It was taken over by Big Brother Warner himself.

"That's weird, we all came in in batches before, but today, apart from you, I basically didn't see another newcomer!"

Liu Tian scratched his head as he spoke, with a puzzled look on his face.

During the ten minutes of the intermission, Liu Tian kept bragging to Su Chen about the various achievements he had made in the headquarters of the Master Association for more than a year, and also kept sharing with Su Chen some of the achievements in the headquarters of the Master Association. rules to be followed.

At the same time, Su Chen also learned from Liu Tian that in fact, in the entire headquarters of the Master Association, in addition to President Warner being the biggest leader, there are many ministerial members, and these members also have great power. Therefore, this has caused many conflicts in the power struggle within the Mage Association, so it is inevitable that some internal gangs will appear.

Of course, Su Chen also gossips to Liu Tian to inquire about the rosy news about President Warner.

But the final result disappointed Su Chen a little.

Liu Tian said that Warner is a decent gentleman without any gossip news. He basically spends all his time practicing and retreating. After all, he is the most powerful person in the Mage Association at present, and he is also the one who bears the greatest responsibility. .

However, Su Chen discovered this from his short contact with Warner.

Warner is indeed a powerful gentleman.

Ten minutes passed quickly like this, and the two sisters Dugu Qi and Dugu Wei on the booth had also returned at this time.

"Ten minutes go by so fast, I believe everyone can't wait for our third auction! Then I will not talk nonsense, we will announce our third auction soon!

After Duguqi finished speaking, Duguwei still walked to the big black box in the background and took out another item from it.

This item is also packed in a box.

But unlike the wooden box used by the previous Mutation Awakening Stone, this time the box is made of a special metal, and the entire surface of the box is glowing with a silver metallic luster.

After Duguwei took out the metal box, she placed it on a golden tray as usual, and carried it to the booth.

However, it can be seen that the weight of the auction items this time is relatively large. After all, the boxes are all metal, so Duguwei is carrying them with both hands this time.

Duguwei brought the golden tray to the front and back of the booth, and placed the entire tray in front of Duguqi.

However, this time Duguqi did not open the metal box.

Instead, it started straight away.

‘Our third auction item today, will be a very special auction item.

"Because this thing doesn't have a specific name yet, I'll just call it the mysterious essence first!"

"But the reason why it will be exhibited at this auction is that (Qian Dezhao) must show that this thing is not a nameless thing!"

"In the metal box in front of me, there is a stone of essence essence, although through various appraisals, its important function and function have not yet been found, but because this essence essence is derived from a powerful spirit It must be found in the body of the beast, so it must have some unknown commonality, because that kind of powerful spirit beast, the strength in his lifetime is comparable to the mage-level characters in our mage.

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