Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 200 The Old Employees of Raccoon City

Beep, beep, beep!

The ear-piercing, brainwashing, repeating alarm clock suddenly rang throughout the bedroom.

The layout of the bedroom is neat and tidy.

The double bed with the head of the bed leaning against the north wall is located in the center of the bedroom, with bedside tables for sundries on both sides.

To the west is a closet for clothes, to the south is a dressing table full of cosmetics, and to the east is a opaque floor-to-ceiling window.

But with the sound of the alarm clock, the windows of the floor-to-ceiling windows began to switch automatically, and soon, the light from the outside could finally shine into the dark bedroom.

What I saw outside the window was a typical North American residential community.

There are morning joggers in short-sleeved shorts on the sidewalk, and casually dressed neighbors walking their dogs on leashes with garbage bags in hand.

More residents are in suits and ties, heading to the garage, or those who have already driven away are on their way to work.

Judging by the height between the floor-to-ceiling windows and the ground, this bedroom is located on the second floor with good lighting, allowing the sunlight to shine on the double bed unobstructed.


Hearing the annoying alarm and feeling the glare of the sun made the man lying on the right side of the bed frowned and buried his whole body under the blanket.

However, the woman sleeping on the left side of the bed had already lifted the quilt, picked up the wrinkled pajamas, got off the bed, put on her slippers, and walked towards the dressing table.

When the woman sits in front of the dressing table, the alarm clock will automatically stop, and a small holographic screen will automatically appear in front of the mirror of the dressing table.

The woman reached out and touched the intangible screen, ~~, soft and soothing music sounded in the bedroom.

Immediately afterwards, she took out a wet tissue, wiped her cheeks and said to the man:

Isaac, dear, get up quickly, aren't you going on a business trip? Don't miss the company's shuttle bus later.

Shrinking his whole body under the quilt, the man whom the woman called Isaac did not respond, apparently still in a deep sleep.

The woman didn't say anything more, because within a minute, Isaac lifted the quilt violently, exposing his upper body, and even raised his hand to wipe the sweat stains on his face.

Apparently waking myself up,

At this time, the woman left the dressing table, opened the door, and was about to go to the bathroom to wash up, and reminded Isaac:

Get up and pack up, it's already eight o'clock.

Got it... Nicole.

Isaac, who opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, replied to his wife, and then left the bed after being in a daze for a few seconds.

The next husband and wife completed their morning washes in turn, and then were busy with makeup and packing their luggage for business trips.

It was almost half past eight.

Isaac, who was the last to get up, was the first to go down to the kitchen on the second floor, where he made two simple sandwiches, and took out two full glasses of milk from the refrigerator for breakfast for their husband and wife.

Eight forty.

The husband and wife sat at the dining table on the east side of the living room, eating a breakfast that was not very tasty but nutritious, and watched holographic TV together.

There is no physical TV screen, but it is not far from the dining table, playing the morning news of Raccoon City.

Nicole finished the sandwich, took another sip of the still cold milk, and said to Isaac who was sitting in front of her:

I've asked the director for leave. Today I'm going to take our parents to the company's hospital for a good physical examination.

Hmm. Isaac, who had also finished eating, responded softly, gulped down the milk and asked, The company doesn't have any research projects recently?

Even if there is, I don't know. I'm not a senior researcher like Director Chambers, hehe~. Nicole laughed.

Being able to work in the brood is not advanced? Isaac also said with a smile: It's better than me, an ordinary worker who runs around, haha~.

An ordinary worker with a monthly income of more than 100,000 yuan. Nicole glanced at Isaac.

She got up and picked up the dinner plate and water glasses for the two of them, walked to the kitchen sink and asked, How long will it take this time?

I don't know? Isaac left the dining table, picked up the light jacket on the back of the sofa, thought for a while and said, Two months at most.

Beep! At this moment, a short whistle sounded from outside the room.

Hear this movement.

Isaac hurriedly pulled the suitcase to the door, opened the shoe cabinet, and took out a pair of comfortable casual shoes.

As soon as she straightened up after putting on her shoes, Nicole hugged Isaac's waist from behind, tiptoed and kissed her husband's left cheek.

Then, she let go of her hand and said softly, Go.

Well, Mom and Dad will trouble you.

Isaac said goodbye to his wife, opened the door, pulled the suitcase out of the residence, and walked towards a black bus parked by the street.

Nicole leaned on the door and watched her husband enter the bus with a look of reluctance.

Seeing that the bus drove away from the block without the roar of the engine and completely disappeared from her sight, she turned around and went home and closed the door.

Inside the bus at this time.

Isaac, you and your wife haven't had kids yet?

That's right, the company now advocates multiple births! The more births, the more benefits!

Brother, your metaphor...I always feel wrong?


The space between the seats in the bus was very spacious, and more than a dozen workers in their casual clothes, sitting on comfortable seats, booed at Isaac who had just stepped into the bus.

Isaac put away the trolley, put the suitcase on the upper shelf, sat on the seat on the right, and said to the helplessness of these bad friends:

We'll talk about it when we get back.

These workers are actually the drivers of Umbrella's engineering department, responsible for operating SCVs for various constructions.

As for the bus they took, the fuel used was neither gasoline nor diesel, but special liquid hydrogen with a certain proportion of synthetic carbon and silicon catalysts added.

This fuel and exclusive engine technology comes from the Warthog.

The Warthog only needs 12 liters of liquid hydrogen fuel to travel up to 800 kilometers and a top speed of 150 kilometers per hour.

Although the Warthog is the vehicle of Umbrella's armed forces, the civilian sector has also used related technologies to develop various vehicles suitable for mass society.

Umbrella's new energy vehicles currently account for 25% of the civilian market and are continuing to expand.

As for the impact on automobile companies using traditional fuels, various oil companies, and other derivative industries?

It is not within the scope of consideration of their group of workers.

The workers are not low-level employees, know the existence of abnormal phenomena and alien races, and relatively understand the true strength of the company.

Therefore, the workers never worry about the revenge of their competitors, and they are even looking forward to whether any guy who wants to die dares to jump out.

As Umbrella's old employees living in Raccoon City, they are fully qualified for such arrogance.

In addition, they only need to complete the work honestly, enjoy the benefits brought by the company, and witness the company gradually leading the progress of mankind.

Like now.

The bus left the community and drove on the highway in the suburbs for less than half an hour before arriving at the Raccoon City Xingport, which had been completed for more than three years.

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