Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 484 Technical fabrication

Get off the lift.

The first thing that catches the eye is a hall with a simple style, marble floor tiles that are so clean that they can be used as a mirror, and four armed security guards (equipped with power armor and plasma rifles) stationed in the lobby.

At the same time, there is another double-swing gate, as well as the words biological and chemical weapons cold storage displayed on the holographic screen.

Seeing that it was Zacks and the twelve auxiliary soldiers who came, the four armed security guards quickly raised their hands to salute.

And Zacks also raised his right hand to respond, and when he lowered his right hand, she had already come to the right side of the gate.

After reading the biological information through the terminal and completing the unlocking operation, the closed gate was finally opened successfully.

And when the gate is opened, the air in the refrigerator with an average temperature of about -20°C, when it encounters the room temperature air in the hall, quickly condenses into tiny water droplets, forming a white mist scene.

Without waiting for the fog to dissipate, Zack led six of the auxiliary troops to move on.

Entering the cold storage, you can find that there is a straight corridor, with closed gates on both sides, and isolation rooms for various strains, bacteria, or parasites are sealed.

But Zack went straight to his destination.

Soon, they walked to the middle of the corridor and looked at the isolation room numbered 0733 on the right.

As Zacks waved his hand, an auxiliary army unlocked the isolation room, opened the gate upwards, and then walked through the disinfection channel with another colleague, and took out a freezer that looked like a gray coffin and was equipped with a suspension device.

When the two auxiliary troops pushed the freezer to Zacks, the stern-faced intelligence director lowered his head slightly, and looked inside the freezer through the observation window.

In the freezer, lying naked, with a beard and male long hair...


However, in the lower right corner of the observation window of the freezer, the holographic screen displayed the words Product of Universe 06/Compound No. 5 Mature Experiment/Code Name: Soldier Boy.

From this, it can be known that the male human lying in the freezer is the pseudo-superhero of Universe 06 (Black Robe), the soldier boy.

Ten years ago, when Lorgar occupied the Earth of Universe 06, he seized a large number of Compound No. 5, as well as related data and experimental items, including the soldier boy.

In order to completely eliminate the influence of superheroes, theism, Bible and other religious products on Earth 06, Lorgar transported a large number of compound No. 5 and experimental products back to the company in the main universe for research.

As for the soldier boy, Umbrella used nanotechnology to erase all his memories, inject his exclusive vaccine, and maintain a frozen state for sealing.

Chris, who learned about this from the inside of the company, used some personal means to transfer the soldier boy and forty living dead to Teloker in order to make his granddaughter more insured.

Since the large-scale transfer and evacuation of Teroker, the living dead have been activated by Zacks, equipped with power armor and various weapons, and distributed and deployed to various defense links.

But now the situation is grim, and Zacks has to put this soldier boy (soldier boy) into use.

Remove from freezer.

Close the isolation room.

A group of people quickly left the refrigerator and took the elevator to the equipment room on the basement floor.

Here, several technicians who have undergone a considerable degree of prosthetic surgery, and are habitually called mechanical guys by the auxiliary army and combat troops, skillfully opened the freezer and started the thawing procedure for the soldiers.

First, the special model of nano-robots in his body was used to program the soldier's brain, implanting a reconstructed false, but extremely real memory for the soldier.

Immediately afterwards, the technicians conducted three comprehensive inspections on it to ensure that it was correct and then woke it up.


Putting on a blue hospital gown, the soldier lying on the multifunctional operating table frowned, slowly opened his eyes, and then sat up weakly.

Seeing the technicians with prosthetic eyes, prosthetic limbs and mechanical tentacles surrounding the operating table, as well as Zack standing not far away with his hands folded on his chest, and a group of heavily armed auxiliary troops, the soldier man didn't feel Too much surprise and astonishment, but raised his left hand, softly swollen temple, and asked:

Where are the demons? And where is Chris?

Is it because the technicians implanted the memory of the soldier man without conflicting with the technician who is a mechanical guy and can also say devil and Chris, because the soldier man also belongs to the Raven Guard Legion, or The earliest UBCS subordinate to the Sui Bian faction.

And in his memory, the soldier boy a hundred years ago was still in the colonial galaxy to which the Raven Guard belonged, and participated in a top-secret experimental project of the company, thus obtaining the ability of steel and iron bones, releasing radiation pulses, etc.

But as soon as the experimental surgery was completed, the main universe encountered a storm in a different space a hundred years ago. After that, Bingnan and his comrades fought together against a powerful high-level demon who launched a surprise attack.

In addition, Bingnan's physical fitness is at its peak, yes, but he has no choice but to deal with Slaanesh, who possesses powerful psychic powers.

Therefore, when all his comrades were killed, the soldier man chose to carry one, the only remaining plasma bomb, and detonated it manually when he had another close encounter with the high-level demons.

After the blue light flashed past, he opened his eyes again, and the soldier found that he was already lying on the operating table.

Sir. At this time, Zacks walked forward slowly, called the soldier man Sir in a full-fledged manner, and explained by the way: The raging storm in a different space is already a hundred years ago.

? !

Hearing these words, Bingnan finally revealed a trace of consternation.

But Zacks didn't care about the other party's reaction, and said, And sir, I'm Zacks Redfield, the granddaughter of Chris Redfield.

Huh? He actually has a granddaughter? Bing Nan was astonished, as if the news was more shocking than he had slept for a hundred years.

Yes, sir, since you manually detonated the plasma bomb, the Legion has treated your body for a long time in cold storage, and placed it in a remote colony where I am, so that one day, you can return to the battlefield, and now...

Speaking of this, Zacks pretended to be unbearable, Now, we have to speed up the process and wake you up in advance, because we...

Okay kid. The soldier man who had fully recovered from his sobriety interrupted Zack's narration, twisted his neck and wrist joints, and said directly: I roughly guessed what's going on, get me a set Combat uniforms and handy weapons.

Hey, by the way, it is best to use a shield-type melee weapon, the heavier the better, I use it smoothly.

Of course, sir. Zacks naturally didn't have any objections, and turned his head to glance at the auxiliary army not far behind.

Obtained by his eyes, the auxiliaries nodded to express their understanding, and then pushed an equipment box directly to the operating table.

Click ~!

With the crisp sound of buttons, the protective cover of the equipment box popped open, showing everyone the combat uniform and shield inside the box.


The soldier made a brief evaluation, turned over and left the operating table barefoot, and the technicians helped to replace the dark green main body, which was made of composite titanium fiber, and only added hull-level armor combat uniforms on some important parts.

Given that the soldier man's own strength has far surpassed that of ordinary people, and his body can directly defend against hydrogen bombs, Zacks did not prepare power armor for him.

However, the chest of the combat uniform has been specially designed so that soldiers can use it to release high-energy, high-radiation pulse waves, or pulse bombing.

Change into your combat uniform.

The soldier man looked down at the round black metal shield with a curved surface. It looked heavy, but when he reached out to pick it up and shook it, he couldn't help frowning slightly:

A little light.

Sir. Zacks explained with a smile on his face: This is a vibrating gold shield from another universe. It can absorb kinetic energy and is almost indestructible, so it is much easier to use than you imagine.

This vibrating gold shield, in fact, Chris also used some means to get nearly 30 million tons of vibrating gold from Universe 05, and then asked the foundry sector to create a batch of new power armor and melee weapons for the Raven Guard. .

It is worth mentioning that the zero-five universe, where Leon is the temporary governor, has discovered the root planet of the vibration gold vein outside the zero-five earth.

Afterwards, the engineering department analyzed and deciphered it, and then used the planetary transformation device to reproduce twelve planets containing vibrating gold veins in Universe 05.

Therefore, under the operation of the engineering department, the vibrating gold is no longer a scarce metal resource, and Chris also allocated a part of the vibrating gold and gave it to his granddaughter to arm Tyroko's intelligence department.


This time, the soldier man didn't complain about anything, he attached the vibrating gold shield to the outside of his left arm, then walked out with Zacks and a group of auxiliary troops, and said:

Okay boy, tell me what kind of enemy this time is, so that you have to wake me up in advance.

It's the Zerg. Zack said in a deep voice.

Bugs? Well, it's been a while since I cleaned up bugs properly.

The soldier man remained calm.

It was mainly in the memories implanted in him by the technicians, including the confrontation with the Marauder scout fleet, and the memory of contact with the Flood Zerg after the battle with the Covenant Empire.

A group of people walked into the elevator and drove towards the middle-level parking lot of the Ministry of Intelligence Building. Zacks continued to explain: This Zerg attack is too sudden, there are at least three hours before the arrival of support, and the loss of the metropolitan area barrier…

So sir, we need you to make as much noise as possible to attract the Zerg's attention and buy us time to evacuate the masses.

Don't worry, I'm pretty good at this. As long as those bugs are not good at psionic powers, few of them can do anything to me. Bingnan said confidently.

With that said, the elevator has brought everyone to the middle parking lot.

At this point, Zacks and the auxiliary army no longer accompanied the soldier man, but the soldier man took a flying boat belonging to the intelligence department that looked like a black coupe.

Immediately afterwards.

The flying boat started to drive automatically, and the man carrying the soldiers quickly left the parking lot, crossed the 01 area of ​​the city, and flew straight to the 08 area, which was the most affected by the disaster.

On the other hand, Zacks, who was standing on the edge of the parking lot, letting the breeze blow his bangs, no longer had the respect that the juniors showed to the elders before, but returned to his expressionless face, watching the flying boat that was gradually moving away.

Director, what should we do with that soldier boy after the reinforcements arrive? an auxiliary army asked.

Upload the relevant information to the Primarch of the Thirteenth Legion first, and since we are doing a play, let's make a full set for the time being. Zacks ordered, and said: Besides, my grandfather once taught me that anyone can play the best role. value.

As for the maximum value allusion that Chris taught her, it comes from Sui Bian's various dark operations through Raccoon City Police Chief Brian Irons in the early days of his power.

Although this Irons is a pervert, he never dared to commit crimes after Sui Bian came to power. He used it properly and brought great convenience to Umbrella in the early stage.

Even though he couldn't enter the core of Umbrella, and he couldn't get the retarding potion made by the Bloodman flower, Irons, who had just experienced the rise of nanotechnology, lived a total of 126 years, which can definitely be regarded as the end of his life.

And Zacks has read the files of Soldier Boy, and knows that the first batch of pseudo-superheroes created by Water International, his private character and behavior are no different from scum.

But today's memory reconstruction technology is enough to replace the soldier man with another person.

Therefore, Zack is going to use the soldier boy to deal with the unknown Zerg first, and observe the stability of the soldier boy by the way, and then make other plans after the support arrives.

After all, the soldier has special nano-robots in his body. Whether it is to eliminate the soldier or shut down the soldier, it is between Zacks and the Ministry of Intelligence.


at this time.

The soldier sitting in the flying boat, completely unaware of Zacks and the auxiliary army, was thinking about how to arrange his future.

And the soldier man looked at the swarm of insects that covered the sky and covered the earth beyond the energy shield, and his expression could not help but be dignified.

Soon, the flying boat drove him down and into a ground tunnel.

In less than three minutes, he came to District 08, the most chaotic city and the most intense firefight.

After discovering that countless soldiers, Krieger, were struggling to stop the attack of the sea of ​​insects, covering civilians using tunnels, overpasses, etc. to evacuate to District 01 of the city, he could no longer help but kick open the left car door.

Take a leap.

From an altitude of one thousand meters, he took the free fall method and smashed towards the central area of ​​the 12th district of the city. At the same time that the soldier waited for him to crush a snake and insect, he also fell directly into the sea of ​​insects.


Sensing that there is food delivered to the door, soldiers, snakes and insects can't wait to surround them, opening their bloody mouths to tear up the food.


Hearing the crisp sound of Boom~!, the soldier man waved the vibrating gold shield with his left hand, and slapped the bugs flying towards him with ease.

Swinging his right fist again, he smashed another overwhelmed soldier, and more than that, a red light from dark to bright appeared on the soldier's chest, and then...


A shock wave and mushroom cloud emitting dazzling red light rose rapidly centered on Bingnan.


At the same time, this operation also made the worms smell more delicious soldier men, and began to rush towards the center of District 08 of the city.

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