Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 488 Trial Overlord Expedition

Bless the Lord of Mankind...

Thank you for coming... really thank you...

In the underground parking lot of the Juju Building, all the civilians gathered in front of the sundries warehouse expressed their gratitude and gratitude to the more than 30 people who came to the rescue.

I thought that I would definitely die, that I would be dismembered and eaten by soldiers and insects, but I never thought that Astartes, who I have only seen in textbooks, the Internet and urban legends, and are also full-fledged members of the Legion, Come down in front of you? !

These thirty or so civilians are native Telokorians. In their previous lives, they only knew that Teloko had a reserve combat platoon stationed there, but none of them had personally witnessed any Astartes, not even those from the reserves. true face.

And just now, it was these silent giants who crushed all the soldiers and insects with the force of thunder, allowing them to continue to breathe and live.

Boom, boom...

At this time, the red helmet sergeant held and carried a humanoid object with his left index finger and thumb, and came to the door of the sundry store.

Seeing the man in the shirt whose face was swollen and red, as if he couldn't breathe normally, and who used them as bait and almost died of insects, everyone was originally happy and excited for the rest of their lives, but instantly changed to anger.

It's this guy! It's this guy!!

Can you shoot this bastard!!

The two girls who were dragged out of the grocery store by the man in the shirt yelled at each other, wishing the attackers could shoot and send this selfish guy away.


But the response from the fighters to the girls was still silence. After all, as an Astartes, it is absolutely impossible to lynch innocent civilians.

Of course, the premise is innocent.

The non-commissioned officer walked up to a group of civilians, raised his left arm, and completely lifted the shirt man's feet off the ground, making it even more difficult to breathe.

Then, the sergeant looked down at all the civilians, and said in a deep voice with a metallic voice: I represent the Lord of Humanity and conduct an on-site trial.

At the same time, the sergeant looked at the man in the shirt who was under his control and clutched his neck, When human life is threatened, we can use all means to protect ourselves from harm, but using the lives of other human beings as a substitute Lures, meat shields and other methods are considered prohibited and illegal.

According to the records in Chapter 16 and Section 11 of Human Truth, it is said that self-interest is innocent, which is one of human nature, and if self-interest causes others to suffer, suffer, or even physically die , This is the ultimate crime!

Therefore, I judge this person guilty, may I ask if there is any objection from everyone present?

After speaking, the sergeant continued to look down at all the civilians.


As for the cursing, the very upset people fell silent after listening to the non-commissioned officer's Declaration of Judgment, and after understanding the meaning of the Declaration of Judgment, they all nodded in agreement without any objection.

Very good. Seeing this, the sergeant looked back at the man in the shirt whose neck was being held by him, and made a final announcement: Your final judgment is death.

Click it!

As the non-commissioned officer's voice fell, everyone at the scene could clearly hear the slight sound that made their teeth sour, and it represented the bones being twisted and twisted.

Moreover, the moment the non-commissioned officer exerted a little force with his left hand, the man in the shirt turned his eyes up and lost his breath.

After confirming that the man in the shirt was dead, the sergeant casually threw his body aside.

After all, no matter which legion's Astartes, the most disgusting thing is betrayal.

And the man in the shirt is selfish, and betraying others is a betrayal, which makes the sergeant not forget to say at the end: Scum.


Escorted by more than thirty fighters, all civilians left the underground parking lot unharmed and walked through the chaotic streets unimpeded.

Whether it's soldier bugs, snake bugs, or warrior bugs, as long as these bugs dare to show up, they will be shot and chopped down by the trappers with self-aiming guns.

This allowed civilians to experience for the first time what a real sense of security is.

Finally, when the raiders sent them to a mall with Auxiliaries, UNSC, and Sheriffs stationed as a temporary base, the giants turned away again, searching for more besieged civilians.


Looking at Tyroker from a space of tens of thousands of kilometers, you can find that in the low-earth orbit, the blood frozen and condensed into crystals reflects the light of stars. Together with the wreckage of a million-level living battleship, a unique star ring is formed. .

But this star ring will not last long, because the wreckage will be affected by gravity every moment and turn into meteors to break through the atmosphere, and it will dissipate in a short time.

However, Teloker's surface environment does not seem to be able to support the day when the star ring disappears.

The once green forests and blue oceans were almost completely sucked up by the Tyranids. Even if a little green remained in some areas, it was the biological swamps left by the Tyranids.

Without the arrival of the Defenders Legion, Telokle would have completely become a bare planet, lifeless.

Three Earth Days have passed since the Tylo Zerg's reconnaissance force broke out, and now there are more than 4,000 warships gathered in low-Earth orbit.

During this period, the battalion fleets of Glory Iron Fist and Blood Angels arrived one after another, and released matrix beams to burn the bio-swamp, making most of Terocer's area reduced to crystallization.

If the Covenant Empire still exists, it will definitely approve of this burning glass activity of the battalion fleet.

Moreover, not only the battalion fleet was present, but even the original bodies of the three legions also descended on the metropolitan area of ​​Tyroko, and the large installations 012, 013, 014 and Ark 002 were arranged to the outer reaches of the galaxy where Tyroko was located. wait.



The current metropolitan area is dilapidated, more than 50% of the buildings have been destroyed, and a large number of public facilities such as shopping malls and stadiums have been acquired and expropriated by the government to house homeless civilians.

The medical, food, and living supplies stored in the metropolitan area, together with the assistance provided by the Rebels, Glory Iron Fist, and the Blood Angels fleet, make the number of deaths fixed at 30,379,722 people forever.

Counting this number makes the human beings in all universes deeply saddened and angry, because this is the most costly war for human beings except for the storm in different space a hundred years ago.

Since a hundred years ago, human beings have gradually established the dominance of the galaxy. Even if they go to the multiverse, human beings are still in a state of absolute crushing.

Who would have thought that there would be an opponent like the Tailo Zerg in a zero-three universe that has been conquered by humans?

In addition to grief and anger, the colonies and other universes spontaneously extended a helping hand to Tyroko without an official call, and provided help to the best of their ability.

If it wasn't for the galaxy where Tyroko is located, it is still officially defined as a dangerous area, and non-governmental organizations are prohibited from arriving at Tyroko without authorization, then tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of ships have already gathered in the low-earth orbit of Tyroko at this moment. Boat.

Moreover, most of the people who want to go directly to Teloker are civilians of the main universe.

You must know that in the galaxy of the main universe, apart from the frequent elimination of alien remnants, and the search for the manager shield world that is immune to psionic detection and prying, it is basically impossible to encounter any wars.

So when many retired veterans learned about the Tailo Zerg, they immediately wanted to do a pest cleanup and insect extermination operation.

However, for safety reasons, the government still does not allow non-governmental organizations to rush to Teloker.

What's more, human beings who inherit the mantle of managers have already applied the technology of managers to all aspects. If the major generals who have already died have a hundred Yandu-class frigates, they can easily deal with millions of swarm fleets, and even more so. The most important track control will not be easily lost.

Therefore, with the presence of the joint expedition led by the three Primarchs, an ark that can open pseudo-wormholes, and a large device that can instantly reshape the entire galaxy, it should be easy to deal with and find out the root of the Tyro Zerg.

Shortly after.

Local time in Telokal Metropolitan Area: 11:33.

The Umbrella branch building in District 01 of Metropolis is located on the middle floor. It is specially designed according to the height and physique of Astartes. The overall layout adopts a semi-circular layout, and there is a large conference room with super-sized stepped seats.

Here, a total of about a hundred battalion commanders who took off their power armor and wore the uniforms of their respective legions gathered.

Of these, more than half…

It should be said that about 90% of the battalion commander's uniforms are black as the theme, with yellow and bright red as embellishments, and 90% of the battalion commander's faces are very old-fashioned, and some even shaved their hair or grew a beard .

The rest of the dozen or so battalion commanders, even though their gazes were firm and their demeanors firm, could hardly hide their immaturity and youthfulness, that is, they looked like they had just grown up.

There is no way, 90% of the battalion commanders come from Glory Iron Fist and Holy Blood Angel, and their average age is over one hundred and ninety years old.

The more than a dozen battalion commanders from those who fell into the battle were only around thirty years old, and compared with the battalion commanders of the veteran legion, they were indeed little young.

As for the round table at the front of the conference room, there were three Primarchs who were also in uniform.

Looking at the appearance alone, Rogge, who has a beard and naturally silver-white hair, is an uncle generation, while Sanguinius and Sui Meng, who are beardless and handsome, are like a junior generation.

The three brothers got together, without too many greetings and reminiscing about the old days, they came to the meeting room and sat down, opened the holographic star map, and began to formulate an expedition policy to eliminate the Tyro Zerg.

Take a closer look, the content shown on the holographic star map is an extragalactic galaxy outside the universe where Tyroker is located.

Rogge looked up at the star map and said, When I came here, I let the nerd... ahem, let Magnus sit on the psionic amplification device on the Shield of Terra to help scan and detect for a moment.

With that said, Rogge put his eyes on the many red circles and continued: In these marked areas, Magnus said that there is no spying, and they are very noisy and annoying. It can be speculated that there are large-scale Tyro bugs in these areas.

Each of the unobservable areas mentioned by Rogge is on the scale of galaxies, the smaller ones are about the same size as the Milky Way, and the larger ones are four times or even five times the size of the Milky Way.

It can be seen that before the Tylo Zerg invaded Tyroko, they had devoured a large number of galaxies, countless lives and intelligent races, because they have become the past of history.

What caused and attracted them to visit the galaxy? Sanguinius frowned.

No matter what the reason is, if you destroy them all, the problem will be solved? Rogge didn't care.

. Sui Meng nodded, seeming to appreciate Brother Rogge's words.

Okay, what you said is not unreasonable. Sanguinius shrugged, and then solemnly said to Rogge: Then, Warmaster, what should we do next.


It seems that he is not used to addressing him this way. The calm Rogge couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he heard Sanguinius say Warmaster.

Fortunately, Rogge quickly suppressed his smug expression, and after thinking for a moment, the no-nonsense Primarch raised his left hand, quickly marked the corresponding area on the star map, and said:

According to my personal guess, the Tailo Zerg was most likely destroyed by a cross-phase pulse wave that violated the laws of physics and far exceeded the speed of light when my father used the large device 001 to wipe out the pious star area that was deeply polluted by chaos thirty years ago. Attracted.

Therefore, we can upload the biological information about the Tyro Zerg collected by the Tyrokol Intelligence Department to the three large devices with the help of the Red Queen.

Then, using the pseudo-wormhole of the Ark, the three large devices are instantly transmitted to one of the galaxies, and while continuing to wash and reshape, they are also responsible for attracting more Tylo Zerg.

And our expeditionary force is divided into ten groups, and at the same time go to the unobservable area to confront and contact the Tyro Zerg there.

But remember, the purpose of our expeditionary forces to confront and contact each other is not to annihilate them through conventional means. After all, the annihilation is handled by large devices and arks. Our real goal is to find their root causes, and cooperate with the Intelligence Department and the Supervision Department to analyze What exactly is the will to leave the hive.

Do you understand?

At the end, Rogge looked around at all the battalion commanders sitting at the scene.

Understood, sir. All the battalion commanders responded in unison.

Very good. Rogge nodded in satisfaction, turned his attention to the two brothers again, and said, What do you have to add?

No. Sanguinius agreed with Rogge's expedition policy very much.

Brother... Sui Meng, who had been silent all the time, showed enough respect in front of the two brothers, but proposed: I don't think it is necessary to upload the biological information of the Tailuo Zerg, so that the three large devices can directly Turn on the remodeling mode and wipe out all life in the target galaxy.

Hey, little brother, your idea is quite radical. Rogge couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

It's just insurance, and... Sui Meng didn't deny it, and told what he saw and heard on the Nautilus, and then said: Therefore, I think the Tailo Zerg is evolving all the time, locking on a single item The cross-phased pulse waves of the

It makes sense. Sanguinius immediately agreed.

Well, this is indeed safer, so let's do as you said. Rogge also agreed.

After formulating the policy, Rogge got up and left the exclusive seat, and raised his voice: It's time to teach the bugs a good lesson! Expedition!!


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