"I see……"

"I see!"

"Is this my desire?"


You Fang turned from surprise to joy, and then calmed down, showing an "unsurprising" smile.

Yes, he had already expected that his three corpses must be related to the word "Tao", but he did not expect that the image it showed would be so shocking!

The name "Shangzhi" is "Heaven", which means that his anger is like the sky. He seems calm and calm on the outside, but in fact there is always a "anger" hidden in it, and he may not even be aware of it.

After some thinking, You Fang confirmed that the source of this anger may be the "cages" that have been trapping him. As long as he has not truly broken free, he cannot truly "quench his anger"!

"Old man, Tangmen, Biyou Village, Gong Qing...Old Heavenly Master..." After realizing this, You Fang subconsciously began to count in his mind, detailing the paths he was trapped in from the past to the present. Road fan cage.

It can be seen that he is very honest, because he does not want to deceive himself. Therefore, even though the old man and the Heavenly Master have great love and kindness for him, he still counts them. And then again, This "anger" and "anger"... are not exactly the same.

After thinking carefully, You Fang nodded slightly, consciously clarifying his thoughts, and couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth and smile.

In his opinion, his anger towards Biyou Village, Gong Qing, and even the Tang Clan was a kind of anger that was “uncontrollable,” “helpless,” and “passive”...

And my "anger" towards the old man can actually be said in another way. It is a kind of willfulness that belongs only to children, but I am relatively filial and have never shown it.

"No, maybe it showed, but the old man didn't care, alas..." Thinking of this, many past moments suddenly flashed before You Fang's eyes, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"As for the old Celestial Master, haha..." He then shook his head and laughed, "The old Celestial Master is too tall and has gone too far. Even if you just want to see his back... it seems that you will be out of reach in your lifetime."

For Lao Tianshi, You Fang is more of a complex emotion, or "distraction", that is only about "seeking the Tao", but he knows that this is inevitable.

Although he didn't care on his lips, he didn't care in his heart, but deep down in his heart, in a place that even he couldn't control and couldn't touch, he still cared after all.

As he said himself, the Heavenly Master is too tall, so tall that everyone in the world feels hopeless and out of reach. Looking up, the sky and the earth are filled with the shadows he casts.

"Perhaps, only when I can really see his back, or even walk to his side, will these distracting thoughts truly disappear..." You Fang shrugged and quickly put it behind him.

Then, You Fang's eyes passed through the air film formed by the "Shangzhi" and looked at the square floating "island" in it, with mountains, rivers, land and oceans all on it, like a model of the world.

This is his "lower corpse", which is shaped like "earth", which means that his obsession is as thick and solid as the earth's thick soil, which is difficult to be shaken by anyone, anything, or anything.

For a long time, the alien world has been accustomed to equate "obsession" with "lust". This is normal, because generally speaking, lust is the most attractive and the most difficult to extricate one kind of desire. Most of them are trapped by it.

However, the original explanation of the word "madness" is - "ignoring the truth, not knowing right from wrong, not distinguishing between good and evil, taking things upside down, and committing all kinds of evil deeds."

In other words, lust and obsession are just one of the "various evil behaviors" and cannot be summarized.

As for what is "evil", it means "neither good nor evil" and "following one's heart and nature". People who only follow their own hearts and are not bound by anything are "evil people".

From this perspective, You Fang is actually such a person, but his "casualness" is more righteous and principled, and it is not harmful to nature, so he does not show it to outsiders much.

"It seems that I am a little too willful?" After analyzing this, You Fang's head suddenly shook, making a dumbfounded expression.

Also, the strength of his obsession can be compared with the thick earth. From a certain perspective, it can indeed be said to be "unparalleled willfulness".

"But, I like it!"

But then, You Fang's face filled with smile again, and he knew very well that this was him.

"It seems that my corpse is the most difficult to kill among the three corpses." He couldn't help but think to himself, he couldn't imagine himself after killing it.

Soon, You Fang turned his attention to the "Middle Corpse". After the heart exploded, his "Middle Corpse" became all living creatures in the "heaven and earth", moving and living in it.

The "middle corpse" is "man", and "man" is the "spirit of all things", which means that his greed is like all things in the world, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth and stealing the wonderful charm of heaven and earth.

There is no doubt that the word "greed" can completely summarize You Fang's attitude towards the Dao. This is the foundation of his pursuit of the Dao and the foundation of his Dao heart.

And "seeking knowledge" and "seeking the Tao" are essentially a kind of greed. Just like a good eater wants to eat all the delicacies in the world, a person who seeks the Tao must also want to take the path he pursues. Extremely good!

Therefore, among the three corpses, the image of the "middle corpse" was the least unexpected by Yu Fang. He knew very well what his "greed" looked like, and he was not surprised at all.

"Heaven, earth, man, all living things, the images of my three corpses are displayed in this way, and combined into this way, does this... represent something?" After carefully examining his three corpses, You Fang couldn't help but wonder.

Not only that, when he tried to control the three corpses to change into different shapes, he found that he could no longer make them change, as if the three corpses had been separated from him and had truly become one world!

"What's happening here?"

Sensing something was wrong, You Fang narrowed his eyes and began to check the problem. You must know that these three corpses are also part of his combat power and can also be used as his trump card!

After some feelings, he was suddenly surprised to find that his three corpses seemed to be really special. Their power was not shown externally, but when they... integrated into his body!

When You Fang put away the three corpses and completely integrated them with himself, he suddenly felt that his upper, middle and lower dantians were connected into one body without any warning, and were vaguely integrated with the three corpses.

The three Dantians are the nurturing and breeding places of "Xing", "Qi" and "Fate" respectively. At this moment, these three forces are thrown into the world formed by the three corpses almost at the same time, as if The Tang Sect's "Elixir Devour" formed a "big furnace"!

At the same time, You Fang can also feel that his body and soul have changed, as if he is in the vast universe, and his whole person has been sublimated...

But what surprised him was that this feeling did not come from the outside world, but from within his own body, which gave him all kinds of wonderful insights in his heart!

And when You Fang had a thought in his mind and looked inwards following a mysterious energy, he suddenly found that his body seemed to have turned into a world, with his soul as "heaven" and his body as "earth". , his own Qi turned into "all living things", and he couldn't help but widen his eyes...

The next moment, a word suddenly appeared in his mind, a word that he had never heard in this life but was spread in the previous world. That was——

"Inner Universe"!

Legend has it that there is a strong man in ancient mythology who can use his own power to create a universe in his body, stabilize the earth, fire, water, and wind, create a world of his own and make it stronger, and then use the power of the inner universe to break through the outer universe and achieve transcendence and independence. , even to the point of suppressing diversity.

For a long time, You Fang thought that that kind of thing only existed in legends or various novels, but until this moment, until he really felt this way, he finally discovered that such a strong person...may be real. !

Although the thing in his body at this moment cannot be called an "inner universe" at all, it is just a "toy model" with only the "shape" of the world and no "appearance", it still makes him excited. .

Because this means that he may have a seed, a seed with endless potential that may allow him to embark on an unprecedented path to perfection. If he is carefully cultivated, it may be able to bear fruit!


But after being excited for a while, You Fang quickly calmed down. He knew very well that the most important thing in practice is to take it one step at a time. You need to think deeply and not rush into greed.

Therefore, he quickly closed his eyes, calmed down, and began to deduce and think about the current situation. He had to figure out whether this thing in his body was a blessing or a curse!


"The biggest question right now is why my three corpses became like this and why they had such mutations..." You Fang frowned.

He could clearly feel that the huge benefits that the 'World of Three Corpses' had brought to him were absolutely real. However, the Three Corpses were supposed to be "stubborn impurities" that had to be discarded sooner or later on the road to spiritual practice. Now that things have become like this, he is really confused.

"If this can really be used as the seed of the 'inner universe', then there is no doubt that it must be cultivated carefully to make it perfect and strong, not to mention that now this thing has also attracted the three major dantians... "You Fang continued to think.

"However, if we let it continue to grow, I am afraid that I will no longer be able to kill these three corpses. Moreover, even if I really have the ability to kill three corpses in the future, do I really want to cultivate this 'inner universe' that I have finally cultivated?" , be beheaded together with my three major Dantians and my lifelong cultivation?"

As soon as he thought of this, You Fang also knew that he might have come to a fork in the road, or he could use the three demon sect's method to suppress the three corpses and stop nourishing them, and at the same time try his best to improve his own character cultivation, or he would still be the same. Follow your original path honestly and strive to kill the three corpses as soon as possible...

Or, just go all the way to the dark side and no longer care about the problem of killing the three corpses. From now on, you can wholeheartedly cultivate the "inner universe". If you encounter any problems, just like before, soldiers will come to block it, water will come to cover it, Just build mountains when you meet mountains, and build bridges when you meet rivers!

To be honest, You Fang really wanted to choose the second path. He thought very much that it was the "inner universe". It was a world that practitioners in this world had never been exposed to. What a moving and magnificent wonder it would be. Scenery, he really wanted to see it...

But at the same time, a problem that troubled him was like a big mountain, just standing in front of him. He was also very worried, what if... this was a dead end?

"But what if..."

"Is this a broad road?"

You Fang murmured again immediately, with a tangled look on his face.

Speaking of which, this moment is really a rare tangled moment for him in the past twenty years of practice. He has always been indifferent and casual. Practice is like a natural thing for him, and he has rarely encountered anything too special. Big question.


"Why am I suddenly in trouble?"

After an unknown amount of time, You Fang, who was sitting in deep thought, suddenly raised his head and asked a question with a completely different focus than before, and his brows furrowed even more.

Just because at this moment, even he realized that he seemed a little different from himself. With his temperament, there was no need to hesitate.


"afraid of failure?"

"Well, that's probably the reason. It's human nature." He continued to talk to himself, murmuring to himself.

"But I've already embarked on a completely different path, haven't I? What's the harm in being more crooked?" After a moment, he asked himself another question.

"Is it because there was originally a glimmer of light on the road that allowed me to move forward in the darkness, but now the road in front of me seems like endless darkness?" he asked.

"Yes, the unknown is always scary, and I am no exception." He smiled self-deprecatingly.

But at this moment, his eyelids suddenly moved, a light suddenly flickered in his eyes, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, that was...

"Master Tian?"

"Young boy, are you finally confused?" In a daze, You Fang seemed to see the old master smiling at him, and at the same time he softly opened his mouth and said, "This is actually a good thing, haha."

"The reason why confusion arises is because you finally touch something you have never sensed. I have had this feeling before, probably... the moment I defeated the master."

"But isn't that what cultivation is like? If you are always in the light, you can only see things in the light. For the rest of your life, you will just be walking on the path that others have walked. That... is too boring. "

"Although the darkness is scary, when you try your best to illuminate it, you may be able to see the most magnificent sight in your life!"

The concept of "inner universe" comes from the biggest infinite horror series. That's where my dream began!

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