Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind

Chapter 40: Insect removal and sun shooting

What was displayed in front of Alexei and Al was a grand design blueprint.

The first page of the design is a brief description of the giant structure "L-Stargate". This is a giant structure that is so large that it must be constructed in space. Its project scale is even comparable to the construction of a large battleship. But corresponding to its construction cost, there are extremely generous returns.

L-Stargate is a giant facility that distorts time and space to achieve rapid jumps between two distant locations.

Unlike the Gray Knight Dimitri, who spends almost all his time studying scriptures and killing demons, Alexei is a knowledgeable prophet. She has dabbled in both the classics of the state religion and the relevant theories of the Mechanicum. She is also involved in scientific research. He has also made great achievements in this regard.

It was this profound knowledge and outstanding insight that allowed her to immediately understand the value of this facility after just glancing at the brief description of the L-Star Gate's operating mechanism with her psychic vision.

——This is a method of faster-than-light navigation using the laws of physics.

It is stable, efficient, safe, and has nothing to do with subspace; this is exactly what the master of mankind dreams of, a "treasure that can change the destiny of the empire."

Turning over the second and third pages of the design drawings, there is a brief project description followed by a large number of complex technical details and pre-technical explanations. Even the prophetess is not confident that she can chew through the vast amount of information in a short time.

Russell pushed the tetrahedron in front of Alexei with his left hand: "Are you willing to help me complete this project?"

Of course, of course, of course! As long as this great project can be completed, I, Espernes, the Empire, and all mankind! Will do whatever it takes...

... Alexei wanted to sigh like this, but her good cultivation prevented her from losing her composure. After simply devouring the outline of the design drawing, she discovered the problem:

"This is indeed a priceless treasure, but what about the main door? There is only structural information about the sub-doors."

The L-star gate system is divided into two parts: the "main gate" and the "sub-gate". The number of sub-gates can be expanded without limit, but the main gate is the only one.

The main door can connect to all sub-doors, and all sub-doors can lead to the main door;

However, two different sub-doors cannot communicate with each other.

If you want to jump from sub-door No. 1 to sub-door No. 2, you must transfer through the main door. Direct point-to-point jumping between the two sub-doors is not possible.

In other words, the main gate is the central hub of the entire L-Stargate system, the "terminal exit".

The design drawing Russell gave her only included the design information of the sub-door, and did not include the more complex and huge main door.

"You only need to get the sub-gate, because the main gate will be built here - in Falla," Russell said with a smile.

Alexey was silent.

She understands the importance of the main gate and Russell's intention. As the transfer station of the entire L-star gate system, the terminal exit galaxy where the main gate is located will surely become the heart hub of the entire interstellar transportation network.

That would be a huge benefit. Even without using his psychic powers, Alexey could foresee what kind of tragic fight between you and me would happen when the amazing structure of the L-Star Gate was revealed in front of the empire's senior officials. seize.

Whether it is the High Lord of Terra, the nobles from various places, or even Alexei herself, she has also thought about setting the main gate in the capital galaxy of the Esbanese Sector, which is her hometown.

But Russell's attitude was tough, and his voice was neither humble nor arrogant: "The main door will only be here, and the terminal exit will either be in Falla or it won't exist."

If the governor of another planet dared to be so disrespectful to the prophet, the devout believers would spontaneously inflict the harshest punishment on him without Alexei's voice.

But Russell is different. He is not only the planetary governor of Falla, but behind him stands the mysterious existence of the "Star Bomber".

Even the design of the L-Stargate itself was a gift from the star bomber.

"I understand that you want to fight for the interests of your hometown." Alexey calmed down and said slowly:

"But you have to understand that the benefits brought by the main gate are too huge. The L-Star Gate project will involve all interest groups in the entire empire. The battle between them is not something that a small galaxy is qualified to participate in. Gu Tai There is a proverb: Greed is enough for the snake to swallow the elephant.”

To put it simply, the water here is too deep. Falla cannot grasp it, and Russell cannot grasp it either.

But the star flicker can grasp it.

She tried to persuade Russell to give up setting the main gate in Falla and instead use other benefits to make up for it. Both resources and sector rights were within the scope of negotiability. The L-star gate network could obtain all prices for Falla.

Alexey's intentions were good, but Russell ignored her advice. The polite smile on his face remained impeccable, but there was no visible emotion.

Alexey bit his lip lightly and stopped persuading: "Is there really no room for negotiation?"

Russell did not answer her question, but turned to look at the shining golden emperor icon hanging on the wall of his office.

"It is said that the prophetess of Esbanese was blessed by the emperor and could see what will happen in the future." Russell suddenly said: "Then do you know why that person called himself the 'Star Bomber'?"

Alexey shook her head, admitting her shortcomings was not a shameful thing for her: "I don't know, I can't see through him, his soul is nothingness."

"You'll find out soon enough," Russell said softly.

After speaking, he stood up and turned off the projector, signaling to Dimitri that he could release the sealing spell on this room.

When the psychic shielding spell that radiated the entire office faded, Dimitri's helmet immediately received a sound array communication request from the Penitent Fire, as well as psychic communication from the Gray Knights of his team.

Alexey also immediately received the astrological message from the psyker. All these messages only conveyed the same message, an obvious message that could be seen by just looking up out of the window.

Two moons, one large and one small, were slowly moving in the clear sky of Falla. Apart from these two bright moons, a dazzling light spot suddenly lit up in the sky.

The intelligence agent's voice came from the sound array communication channel, describing the changes that occurred in space when they were talking to Russell:

The Hive Fleet that left Falla was attracted by some unknown existence to a remote and remote galaxy. It was a desolate place with no habitable planets and few resources, and was even more barren than Falla.

After the arrival of the insect swarm, the binary star system that had been running stably in the center of the galaxy suddenly collapsed.

The larger of the two stars expanded rapidly due to some unknown energy disturbance, and the mass gained after swallowing the other star at an incredible speed caused it to explode into a mass of destruction in a short period of time, enough to destroy the entire galaxy. A flare that engulfs all the swarms of insects attracted into the galaxy.

The reconnaissance team that followed the Hive Fleet far behind was also affected. Their hulls were severely damaged, but they finally did not crash into space.

The surviving scouts sent back a horrifying message:

They observed a huge battleship with a strange shape in the star system before it turned into a flare.

The reconnaissance team initially judged that it was most likely that the battleship used some method to detonate two stars and annihilate the entire insect swarm in one fell swoop.

"Now, let's talk about the terminal exit issue of the L-Stargate network again, shall we?"

Russell said with a smile.

"Star Bouncer" is the name given to human civilization by the singer civilization in the novel The Three-Body Problem.

In the article, the behavior of human beings using the sun as a signal amplifier to send broadcasts to the entire universe is vividly described as "playing the sun."

Therefore, the singer affectionately calls humans "star flickers".

—and then destroyed humanity.

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