If things develop normally, when the insect swarm arrives, the imperial troops and the orcs should still be fighting fiercely in the airspace of the second moon.

The orc warlords with the blessings of countless green skins waaagh!!! would not be defeated and killed in the confrontation with the Nurgle Demon so quickly. The battle should have become a stalemate, and it remained stalemate until the final arrival of the insect swarm. The three parties would A complex melee unfolds in Falla.

However, a variable broke the deadlock and changed the original direction of things.

18 Cyberlux warframes with body specifications equivalent to the Warlord-class Titan landed on the lunar surface. The ferocious firepower allowed mankind to win successively in the landing battle.

The defeat of the orc warlord who became weak due to the collapse of the beast's mouth was accelerated. In addition, Russell used the pioneer's treasure "Woltoum Reality Perforator" to modify reality and forcibly killed the Nurgle demon who was hosting Bao, which was even more complete. The situation in Falla was rewritten.

For ordinary Imperial Navy captains, they do not know the battle that took place deep in the Battle Moon, let alone the inside story of "The Last Bao". The news they received was that the Prophet was about to get what the Emperor asked for, and they must keep the swarm out of Falla at all costs to buy time.

The battleship Fire of Repentance took the lead, and every sailor in the scarred Martyr Legion was ready to sacrifice his body, sacrifice his blood to the God Emperor, and return his soul to the Golden Throne.

But what none of them noticed was that, outside the overwhelming fleet of insect swarms and the mighty fleet of martyrs, a thin silver stream of light suddenly flashed across the vast deep sky.

It was a small Gray Gu fighter with graceful lines. Inside the aircraft was a strange humanoid creature with a broken body but full of vitality.

The Gray Goo fighter plane took Bao away from Falla at an extremely fast speed, started the jump engine and jumped to another distant galaxy. As a result, the human fleet, which was nervously preparing for war, was soon surprised to find that the Hive Fleet, which was about to be destroyed by dark clouds,... turned around.

Chapter Commander Milak, who hurriedly returned to the command room, was receiving treatment from the pharmacist while paying attention to the star field map.

The intelligence returned by the forward reconnaissance aircraft showed that the Hive Fleet that pressed outside the Falla system suddenly adjusted its direction shortly before entering the system. They seemed to be pursuing something and shifted their course as a whole, leaving Falla behind. Just leave.

A terminal crisis ended before it happened.

The departure of the insect swarm made everyone in the command room secretly relieved, but at the same time very confused.

Although the state priests in the team have begun to expound doctrines and try to promote the retreat of the insect swarm as a miracle of the emperor, this can only fool the grassroots soldiers with low education levels.

Really knowledgeable people in the fleet can tell that the arrival and departure of this hive fleet has an extremely obvious purpose.

What attracted the swarm to Falla was the treasure prophesied by the prophetess.

So what made them leave Falla?

The survivors who survived the battle with the demon Bao already had a vague answer in their hearts.

After the swarm left, the Legion of Martyrs stationed most of its forces in an asteroid belt at the edge of the galaxy as a precaution.

Under the personal instructions of Chapter Master Milak, a small reconnaissance team composed of mortal elites, astropaths, navigators, and several Astartes monks was secretly dispatched to fly away in a special high-speed strike craft. Falla chased the departing swarm from a distance and closely observed its movements.

As for the ships and wounded that were seriously damaged in the previous sea battle, they went to Falla in droves for repairs and treatment.

Yes, this barren planet located on the eastern border of the Ultramarine Star Territory is actually capable of providing repairs and supplies for the Starfleet.

When the first batch of imperial troops landed on Falla, they were actually ready for battle, because in the previous naval battle, many orc speedboats were lucky enough to slip through the net and land on Falla.

They did not believe that this weak planet was capable of resisting the invasion of green skins, so they were all prepared to fight again with guns in hand and fight to the death to protect the people of Falla.

However, the reality is not what they thought. The combat effectiveness of Falla's own standing army is unusually high. Although its training level is far inferior to that of the elite stormtroopers in the Legion of Martyrs, its equipment level is not much inferior. .

Without outside help, Falla's army eliminated the orcs who broke into their homeland on their own, using flamethrowers to burn out any orc spores that might contaminate the land.

As more and more ships landed on the northern and southern continents of Falla, what appeared in the eyes of the martyrs and pilgrims was a situation that could be called "prosperity".

The two continents are dotted with metropolises with a high degree of industrialization. The city in the northern continent where the Governor's Palace is located is dominated by civilian replica factories that produce industrial products. The southern continent is a mine with a low output. You can see mineral processing centers and automated metallurgical plants with extremely advanced management levels, striving to make the best use of every grain of slag.

The uninhabited suburbs and mountainous areas outside the city have not been developed very thoroughly, but they have all undergone excellent planning by professionals. The local machinery will condescend to produce and improve various agricultural facilities at a reduced price, and use mechanized means to ensure every inch of land. They can all be well utilized and protected. While supporting the global population, there is still room for setting aside natural reserves.

The scarcity of planetary resources has forced the Falla people to develop a good habit of thrifting. Although their lives are not very rich, they can still live and work in peace and contentment.

It can be said that the level of civilization development and people's living standards on Falla have surpassed most imperial worlds - and far exceeded the home planet of the expeditionary warriors.

Under the instruction of the Planetary Governor, every city in Falla welcomed the arrival of the expeditionary force. The landmark buildings in each city were hung with words welcoming the heroes who protected Falla. The starport received a large number of damaged ships. Ship, but Falla's manpower and resources are very limited, so we can only do our best and cannot make any guarantees.

Even so, the friendliness and beauty of this planet still deeply touched these tired warriors who fought out of the green tide.

It was almost universally known on the planet that the Governor of Falla had acquired a "legacy ship from the Golden Age" "at the behest of the Emperor himself."

It was this generous governor who selflessly shared the ancient technology that he could have kept as his own, which promoted the rapid development of Falla society. The people who benefited from him all regarded Russell as a hero, a saint, and a messenger of the emperor, and they obeyed his will.

This is the result of the vigorous propaganda of the local state religion. They spare no effort to promote the image of the planetary governor as a great and righteous saint, providing more indisputable legitimacy for the spread of their religion.

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