time with the sword in his right hand, like a statue, as if he had been there forever.

But at the same time, the aura exuding from his body is also constantly changing, gradually becoming consistent with the square stone room, the heaven and the earth, and the "principle" here, revealing the incomparable mystery.

I do not know how long it has been……


You Fang suddenly opened his eyes, and in his eyes there seemed to be everything in the world, stars and the universe, bursting out in an instant, blooming with unparalleled brilliance.

At the same time, the sword in his hand also poured out, and the pure white sword shadow flew in the dim stone room, the brilliance was extremely gorgeous!

Swish, swish, swish, swish!

And as the tip of his sword continued to move, the damaged stone wall became smooth again, and mysterious and mysterious words were also revealed, engraved on the stone wall...

"Sigh! Human life is rare, and time is fleeting. How can you ignore the shortcomings of your karma and avoid the retribution of your karma? If you don't realize it early, you can only wait for the end. If you have a wrong thought and fall into the three evil realms, the meridian dust will occur. There is no time to escape from the tribulation. At this time, what's the point of regretting? Therefore, the old Shi opened the door of convenience with the knowledge of life and life, and taught people to cultivate seeds in order to escape life and death. Shi Shi takes emptiness and tranquility as his sect. If you suddenly realize enlightenment, you will be able to Beyond the other shore; if there are habits and outflows that have not been exhausted, they are still stuck in the living world. Lao Shi regards training as the truth. If you get the key points, you will be promoted to the holy position; if you don't understand your true nature, you will still be stagnant in the illusion?"

(Translation: Human life is rare, and the beauty of time is changeable. However, the length of life cannot be predicted, so how can people escape the consequences of cause and effect and unpredictable disasters? If people cannot realize themselves early, they can only ring the bell every day to wait. Throughout life, if there is a mistake in one thought at the time of transition from life to death, causing one to fall into the three evil realms, there will be no possibility of reincarnation in time and space. At that time, one’s nature will have thoughts that exist in infinity, even though he will be filled with regrets. What’s the use?)

Starting from the "Preface" of "Wu Zhen Pian", You Fang began a long process of stone carving. Each word tried to restore its original charm, and each sentence expressed its meaning as much as possible.

And this whole process is equivalent to his own perception and understanding of "Enlightenment Chapter" again, which allows him to feel the alchemy way of Master Ziyang more deeply, and also makes him more integrated with the "Tao Fruit" he obtained. exchange.

In this way, from the "Preface" to "Sixteen Poems in Seven Characters and Four Rhymes", to "Sixty-four Poems in Seven Characters and Four Rhymes", to "Twelve Poems in Xijiang Moon" Fang forgets everything and enjoys seal carving!

It wasn't until the last word of "Thirty-two Poems and Miscellaneous Poems" in the appendix at the end of the volume ended that he finally took a deep breath, then looked at the surrounding stone walls that were already engraved with words, and showed a satisfied smile.

Although it is said that due to limitations of cultivation, enlightenment, and realm, even with the help of the "Purple Yang Dao Fruit", the "Enlightenment Chapter" he has reproduced now is still a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from the past, and it is completely different. Might be compared.

But precisely because of the help of the "Purple Yang Dao Fruit", the rhythm that should be shown is complete and enough for later generations to understand. In this way, this opportunity can be considered to be initially restored.

Not only that, because this is the inheritance portal left by Zhenren Ziyang, if there are Tianzong figures who can enter the "Tao Realm" here, with this "Enlightenment Chapter", they can completely touch " "Purple Yang Dao Fruit", obtain the supreme opportunity...

This is the beauty of "Tao Realm". One of its true meanings lies in "inheritance". As long as there is a connection, the Tao of the sages can be preserved!

After checking it carefully to confirm that there were no omissions, You Fang nodded with a smile, then raised the tip of his sword and left a line at the end of the article - "Junior You Fang Yu Gengyin Year Ren" Wu month Bingshen sun repair."

The reason why he added such a stroke was, firstly, to express his gratitude and respect to Immortal Ziyang, and secondly, to remind those who came after him that this was not originally left by Immortal Ziyang and was not enough to show the true wonders of Immortal Ziyang. Don’t misunderstand him. .

After doing all this, You Fang put away the "Demon Painting Brush" and "Mountain and Sea Scroll", inserted them back into his waist, and then came to the rectangular stone platform in the center of the stone room and sat cross-legged.

At this moment, he wanted to begin to summarize what he had gained and at the same time verify it based on the text content of "Enlightenment Chapter", so that he could absorb it as quickly as possible.

So, after sitting down, he immediately connected to the "Tao Realm", adjusted himself to the best, and reached the state most suitable for enlightenment...

Then, his eyes began to swim slowly, starting from the "Preface" of "Enlightenment Chapter", and began to understand and ponder bit by bit.

It has to be said that this "Wuzhen Chapter" is indeed the supreme alchemy canon, together with "Zhou Yi Shen Tong Qi", "Laozi He Shang Gong Zhang Ju" and "Huang Ting Jing", known as the four major inner alchemy monographs in early ancient China. Even if there is no Tao Yun left by Ziyang Zhenren, its content is enough to benefit future generations.

Starting from the "Preface", Ziyang Zhenren used the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism as examples, constantly emphasizing the importance of "dual cultivation of life and life". At the same time, he also compared the strengths of hundreds of schools of thought and confirmed that "the way of golden elixir" is indeed the way to seek The road of immortality.

And this is just the beginning, just an "introduction". Everything is just a preparation for what comes next, like the eloquent teachings of sages and sages...

Looking at the following verses, in addition to expressing the meaning, it also hides a supreme mystery. Unless one is proficient in the principles of Taoism, it will be difficult to penetrate deeply into it.

First of all, there is the opening chapter "Seven Characters and Four Rhymes and Sixteen Poems". The reason why it is "Sixteen Poems" is to express the number of "two hundred and eighty one catty".

This is a term for inner alchemy, which means that the energy is equal, the yin and yang are balanced, and the medicine becomes an elixir.

People in the Taoist sect have always believed that when a person is born, he is endowed with 360 baht of energy from heaven and earth, which is the number of days in a week. In addition, he is endowed with 24 baht of energy from his parents, which adds up to 384 baht. The number of lines in Yixiang hexagram is consistent with the number of baht per pound.

Among the three hundred and eighty-four lines, there are 192 yang lines and 192 yin lines. Taoists use this to discuss the beauty of alchemy. They believe that the yin and yang of the human body match each other, just like water and fire. Both are equivalent.

At the same time, this also means that the article "Seven Characters and Four Rhymes and Sixteen Poems" is about the way of inner alchemy, and it is also the general discussion of the whole article of alchemy. It points out that practicing inner alchemy is the best way to achieve enlightenment and become an immortal. , other minor skills are difficult to master.

This point has indeed been confirmed so far. After all, the peerless people throughout the ages must have followed the path of "double cultivation of life and life", and "double cultivation of life and life" is the foundation of the inner alchemy!

Looking at the sixty-four seven-character quatrains that follow, there is no doubt that the "sixty-four" alludes to the "number of hexagrams" and is also the process and method of inner alchemy practice.

And just by looking at the arrangement of the "Sixty-Four Hexagrams", we can also see the twists and turns in it, which implies that the path of spiritual practice has ups and downs, twists and turns, and cycles, but in the process of reciprocation, it is rising in a spiral state.

At the same time, the "Sixty-Four Seven Character Quatrains" also clarified that the order of practice should be "setting up the tripod" first, then "refining the medicine", and then "making the fire", which is the most suitable way of practice.

Obviously, the implicit meaning is to "establish life" first, then "refine Qi", and then "clarify nature", so as to use the body as the root, Qi as the basis, and seek breakthroughs with the understanding of nature. To achieve transcendence!

Then, after these sixty-four quatrains, there is a single "Five Characters and Four Rhymes", which represents the "miracle of Taiyi".

The so-called "Taiyi", also known as "Taiyi", is an extremely important magical theory in the "Book of Changes", and it is the first of the three major magical theories: "Taiyi", "Qimen" and "Liuren"!

Taiyi uses one as the Taiji to generate two eyes, namely the subject and the guest. The two eyes create the host, guest, big and small, guest and Ji Shen, a total of eight generals. This is similar to the "Book of Changes" in which Taichi is divided into two rituals, two rituals generate four images, and four images generate the Bagua. .

Ether Yi eight will determine the pattern of the positional relationship of the sixteen gods, which can account for internal and external blessings, and the division of the four seasons, which can account for floods, droughts and epidemics, and then push the limits of the three bases, five blessings, large and small travels, and predict the chaos in ancient and modern times. , is a thaumaturgy for calculating the weather and the laws of historical changes.

In this poem "Five Characters and Four Rhymes", this "miracle of Taiyi" is used to summarize the entire process of inner alchemy in just forty words.

This is also a process that most practitioners of inner alchemy must go through since ancient times. It is based on "one life is two, two is four, four is eight", and so on.

As for the twelve poems "Xijiang Moon" after "Five Characters and Four Rhymes", what they represent is more obscure. If you are not familiar with this, it is impossible to understand the beauty of it.

The deep meaning is to start with the three words "Xijiang Moon". Each word represents a different meaning, and when combined, it creates meaning.

First of all, the West belongs to gold among the five elements. When the metal of the five elements is used to describe people, it is mostly "perseverance and courage" and "rationality and calmness", which are the most needed qualities for spiritual practice and also imply Practitioners should temper their bodies and polish them like gold.

Secondly, the river is a solid body of water that flows endlessly and never returns. Water benefits all things without competing. It means that the path of spiritual practice requires moving forward steadily, keeping one's original intention, and not being burdened by external things or disturbed by other things. At the same time, it represents The cultivator's energy of refining should flow smoothly like a river, constantly condensing, until it merges into the sea and becomes the foundation of the great road.

Finally, the moon should take the meaning of years. As we all know, the greatest enemy of a practitioner's life is not actually the people of the same generation, nor this world, but the passage of time and the gradual loss of energy...

At the same time, this is also the most important test of a cultivator's "xinxing". After all, cultivators often achieve great success in their later years. If they cannot see through the death barrier, they will not be able to take that crucial step.

It can be seen from this that the three words "Xijiang Yue" directly summarize the three most important points for practitioners, that is, the essence of "Xing", "Ming" and "Qi", and the content is mostly repetitive. The various previous discussions are for consolidation and summary.

There are a total of twelve poems, which means "twelve-year cycle" to represent the law of one year, implying that practice is a cycle of work that requires enough patience.

Finally, there is the "Thirty-two Songs of Ode to Poems and Miscellany" attached at the end of the volume. The content is basically the insights of Master Ziyang on the road of spiritual practice, which is also very beneficial.

It expresses one of Ziyang Zhenren's major theories, that is, through cultivation, one can reach the state of emptiness and inaction, return to the original state, and become one with the Taoist body. It is really fascinating.

Looking at the entire "Wuzhen Chapter", we can see that Ziyang Zhenren believes that it is not enough to just talk about "the art of nourishing life and solidifying the body", but must also explore the "nature of the original true awakening". This is the "reaching the original". "The Way of Clarifying Nature" is the key to "cultivation of both life and life".

At the same time, he also divided the realm of learning into three levels - "First, use the lifeblood of gods to induce them to practice, then use the wonderful use of Buddhas to expand their magical powers, and finally use the true awakening to drive away their illusions and return to the source of ultimate emptiness." , it can be said that the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism are combined into one place, pointing directly to the unfathomable world!

It is precisely because of this that Ziyang Zhenren's theories and practice methods are still extremely popular among Taoists to this day. Its profound mysteries and rigorous explorations can still be overthrown by no one even if great talents emerge in large numbers in later generations. .

At the same time, this is also the reason why later generations speculate that Master Ziyang may have become immortal. Just because he is unbreakable, Master Ziyang has reached an incredible state at that time. It is difficult for people not to believe so.

"Tao generates Qi from nothingness, and then one Qi produces Yin and Yang, Yin and Yang then combine into three bodies, and all three bodies are reborn... Ziyang Zhenren deserves to be a generation of gods, and he can go one step further than Lao Tzu!" Seeing this, You Fang I closed my eyes and muttered to myself while thinking about it.

Seeing that Master Ziyang combined the three methods of "Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism" into one, and completely perfected the inner alchemy method, he couldn't help but think of the "Nine Prefaces of the Heart Method" practiced by his own Trinity School...

At that time, the "Mr. Three Religions" who created the "Nine Prefaces of the Mind" was also a legendary genius. He also integrated the three schools of "Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism" into one, and even directly proposed the theory of "the unification of the three religions" !

"Although Ziyang Zhenren's elixir method is a normal cultivation method, and my Trinity Sect's "Nine Sequences of Heart Method" is a reverse cultivation method, there is actually no real difference in their essence. In the end, what they seek is the 'realm of void' ..." In this way, You Fang couldn't help but start to analyze.

"Then, can the third level of the 'Three Levels of Reverse Life' of our Trinity Sect be confirmed or even...completed by the method of Master Ziyang?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but move his eyelids, showing excitement...

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