"Although the appearance of Su Chen is an important gift from God to our entire Mage Association, after all Su Chen is only a person, and our Mage Association is indeed a whole, so I hope everyone can continue to practice and enhance their own. Strength, let's contribute to our Mage Association and create brilliance together!"

Master Zhan Jin encouraged everyone again, followed by a loud echo.

Seeing everyone's enthusiasm, Master Zhan Jin showed a slight smile.

Then he continued talking to everyone.

"The above is the first major issue I convened here today on 20th. Regarding Su Chen's matter, if you have any doubts or suggestions, you can put it up now.

Master Zhan Jin began to give everyone under the conference table time to speak.

Su Chen found that it seemed that many people were ready to try and ask questions, but for the sake of order and not to appear too reckless in front of Master Zhanjin, they could only endure first and raised their hands according to the rules.

"Minister Zhuge Qing, you should mention it first.

Master Zhan Jin pointed to a middle-aged man who was closer to him.

After the person was named, his expression was extremely excited, but there was a hint of slyness in his eyes.

"President Zhan Jin, why did Su Chen arrive at the headquarters of the Mage Association yesterday, but you didn't directly notify the release of this information?"

After hearing this question, Su Chen felt that he was asking a little bit of bad intentions, and he dared to ask such an obvious question to Master Zhan Jin.

Su Chen suddenly questioned in his heart.

However, Master Zhan Jin didn't seem to realize it, or realized it and didn't show it.

Seeing that his expression did not change, he explained to the Minister Zhuge Qing in a steady tone.

"Because the matter is important and the situation was urgent yesterday, I didn't want to announce the matter prematurely, so I waited until today. I don't know what Minister Zhuge Qing wanted to do with this question? Did it delay anything?

Although Master Zhan Jin's expression did not change, and his tone was very calm, his words were sharp enough, and he responded to Zhuge Qing in a particularly measured manner.

"No, no, Master Zhan Jin, I just have this doubt and think there is an important reason."

Seeing this, Zhuge Qing had no choice but to explain in a gloomy way.

"Zhao Yue, please."

It turned out that everyone could only ask one question, so although Zhuge Qing hesitated, Master Zhan Jin ignored it at all, and directly named the next woman named Zhao Yue.

This Zhao Yue doesn't look very old, she should be in her thirties, and her appearance is very refreshing and capable. At first glance, she looks like a strong woman.

"Hello, Master Zhanjin, I haven't seen you since you retreated, I miss you ten thousand ninety-three points, by the way, my question is.

Will this younger brother Su Chen follow a normal rookie mage, or is there a special arrangement? Of course, I think there may be a special arrangement, but I just want to confirm it again, thank you, President!"

This Zhao Yue, as soon as she opened her mouth, knew that she was a die-hard fan of Master Zhanjin's elder brother, who kept showing her respect for Master Zhanjin, which was obviously different from the previous one.

"Hmm, it's true that I haven't seen you for a long time. If Su Chen hadn't appeared, maybe I'd still be in retreat, your question.

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