Chapter 341 Chapter 341

Mount Tai, majestic and majestic, is revered as the head of the Five Sacred Mountains, and is known as the number one mountain in the world.

It has been a sacred symbol since ancient times. It is located in the easternmost part of the ancient Central Plains, surrounded by the Yellow River and Wenhe River.

The mountain is more than that, and the history is more than that.

Mount Tai is majestic and magnificent, with a heavy historical deposit, dating back to the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors in ancient times, and is one of the places that is the closest to the heavens.

“The sky is too high to reach, so I worshipped it on Mount Tai, and hoped to get close to the gods.”

The Emperor Qin Shi Huang who swept Liuhe, Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty, and Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty who created the prosperous age all held the grand ceremony of enshrining Zen in Mount Tai.

In addition, many emperors regarded being able to confer meditation in Mount Tai as a lifetime goal, and hardly pursued it, because they were not virtuous enough and their political achievements were not good enough.

A group of people was climbing Mount Tai, and the guide walking in front was chattering endlessly.

One of the tasks of the tour guide is to make the tourists feel that the trip is worthwhile, and the money is not in vain. It is the best way to talk about the historical background, myths and legends of the scenic spots.

Visitors should feel that this attraction they come to is unique and otherworldly, regardless of whether it is immortal or extravagant.

The Taishan mountain is divided into three levels of geological structure, just like climbing stairs, facing south, the whole body of the mountain is open, and a ten-kilometer long road to the sky leads to the vast mountains and extends to the top of the peak.

“Ten kilometers, my shit, I have exercised a semester.”

On the way to the mountain, a fat man wearing a half-sleeve jointly named One Piece dragged his body and complained with sweat.

“I knew it, I didn’t promise to come to Taishan with you. I’ll fight in the cat dormitory.”

“What’s the use of this? It’s all here, and the money is spent, let’s climb up!” A square-faced young man next to him, panting and looking very tired, said casually.

When they first saw Mount Tai, they felt an unspeakable majesty. They couldn’t help making people feel that they were small and their emotions were agitated.

But no matter how turbulent the mood is, it won’t work. People will always be tired, especially when the two of them don’t exercise much.

The sense of insignificance is still there, and it makes them feel that this mountain road is so long! It’s endless.

Next to them is a thin young man, wearing a black sportswear, looking very energetic, quite proud: “You don’t usually exercise and you feel uncomfortable now, let’s keep your memory!”

“Don’t talk cold words here. After the holidays, you will practice track and field training again. When you get up to the stadium in the morning, don’t borrow a bicycle from me!”

The fat man wiped the sweat from his forehead and said angrily.

The bicycle was bought when the fat man was determined to lose weight at the beginning of school. As a result…there was no result, and the number of rides was very few.

The lean youth suddenly looked bitter, and waved his hands again and again: “Don’t don’t, don’t, break college is harder than my high school sports. I have to get up at five or six in the morning and run to the North Stadium. How can I live without a bicycle? Sleep well for a while.”

After noon, the three people who had been bickering and complaining had finally reached the Jade Emperor Peak, the top of Mount Tai.

“I will be Ling Juding, looking at the mountains and small mountains. You said how old Du Fu still had physical strength and mood to chant poems after he climbed to the top of Mount Tai.

“That’s right, I guess there wasn’t such a good hiking trail at that time. Cow-breaking, it’s really cow-breaking.”

The square-faced youth and the fat man were tired like two dead pigs, sitting on the ground, without the slightest momentum to appreciate the scenery of the top of Mount Tai, they talked with each other.

The lean youth still has the energy to realize the pride in the poem, looking at all kinds of scenery, even a little bit intoxicated and shocked.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly appeared in his eyes, attracting his attention.

“Damn, what is that thing, meteor?”

“Where is it?”

The two struggled to get up and looked in the direction of the fingers of the horrified black and thin young man.

“Digging a groove, there is really a golden light smashing here, the body is not small, you are dying, run quickly!”

At this moment, the fat man wasn’t tired anymore, he jumped up from the ground with a whistle, pulled the two of them, and wanted to run down the mountain.

A golden light, not knowing what was wrapped in it, smashed through the air to the top of Mount Tai, with the sound of billowing wind and thunder, and the momentum was extremely frightening.

The noisy shouts gradually became louder, and the tourists on Mount Tai saw the golden light shooting through the air. Everyone began to ran down the mountain in a panic, screams of fear and crying helplessly enveloped the entire Mount Tai.

The golden light arrived in an instant, cracking the ground of Yuhuangding into cracks, soil and rock splashing, and sand and dust filled.

The strange thing is that Jinguang is not small in size. When it hit the top of Taishan Jade Emperor, it only cracked the ground. It only cracked the ground, but it made the entire Taishan tremble. Everyone clearly felt that tremor.

It happened too suddenly, and everything seemed so weird and unscientific.

The golden light is located behind the Jade Emperor Peak of Mount Tai. The golden light suddenly becomes stronger and forms a beam of light that rushes straight into the sky. It is three kilometers high and is clearly visible in a radius of hundreds of miles.

The three people who hadn’t had time to run far, saw the existence of the soaring golden pillar, and they were immediately stunned.

In addition to fear, shock, and doubt, the three people who are deeply influenced by all kinds of strange online novels also have a faint sense of excitement.

“What the hell is that, what baby was born?”

“I don’t know, but it’s definitely not an ordinary thing, or let’s go back and have a look!”

“Don’t let it go, who knows if this turn around is a so-called chance or a big death. Maybe it was aliens who captured the earth and dropped the weapon to transmit the army, didn’t we turn around to send it.”

The lean young man still felt that his life was important, and said with a wince.

“What are you afraid of? Seeking opportunities in danger. There is no movement there now, there should be no danger.”

In the fat man’s small eyes, the light burst and his voice trembled.

He heard his pounding heartbeat, like a war drum, encouraging himself to step forward.

“Damn, support the courageous to death, starve the cowardly, I will take my fate today, so as not to regret it for a lifetime.”

The fat man put on a cruel word, turned his head and ran to the top of the Jade Emperor. When the two saw him moving, they had the same thoughts, coupled with the blind obedience of people, and they immediately chased after him.

The three of them ran to the top of the Jade Emperor and saw that in the golden light was a square blue stele with many ancient texts densely engraved on it.

The fat man was quick-minded, and immediately took out his phone from Kabuto’s pants, trying to take a photo of the inscription, but his hands trembled with excitement, and the scene on the screen remained unclear.

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