Chapter 419 Chapter 416

In the southern province of Buzhou and Chang’an in the east, the hustle and bustle of people crowded towards the Huasheng Temple outside the city.

It is heard that the emperor’s majesty ordered Master Xuanzang to lead 1,200 high-ranking monks in Huasheng Temple to select a good day and auspicious day to hold a water and land meeting on the 7th forty-nine day.

Today is the first day, and it happens to be a clear and cloudless weather.

“Do you know why this water and land conference was held? I heard that His Majesty the Emperor was deeply invaded by the ghost a few days ago. Only the two Admiral guards Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong had to sleep peacefully before the palace.”

“But although the two Admiral armies galloped on the battlefield with extraordinary martial arts, they were not fought with iron after all. They could not rest day and night for a long time, and became thin and thin. His Majesty the Emperor knew that it was not a long-term strategy. Big practices will drive away ghosts.”

After a while, the crowd calmed down. Now, His Majesty Tang, wearing a dragon robe, a beaded crown and jade belt, a purple ribbon and gold medal, and a minister of civil and military affairs, entered the Huasheng Temple under the protection of thousands of soldiers.

First, I worshiped the Buddha and Bodhisattva, and then came to the dojo built in advance for the water and land convention.

I saw prayer flags dancing, Buddha statues solemn, incense burners ethereal, and fruit cases full.

A young monk with a handsome face, red lips and white teeth, wearing a colorful gold robes, led 1,200 monks to pay homage to the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

Emperor Tang was very satisfied with the layout of this water and land conference, and said to the monks: “You must be sincere and committed, and don’t neglect the Buddha’s affairs. When the attack is completed, I will reward you with great rewards, and will never work in idleness.”

The young monk led one thousand and two hundred monks, and after they thanked them all, they chanted and chanted together with the Zhongqing Muyu.

No hurry, melodious and gentle, deep and deep, drifting far away with the wind.

Everyone who hears the sound of chanting feels a different kind of tranquility, calm and mindful, immersed in the heart and soul.

Only the two of them were absent-minded and had strong thoughts, and the sound of chanting could not be soothed.

Li Shimin couldn’t hide the joy between his eyebrows, and the big rock that had been pressing in his heart for many days finally let go.

Few people in the world know that Li Shimin died a few days ago and traveled to the underworld, and almost never returned to Yangjian.

After returning to life, Li Shimin has been thinking about holding an unprecedented and grand water and land conference these days.

The other one is Wei Zheng, who sits at the top of the civil servants, and his face is filled with joy that can’t be concealed.

People with official positions can’t be more happy than being promoted. Wei Zheng is already an extremely human minister, but he is also happy about it, because the official he promoted is not an ordinary official but a heavenly official.

Wei Zheng started from the elementary school law and had some Taoism. He not only held an official position in the ordinary world, but also held an official position in the heavenly realm.

But officials are different from officials. Wei Zheng served as prime minister in the mortal world, and he was highly regarded as a civil official, and he was honored and favored. It sounds like a lot of power, but in fact it is in the celestial realm and is insignificant. After all, how many human affairs can have a relationship with the celestial realm.

Everything is most afraid of comparison, and people are most afraid of gaps. Of course, Wei Zheng is not satisfied with a small official position such as Ren Cao Guan, but he has nowhere to be promoted. His mortal talents are not used in the immortal world, and it has nothing to do with him. Come to dredge.

Until the Guanyin Bodhisattva came to the door and asked him to do something, and after it was done, he was allowed to become a buddha and Luohan, and Wei Zheng agreed.

Wei Zheng first found Yuan Shoucheng, the uncle of Yuan Tiangang, the Qintian Supervisor, and teamed up with him to make a round.

Let Yuan Shoucheng teach the fishermen where to cast their nets on the Jinghe River to catch hundreds of thousands of catches, which spurred the Dragon King of Jinghe River to come ashore to gamble with him.

In order to win the gambling fight, the Dragon King of Jinghe had tampered with the time and amount of rain without permission, violated the rules of the sky, and was about to go to the Dragon Platform to listen to the cut.

According to Wei Zheng’s intention, Yuan Shoucheng pointed out that the Jinghe Dragon King would be cut off by the Cao official Wei Zheng, and asked him to come to Tang Emperor Li Shimin to intercede.

The Jinghe Dragon King did so and found Li Shimin begging him for help. Li Shimin simply agreed to the matter and invited Wei Zheng to play chess the next day, dragging him to stop the Jinghe Dragon King everywhere.

As a result, Wei Zheng still beheaded the Jinghe Dragon King by taking a nap between the chess games.

Because of this, the Dragon King of Jinghe resented Li Shimin and promised to save his life, but he did not stop Wei Zheng.

Li Shimin was harassed by the Dragon Soul every day, and he was so annoyed that he was finally dying and died.

Li Shimin is noble the emperor. After his death, judge Cui personally led him to the Netherworld, saying that he was going to confront the Jinghe Dragon King who was calling for grievances.

All matters of the underworld have been arranged in advance by Guanyin.

As soon as he entered the ghost gate, Li Shimin happened to run into Li Yuan, Li Jiancheng, and Li Yuanji. Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji grabbed him for a fight and told him to pay for his life by drinking.

When everything was completed, when he walked out of the Netherworld to send Li Shimin back to the Yang, Judge Cui first led Li Shimin through Yinshan Mountain.

The mountain was rusty and windy, and the black mist was full, and there were no birds and beasts, only ghosts.

Judge Cui led Li Shimin to walk among the group of ghosts, frightening and terrifying him.

After passing Yinshan, Judge Cui took Li Shimin to see the eighteen layers of hell.

The first layer of tongue-pulling hell, anyone who sows discord, slanders, argues, liers, and deceives during his lifetime will be thrown into tongue-pulling hell after death, and the kid will use iron tongs to pull his tongue out.

Needless to say at this level, almost everyone in the world can hardly escape, and Li Shimin is no exception to anyone who has never lied or deceived others.

The second level of scissors hell, if the woman’s husband dies early, she will remain a widow. Anyone who instigates her to remarry or build a bridge for her will be beaten into this hell after death, with ten fingers cut off.

Don’t talk about Li Shimin instigating widows to marry again. There are several concubines in his harem. It was because of him that they became widows and were forced to marry them. At this level, he will never escape.

The third level is the iron tree hell. Anyone who instigates the discord between father and son, brothers, sisters, and husband and wife will enter the iron tree hell after death. There are sharp blades on the tree. They are picked from the back and hung on the iron tree. .


Li Shimin had heard of the legend of the eighteenth hell when he was in the world, but he had never seen it.

I really saw it this time, especially when judge Cui was talking to him, there were countless ghosts screaming screaming, bloody and suffering various punishments.

The most terrible thing is that Li Shimin has counted 18 hells all the time, and he has offended them all! In other words, after his death, the punishments he saw today will all be subject to the same punishment!

When Li Shimin was panicked and sorrowful, he walked to the city of vain and received another wave of death. Everyone who died in vain clamored for him to pay his life, as if to tear him alive…

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