Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 218 Make a Choice


Through the stuttering expression of the tracker, D-1999, who had been silent all the time, guessed that the equipment box in front of him contained things related to him and his family.

He first retracted the spear in his left hand, turned it back into a short stick and hung it on his side, and then squatted on the ground.

Click~! Click!

With two crisp sounds, the two buttons responsible for fixing it popped open, allowing D-1999 to open the equipment box without violent measures.

Lifting the lid of the box, he saw that there were several electronic devices of unknown purpose inside, as well as a small tablet computer with an active light-emitting screen.

When D-1999 stretched out his left hand to pick up the tablet, the screen was automatically unlocked, and without him having to explore how to operate it, the tablet automatically played a file again.

At the top of the first page played is a group photo of the mother and daughter.

With a smile on her face, a middle-aged woman who still has charm stands in the middle.

Two young girls with similar looks and the same beauty held the left and right hands of the woman, looked at the camera with happy smiles, and took this group photo.


! !

After seeing this group photo, D-1999 finally changed his usual anger.

He tried his best to restrain his left hand from crushing the tablet due to excitement, stretched his trembling right hand to his right waist, pulled off the Velcro of the tactical bag on his waist, and took out another yellow and wrinkled photo of a mother and daughter grouped together.

Compared with the one on the screen, D-1999 confirmed that the group photo on the first page of the file shows the wives and daughters he has not seen for more than ten years.

The bloodshot eyes became even more red, and the eye sockets were moist, but no tears were left, and the corners of the mouth were raised to reveal a fleeting smile of relief.

But soon, D-1999 returned to the appearance of suppressing anger due to various auditory hallucinations in his ears, and continued to read the files patiently.

According to the content of the file, after D-1999 learned that he and the group of D-class personnel who went to death were listed as sacrificed and missing, Umbrella sent intelligence agents disguised as various identities to contact their families. .

The two intelligence agents who went to his home directly took the identity of Umbrella's employees and a U.S. Army captain, and told his wife that he voluntarily participated in Umbrella and the military before he was executed. Collaborative items.

Subsequently, an intelligence agent handed over the contract with a large number of ■■ black bars and blocks to his wife.

Said that Umbrella will fulfill the contract, give their family a lot of remuneration, and at the same time enjoy the benefits provided by Umbrella General Hospital.

Umbrella has been secretly assisting his wife and daughter even after the two agents left.

As for his wife, after learning that he was willing to sacrifice himself to participate in the experiment in exchange for the three of them, mother and daughter, to live a life without worrying about money, the wife chose not to remarry for life, and devoted herself to teaching and raising the two daughters.

The eldest daughter gradually walked out of the haze at the beginning, and was admitted to the University of Pennsylvania together with her boyfriend in high school.

After graduating from university, both were hired by a financial company in Los Angeles. The two have been married since 2008 and have jointly conceived a daughter and two sons.

The archives contain photos and videos of the eldest daughter at various times, from graduating to getting married and becoming a mother of three.

Seeing D-1999 here is quite complicated.

For some reason, he always had the urge to slash his eldest daughter's husband to death, but he was also afraid that his granddaughter and grandchildren would lose their father's protection.

It's very confusing.

And the second daughter, who had escaped the abuse at the beginning, seemed to no longer resent his father who had been away for a long time. She worked hard, got excellent grades, and was admitted to Umbrella University in Raccoon City.

At a young age, he was the director of the emergency department of the Los Angeles General Hospital built by Umbrella and a named professor at Umbrella University.

Even if he guessed that the two daughters could live so smoothly and could not be separated from Umbrella, he was still proud of them.

It took a few minutes to check the current situation of his wife and daughter, and the last trace of doubt in D-1999's heart disappeared.

At this time, the files on the screen switch by themselves again.

The content of the file shows that not far from his area, there is a gate of hell that can return to the real universe, and in the palace in front of him, there is a rectangular stone that can close the gate of hell.

The file also briefly described his special constitution.

In fact, there is no need for Umbrella to point it out. D-1999, who has been fighting for more than ten years, knows that he is no longer a normal human being, and has become a human that both hell and demons fear.

Currently, Umbrella gave him a chance to use the gate of hell to return to the real universe, and then the tyrant would carry a plasma bomb to directly blow up the palace, thereby closing the gate of hell and temporarily releasing hell from invading the human world.


D-1999 stood up without thinking, put the photo and the tablet into the tactical bag, and finally moved the tactical bag to his waist.

Hey... Seeing D-1999's actions, the tracker gestured toward the stone forest with a rotary machine gun, and stammered:

Woods, there are a lot, there are just now, looking at things...computers, there will be more weapons, sent...through the gate of hell...


D-1999 silently glanced at the side of the stone forest, using his eyesight far beyond ordinary people, he saw all kinds of equipment scattered on the ground.

However, except for the matter about his wife and daughter, D-1999's patience will no longer exist, so he turned around and ran quickly towards the palace at the end of the square, preparing to destroy the rectangular stone.

Instead of returning to the human world, D-1999 prefers to stay in hell, because hell is an immortal thing, and the world where his wife, daughter and family members live will never be stable.

He has no lofty ideals of for mankind. He is just a husband, father and grandfather who can't control his anger and wants to silently protect his wife, daughter and family by killing demons and going through hell.


The tracker, who was ordered to assist D-1999, followed behind with six tyrants, approaching the magnificent palace built by the denizens of hell.

The eight people smoothly passed through the periphery of the palace, passed through the spacious corridors, and finally arrived at the wide hall with an architectural style close to Gothic.

In the center of the hall, there is a rectangular stone about 10 meters long, 5 meters wide, and 5 meters high, which emits scarlet light as a whole.

And standing in front of Jushi is a huge, but slender demon with obvious female features.

Human, I have heard of your deeds and admire your bravery, but...

The demon said the above words to D-1999 and the tyrants who poured into the hall and gradually approached it, but turned into a daunting voice and said angrily:

I am Asmodeus among the seventy-two gods of hell! I am not a bastard like Ibris! You have to pay for your recklessness! Die! Die!

The demon named Asmodeus roared and swung the bone-shaped scythes that grew on the outside of his arms. He was bound to kill D-1999, the trackers, and the tyrants.

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