Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 603 Another slap!

The first time he saw the cube, Sui Meng thought of information about the Star God.

The Star Gods did not have a physical form at first. They circled the stars like cosmic dust and sucked the energy of the stars until the entire stars were sucked out by them.

It can be said that the Star God is a purely material existence, and its source of power is linked to the physical universe. At the same time, it is also an absolute isolation body in different spaces.

The Star God has self-awareness and is inseparable from the Necron's predecessor, the Necrontyr race.

The Necrontyr discovered that there was a cloud of high-energy dust next to the sun, the home planet that made them short-lived, miserable, and tortured their ancestors and descendants.

So they used their extremely advanced technology to stuff this dust into an activated metal called Necrontyr Skin, giving it a human form...

At this point, the first Star God was born.

However, the Star Gods are a powerful species possessing consciousness, awareness and super intelligence, but no moral concepts, which makes the Star Gods only do what they do for their own pleasure.

At the same time, the Star God also discovered that devouring planets with life, or directly devouring life, is much more delicious than sucking stars.

Therefore, during the world-destroying war that broke out tens of millions of years ago in Universe 03, the Star God used tricks and lies to make the Necrontyr abandon their bodies and souls, becoming complete slaves of the Star God.

However, the greed of the Star Gods also caused them to kill and devour each other. Coupled with the melee thousands of years ago, the Necrons gradually realized that they had been deceived and seized the opportunity to carry out a full-scale backstab.

Eventually, all the C'tan were dismantled into pieces and sealed away by the Necron, and used as weapons when needed.

The fate of the Star God is like a game that humans in the main universe like to play, where they capture elves and fight against each other. There is no freedom at all. Of course, the Star God is to blame for this.

The next step is for the Necrons to build tombs and fall asleep, preparing to use time to eliminate hostile civilizations in the galaxy, and then restore the glory of the Necron dynasty.

As for the Star God fragments, they are in the hands of the vast majority of the undead overlords. However, some overlords hate the Star God to the extreme, and the dynasty is relatively rich, so they disdain to use the Star God fragments, such as Iser on Charon Tower. dynasty.

There is also an overlord on Asudia where Sui Meng is located, and this overlord is also suspected of possessing a star god.

It's just that this overlord didn't have the strength of Sarcos, and he also liked to use some fancy moves, so he was instantly killed by Sui Meng.

Before the overlord could use the resurrection protocol to reshape his body, Sui Meng had already led the Glory Guard named Po Jun into the core of the tomb, easily disposing of the nobles and lords stationed here, and destroying the core with a single blow of his sword. The dynasty fell directly into a state of ownerlessness

at this time.

Sui Meng briefly reviewed the information about the Star God in his mind, and then slowly walked towards the cube.

Boom, boom.

In the core hall, aside from some humming electronic sound effects, the magnetic boots of the original body and the Honor Guards made the most noise.

But he was also the exclusive terminator dressed up in Ancient China, holding an exclusive spear, but his helmet unfolded, revealing the captain of the Glory Guard who was much older than the original body, and he reminded:

Sir, according to the information given by my father, this one in front of us is most likely a prison where the Star God is imprisoned.

So? Sui Meng kept walking.

So sir, please be careful.

Although the captain of the broken army has absolute confidence in the strength of his own original body, according to the battle conditions compiled from various places, the Necrons are really too evil, and the number of casualties in their legion is constantly refreshing.


Upon hearing the kind reminder from his subordinate and son, Sui Meng just nodded slightly, indicating that he had a sense of discretion.

Soon, a group of giants came around the cube.

After looking up and down for a moment, Sui Meng slightly raised his left arm, turned his left hand, and raised his palm.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of dark red light flashed in the palm of the original body's left hand, and the next moment, an intelligent artificial intelligence wearing a red women's straight Hanfu, a double-layered hairstyle, and a phoenix crown, a jade pendant, a gold hairpin and other decorations appeared. .

Ban Zhao, analyze and decipher.


After receiving the order from the original body, the artificial intelligence named Ban Zhao bowed to Sui Meng, then turned around and looked up at the sealed cube.

Everyone waited quietly.

After a while, Ban Zhao's holographic body began to shine brighter. It was obvious that this ancient Chinese artificial intelligence was operating at full power.

Fortunately, there was no harassment from overlords, lords and other undead nobles. It took Ban Zhao nearly half an hour to finally return her holographic body to normal.

After slowing down, the artificial intelligence turned to Sui Meng again, saluted again, and said softly: The deciphering is completed, and the authority has been transferred to your armor.

Yes. Sui Meng nodded in response, then stretched out and closed the five fingers of his left hand, dissipating Ban Zhao's image.

Then, without thinking, he gave the open command to the cube through the power armor.


The cube unblocks and gradually unfolds, while also releasing a choking thick fog outward.

This dense fog contains a large number of micro-droids, which are absolutely deadly to ordinary creatures, but useless to the Primarch and the Honor Guard.

After all, the nanotechnology of the Human Empire is equally impressive, not to mention that Ban Zhao has already obtained absolute control of the cube, that is, the cage. These micro-robots will only regard the original body and the Honor Guard as friendly forces.


“Roar————!!!!! Ah!!!”

But those who were bound inside would not regard the original body as their companions.

Snap! Thunder—pop! !

The moment the cube unfolded, twisted and bent light yellow lightning began to spurt out unbridled.

Buzz--! Buzz--!

It even hit a lot of broken troops, but they were all offset by the protective stance released by the exclusive terminator.

In the center of the cube, a humanoid object about seven meters high was suspended. It had no obvious male and female characteristics, and its body seemed to be more flexible than the living metal of the Necron.

The neck, wrists and ankles of this humanoid object, that is, the Star God (fragment) are imprisoned by some kind of shackles. The most important thing is that its pair of eyes filled with yellow light are looking around eagerly.

However, before the star god could launch an attack, Sui Meng somehow used the armor's anti-gravity function to levitate behind it.

? !

Star God suddenly turned around.

Bang~————! ! !

But just as the star god was about to complete the turning action, it was intimately contacted by the original body's right palm.

Plop! With a sound, the star god was slapped down by Sui Meng.

Sir. Just as Sui Meng wanted to further test the Star God's capabilities, Ban Zhao's report rang in his ears: Warmaster Leon called and asked you to return to the flagship as soon as possible to hold a war meeting with all participating Primarchs.

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