Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 136 Devil? ×, devil! √

Victor must be dead.

Whether it was the results of the helmet scan or the Primarchs' own judgment, it was determined that Victor had been completely wiped out.

The Plasma Shoulder Cannon never disappoints.

The high temperature of tens of millions of degrees is enough to destroy any flesh and blood. Even vampires who have evolved from the reward of blood demons, and even those illusory spiritual bodies, need to stay away from the plasma cannon.

So from the beginning to the end, the Primarch did not regard Victor as a threat, and it was the Gorefiend who really made them vigilant.

The Beijing view of human corpses, the blood pool filled with the blood of thousands of people, and the vampires and werewolves who used the blood pool to complete their evolution, all the details represent the sacrifice ceremony that Victor held in a hurry, which seemed to be a success.


Suddenly, a rich and indescribable laughter seemed to come from multiple angles to the ears of the Primarchs.

However, this kind of mysterious move will not make the Primarch panic at all.

God's Chosen? That weak thing claims to be God's Chosen? Hahaha, it's so ridiculous!

That little thing, and that little thing's race, were just a product of my boredom.

It seemed to be mocking Vitek, who had been wiped out by the Primarch.

Moreover, the key information obtained by the Primarchs from the lines is that it created the vampire family, and the creator of the werewolf family seems to be it.


Only the Gorefiend is qualified to say the above words.

It's you. Suddenly, the Gorefiend, who restrained his laughter, said to the Primarchs in a very sincere tone:

Different from those little trash, you who are powerful can easily shred any creature and crush anything that dares to stop you.

Do you enjoy the thrill of killing? Don't you enjoy the kind of power that can control life and death?

Desire it! Thirst for carnage and blood! Surrender to me, and you will gain unparalleled power and become the true God's Chosen!

The words of the Gorefiend are full of endless temptation.

Brazen killing.

Control the life and death of others.

Become a true God's Chosen.

No matter who it is, there seems to be no reason to refuse.

Get out. But Robert suppressed his anger without thinking, Since you claim to be a god, you have the guts to get out and face us!

Cowardly and cowardly god, Corax added.

Trash. Even the taciturn John couldn't hold back his curse.

The remaining brothers are all disdain and anger.

Disdain to be God's Chosen.

There is nothing special about God, let alone a superior existence. This is what their father taught them.

As for the thrill of the kill?

They never thought about it.

Every violent kill is for humans, for Umbrella, for their father.

Anger, because the blood demon actually wants them to betray their father and submit to it?

court death!

Oh? The Gorefiend's tone was a little confused.

Obviously, they did not expect that the will of the Primarchs would be so firm.

Immediately afterwards, the Gorefiend continued: Forget it, it just so happens that that little thing called Victor has opened a passage to reality for me, so let's use the most direct means to make you surrender.

The voice ringing in the ears of the primarchs just fell.

Wow~! The blood in the blood pool rolled again, and then formed a counterclockwise vortex.

At this time, the blood level in the blood pool dropped rapidly, and the strange blood light became even more dazzling.

Boom—! In the end, the blood dried up and disappeared, and the bloody beam of light rushed straight to the top of the cave above the altar.

Howl! The howl of the ferocious beast came from the beam of light.

Accompanied by the roar, a large number of abnormal creatures resembling dogs poured out beams of light.

These demon-like dogs and beasts are huge, at least three meters in length, with blood-red scales, fangs and sharp claws.

Brothers! For Father!!!

For father!!

All the Primarchs let out metallic battle cries.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!! The blaster fired at full power.

Whoo! Whoosh! Turn on the shoulder cannon in automatic aiming mode, and shoot out a bunch of plasma cannonballs.

In an instant.

Pfft! Puff! The standard explosion tore and exploded the bodies of the dogs and beasts.

And the poisonous snake containing highly concentrated alien blood exploded, and the moment it hit the dog's body and exploded, it burst out a dense green mist of strong acid.

Boom! Boom!

The dogs and beasts passing through the dense fog were quickly corroded by strong acid and lost their ability to move, and finally turned into a puddle of stinky black water like mutant vampires and werewolves.

Judging from the current situation, the ten primarchs suppressed the impact of nearly a hundred dogs and beasts.

But this kind of dog and beast belonging to the real devil is far more difficult to deal with than the mutant werewolf.

Moreover, they are still continuously rushing out of the beam of light, making continuous impacts on the line formed by the original bodies.

The distance between the two sides gradually narrowed.

Crack! At this moment, Robert, who was standing at the front, emptied the magazine.

Howl! And a dog beast had opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards Robert's position.

But with a sound of 噗嗤!, the dog's head was crushed and exploded.

Slap! The body was sprinkled on the ground in a puddle of black water.

If it is an ordinary human being, it is completely impossible to know what happened just now.

But the other Primarch brothers could clearly see from the corner of their eyes that Robert raised his right hand unhurriedly and pinched the dog's head with a single palm.

After solving the dog, Robert did not choose to change the magazine, but attached the blaster to his back.

With both hands free, he held the hilt of the Raging Flame Sword with his left hand, and at the same time swung his right hand.

Huh~! The raging fire wrapped the sword body again.

Om~! Two slender energy wrist knives that emitted red light were also stretched out from the wrist of his right hand.

Brothers! Teach these demons what fear is!

While roaring, Robert rushed towards the dense pack of dogs and beasts, and then...

Pfft—! Stab——!

Then a bloody wind rose quickly.

Robert slaughtered dogs and beasts within sight at a speed that ordinary human eyes could not catch.

Any dog ​​or beast that is struck by the flame sword will be burned instantly by the flame, and the double-edged energy wrist knife can also harvest dogs and beasts with ease.

Die! Die!

Go back to hell!

Seeing that Robert started to warm up, the rest of the brothers also put away their blaster guns and joined the slaughter with energy wrist knives.


John even threw the Spear of Fear at the densest pack of dogs and beasts.

This time, as long as the dogs and beasts were pierced by the spear, they were all wrapped in dark red flames, and they were sent back with the force of corpses and souls.

The situation turned around in an instant.

The seemingly endless army of dogs and beasts could not resist the melee attacks of the ten primarchs.

In fact, equipping the Primarchs with long-range weapons such as blasters, shoulder cannons, and boomerangs is just for them to relieve boredom before engaging the enemy.

Combined with the Thor's Hammer, which can increase the reaction speed by five times, and the wrist knife powered by the nuclear fusion reactor, the dogs and beasts that should be demons will realize what is really...


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