Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 308 Mutation Distortion Be an ordinary person in your next life

Near the mining area.

Elena, who had just checked the power distribution situation, took advantage of the rest and relaxation time to come to the public restroom.

Push open the individual rooms one by one to view them.

After confirming that no one was there, she walked into the innermost one, locked the door, took out her exclusive mobile phone, and then used the in-ear miniature earphone to contact Lin:

Sir, did you find anything?

The communication was silent for a while, but soon came Lin's short reply: I have some clues, and I am going to sneak into the mining area next.

Hearing this, Yi Lianna lowered her voice and asked in surprise, Sneak into the mining area now?

No. Lin denied: It is not suitable to sneak in during this time period, and I still need your help, and I will start the operation later.

Well, I see, by the way sir... Elena reported her findings:

This morning, many miners followed the instructions of the security guards and went to the No. 09 mining area in the deepest part of Assis. It was a bit strange. If we want to sneak into the mining area to investigate, the No. 09 mining area is the best choice.

Okay, you can continue with your daily work first, and discuss more detailed steps after work is over. Don't arouse suspicion from others. It is your top priority to ensure that your identity will not be exposed. Lin urged.

Okay sir, don't worry.

End communication.

Elena put away her mobile phone, pressed the flush button and walked out of the private room, washing her hands before leaving.

After leaving the public restroom, Elena prepared to check the power distribution room outside the next mining area as required by her neighbor.

But she didn't go far, the corridor lights were quickly turned off, and the dark red emergency lights were immediately turned on, providing some light for her and the clueless people.


An urgent reminder came out on the radio: There is a loss of pressure in the mining area. Please evacuate the mining area immediately! Please evacuate the mining area immediately!

Depressurization? ?

Elena was confused when she heard the reminder, but she was still preparing to evacuate the mining area with the people.

And in the dormitory area at the same time...

Tick! Tick!

There were also piercing alarms, the passages and corridors were dimly lit, and only the red emergency lights were on.

How is this going?

I don't know, even the Internet and communication are gone.

Could it be caused by the Hengxin storm?

The bewildered family members of the employees left the dormitory and discussed with each other what happened to Assis. Among them were Carrie and the short-haired girl who were holding Neil.

at this time.

The hatches of all the dormitory cabins opened automatically, and there were more than a dozen fully armed security guards equipped with mechanical skeletons, holding loaded civilian pulse guns, running towards this area.

Arriving here, the security guards quickly dispersed and broke into the dormitory cabin one by one. Another security guard rushed straight to Carrie, the short-haired girl and the others.

! !

Seeing this situation...


Although they didn't understand why the security guards were going crazy, human fear instincts tended to turn around and run away. Carrie even picked up Neil and fled in a hurry.

But no matter how fast your legs run, you can't outrun the security guard with the mechanical skeleton, not to mention the security guard has a gun in his hand, just listen...

Da da!

The crisp bursts of pulse guns resounded throughout the area.

Poof! Poof!


no, do not want!


The gunshots were mixed with the sound of the human body being exploded and torn apart by the shellless pulse bomb, and people's desperate screams and cries for help.

At this moment, in Elena's dormitory.

Even Lin, who had just changed into casual clothes and dealt with many incidents, never expected the situation to change suddenly.

But he did not panic, but immediately took out the armed belt from the equipment box, fastened it, and quickly stuffed various tools, grenades, and battery magazines into different pockets and tactical bags, and then wore a pair of holographic glasses.

Finally, take the compact laser micro-punch, adjust your breathing, and aim the gun at the open hatch.

Soon, the security guard who brutally killed women and children appeared in sight.

Lin immediately pulled the trigger.

Tap! Tap!

The laser micro-pulse also made crisp gunshots, and two orange high-energy beams, one in front of the other, immediately hit and melted through the security guard's helmet and left chest armor.

These two light beams caused fatal damage to the security guards, and their strength remained undiminished. They shot into the corridor wall before they stopped completely.

However, the security guard under attack...

Roar... ouch!!

Instead of being killed instantly as expected, he roared like a beast and struggled in pain.

Listen carefully to this roar, it seems that different species are blended together, and even the screams of humans can be faintly heard.

While roaring.

The security guard's body was also undergoing uncontrollable mutations, with countless slender, blood-colored tentacles breaking through the uniform and armor from the inside out.

Its head also split to the left and right from the gap melted by the light beam, squirting more tentacles that twitched back and forth, and jagged bone tissue grew on the edge of the gap.

Witnessing such a change, Lin didn't have time to be surprised and think.


His right thumb flicked up to switch the shooting mode, and his index finger squeezed the trigger tightly, shooting a dense beam of light at the security guard who looked like a human but was not human.

in an instant.

The high-energy light beam ignited the clothes, and the flames enveloped them, finally stopping the security guard's continued mutation and struggle, and he fell backwards, slumped on the corridor floor without moving.

Solve the immediate threat.

Lin stepped forward quickly, came to the left side of the door, and leaned against the wall with his back.

Then he changed to hold the gun in his left hand, took out a flash bomb from the armed belt with his right hand, hooked the tab with his thumb, and flipped the safety with his index finger, counting silently for three seconds.

After three seconds passed, he threw it out of the door forcefully, and then...


The flash bomb was successfully detonated, bursting out a dazzling white light, and made Lin Du slightly ring in the ears.

Da da da!

It was also the detonation of the flash bomb that affected the security guards gathered in the corridor and carried out blind shooting.

Of course, this also exposes them in advance.

So Lin continued to follow the steps just now, throwing another flash bomb and an acid bomb containing concentrated alien blood and thinner in turn.

Outside the door after the second flash bomb detonated.

I saw that the security guards covering each other and forming a formation fired again, and the strong light and loud noise caused by the detonation also prevented these security guards from noticing the acid bomb...

Boom~! There was a muffled sound.

The explosion of the acid bomb did not produce much movement.

However, after Lin lifted the insurance, the concentrated blood and the thinner began to react, and at the moment of the explosion, a light green thick fog was quickly splashed around.

Hey... Hey...

After that, the strong acid fog indiscriminately corroded everything that covered everything, including the metal hollow floor, extinguished lights, the walls on both sides, and those security guards who were infected or replaced by something unknown.

Roar... ouch...!

Corroded by strong acid, they instantly lost the ability to attack and move, and their bodies could not be restrained from twisting and deforming.

The head of one of the security guards even voluntarily detached from the body, and grew arthropod-like legs on both sides, like a human-headed spider trying to escape the strong acid fog.

But this human-headed spider still couldn't escape the fate of being corroded. It didn't run very far before it sticked to the metal floor.

Lin, who left the dormitory at this time, saw this kind of scene that challenged the limit of endurance, no matter how experienced he was, he would inevitably feel nauseous.

After only a short pause, he turned and ran away relying on the architectural blueprint provided by the holographic glasses.

Pass by, bypass the square planted with greenery, and come to the main corridor outside.

In the corridor, Lin saw even more bloody and disgusting scenes.

Not only the infected and replaced security guards, but also a large number of expressionless miners and maintenance workers are cooperating to arrest people who are confused and flee in panic.

The people who have been arrested and gathered in one place are guarded by several security guards, and then contacted by a boy who is only eight years old at most...

It is a boy with blood-colored tentacles on the palm of his left hand. He uses the tentacles to penetrate into people's bodies one by one to complete some kind of infection contact method.

As long as there is a tendency to resist and flee, the security guards will not hesitate, and will not even give a warning, and will directly shoot the leg, causing people to completely lose their ability to move.

... Lin observed secretly, and his mood was quite complicated.

Not only has the urge to fight desperately with those things to rescue normal human beings, but also has the rationality not to act recklessly.

At the moment when the lights were turned off and the alarm sounded, Assis was artificially shielded from the signal, making him lose contact with the outside world.

Although this kind of shielding is not effective for quantum communication base stations and battleships equipped with quantum communication repeaters, the exclusive mobile phone of the intelligence officer...

No matter how advanced it was, it couldn't fit a quantum communication repeater that was twenty meters long, ten meters high, and ten meters wide.

However, if the mobile phone is blocked, so will the nano-robots in his body, and the command center of the intelligence department will know immediately.

According to the conventional procedure, once the command center is unable to restore contact with the intelligence personnel, the emergency team will rush to the last location before the intelligence personnel lost contact.

This process is applicable to the current situation.

Lin estimates that it will take 25 to 30 minutes for Director Miller to notice the anomaly, coordinate and arrange the ship, and then dispatch the emergency team to Assis.


Those things suddenly triggered riots. Is it really just for the superficial purpose of speeding up the infection and completely assimilating all of Assis?

It doesn't feel right.

They definitely want something else.

After figuring this out, Lin no longer observed in secret, but instead changed his route and went deep inside.


not long ago.

outside the mine.

Elena and a group of people who obeyed the emergency reminder gathered in the hall, and the hall was surrounded by security guards with guns.

Obviously it is to prevent someone from leaving here.

Seeing this, Elena put her right hand into the inner pocket of her overalls with a dignified expression, waiting for the best opportunity.

On the other hand, others still have lingering fears about the loss of pressure situation, completely unaware of the seriousness of the situation.


Including Todd and the short-haired female husband, all the miners in charge of the 09 mining area, and even many miners in other mining areas have mutated and attacked the normal human workers.

Someone asked the security guards for help, but what they got in return was to look on indifferently, or be shot with a broken leg by an unshelled pulse ejection.


Even though she was prepared, Elena didn't expect it to be so violent.

Fortunately, as an intelligence agent, a strong psychological quality is the basis, so she immediately took out the laser pistol and ran towards the nearest entrance and exit.

There are many normal humans on the way, with the same goal as her.

Seeing that Irina and her party wanted to rush into the formation, the two security guards guarding the entrance and exit raised their pulse guns and wanted to burst fire.

Tap! Tap!

It was Elena who was already prepared and pulled the trigger first.

Two high-energy beams came out of their chests, melting through the heads of the two security guards immediately.

Immediately afterwards, she faced the scene that Lin encountered...

The burn caused the two security guards to roar like beasts, and their heads were also distorted, but Yi Lianna was too late to be surprised, and continued to aim at the supplementary gun.

In the end, she successfully broke through the checkpoint with everyone and left the hall that had been reduced to a slaughterhouse.

But outside the hall, the same scene is also staged, and sometimes it is even impossible to distinguish whether it is an enemy or a friend.

They know how to use memory, and use identities such as friends and relatives to deceive people hiding in corners. Once they succeed, they will reveal their true nature and attack without any hesitation.

Elena chose to run in the direction of her bedroom.

During this period, there were fewer and fewer people around her, until there were only a few people left, and including herself, there were only six of them.

The reason why the other five people chose to follow Elena is also very simple, that is, she has a gun and has a military quality far beyond ordinary people, and her actions against those things show that she is probably human.

So running away with Elena is the best choice.

Just escape, where can escape to?

Just when Yi Lianna and her party arrived at the entertainment district, which was like a small commercial street...


They heard the unique continuous firing sound of the laser gun system, and the continuous orange light flashing at the corner ahead.


This made Yi Lianna lift up her spirits instantly, pointing with her left hand to the already empty bar, reminding the five people beside her in a low voice:

Hide inside first.

After finishing speaking, she grabbed the pistol and hurried to the corner to check.

I saw that the right side of the corner belonged to the food court area, and Lin, who had just solved the two distortion things, was replacing the battery magazine for the laser micro punch.

After changing the magazine, Lin pointed the muzzle of the gun at the corner. It seemed that Lin noticed it the moment Elena made a probe.

! !

Sir! It's me! Charles De! Don't shoot! Irina hurriedly explained her identity.

I know. Lin replied, and lowered the muzzle of his gun slightly, as if he was no longer on guard.

Huh... Elena breathed a sigh of relief.

She left the corner and hurried towards Lin, showing the excitement of finding the backbone, and said as she walked:

Great! Sir, you didn't turn into one of those monsters.

Charles de... Ke Lin didn't show any joy, but showed regret, and said:

Jobs like an intelligence officer are not suitable for you. If you are reincarnated, please be an ordinary person for the rest of your life.

Sir? Elena was puzzled.


Click! A gunshot echoed around.

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