Chapter 879

Aunt Bai is really dedicated to the mother and son of the flowers. When she came back from the trip, she not only bought milk powder and milk bottles for the children, but also bought millet porridge and eggs for the flowers. She fed them mother and son and was moved by the flowers. Tears filled his eyes.

  Nowadays, Hua Hua is alone in Tianjin, alone and helpless, and is catching up with production. If she doesn’t have the help of Aunt Bai, she really doesn’t know what she should do...

  In the hospital for two days, Hua Hua’s health gradually recovered, but the side cut has not healed. The doctor’s advice is to stay in the hospital for another two days to get rid of the anti-inflammatory injections to avoid wound infection.

  But Huahua is afraid of spending money, so she discussed with Aunt Bai and wanted to leave the hospital as soon as possible to save some money.

   Aunt Bai thought about it, and agreed that she was discharged from the hospital, but it was a bit late today, and said that she would be discharged again at noon tomorrow.

  At noon, the sun was full and the sky was warm, lest the weather of the twelfth lunar month would freeze them at this time, and it would make her worry even more if their mothers catch the wind and cold.

  Huahua was very grateful for Aunt Bai’s arrangement, and naturally he obeyed her words, so she decided to follow the arrangements made by Aunt Bai and be discharged from the hospital at noon tomorrow.

That night, the white lady, the flowers and the little baby were still living in the hospital. Their ward was a four-person room, but because of the Chinese New Year, there were few people in the hospital, and there were only three of them in their ward. They provide a lot of convenience.

   While sleeping, Hua Hua milked the child and drank the milk that Aunt Bai gave. After that, the three of them lay in bed and fell asleep.

  This sleep, I sleep until the day is almost bright.

  At about four or five o'clock, the flowers were about to unravel and I was awakened by urine.

   After waking up, she habitually turned her head to look at the child, but at first glance, the child was no longer in her bed.

  Hua was shocked, thinking that the child was on the bed of Aunt Bai, she quickly jumped out of the bed and ran to Aunt Bai.

  Result-Aunt Bai is also empty around her, with no children at all.

  Hua’s head buzzed, and her voice changed with fright. She yelled, "Auntie, Auntie Bai, where's the child?"

  The white lady did not answer, still covering her head and sleeping.

  Huahua yelled twice, and saw that Aunt Bai hadn't been awake, so she reached out to lift her quilt.


  Under the quilt, there were a few pillows. Aunt Bai had been missing for a long time.


  A harsh scream resounded over the hospital.

The flowers rushed out of the ward like crazy and rushed to the doctor's duty room, crying incoherently, "Doctor, my child was lost and stolen by an old lady... She pretended to be a good-hearted person. She lied to me to believe her, but stole my son. Doctor, please call the police for me. By the way, is there a security guard in our hospital? Has anyone seen my son..."

  While crying, she rushed outside, trying to catch up with the "Miss White" who left without knowing when and where she went...

  The doctor on duty saw that she was so excited, and when he heard that she was losing her child, he immediately took it seriously.

  No matter what you say, the child was lost in their hospital. If you can’t find it, not only the hospital is responsible, but the doctor on duty is also responsible.

  So, after the flowers ran out frantically, she also made a decisive decision, and immediately ran to the reception room and called Dean Wang.

  At this point, Dean Wang hadn’t gotten up yet. He took the call with a full body of air of getting up. When he heard that a patient had lost a child in their hospital, he was so scared and sleepy.

  "Call the police, call the police immediately..."

  He gave orders loudly, put on his clothes in a hurry, ran downstairs to ride his motorcycle, and hurried to the hospital.

This hospital is a private hospital contracted by him. In the past few years, the people believed in the public and did not believe in the individual. After working hard for several years, it was easy for the hospital to improve. If at this juncture, a child was stolen. The incident, then his painstaking efforts for several years, I am afraid that it will be wasted.

Moreover, regardless of his personal interests, from the emotional aspect of the mother who lost the child, which child is not the mother’s heart, if the child is lost, it must be more uncomfortable for a mother than death. Can't bear to let an innocent woman endure such pain!

  "Have you seen my son, he was only three days old, how can she run with the baby in such a cold day..."

   "Oh my god, who saw my son, please, tell me..."

  At the gate of the hospital, flowers were pulling everyone who passed by like crazy, asking eagerly.

At this moment, her clothes were thin, tears were streaming down her face, and the slippers on her feet were also lost unknowingly. However, her feet could no longer feel the coldness of the ground, because her heart at this time was already cold and was about to end. It's iced!

   "Oh my God, my child—"

Seeing that everyone was hiding from her like a madman, Huahua collapsed again when no one told her that the child had fallen. She knelt down on the ground with a puff, as if she had been taken away from her body, she could no longer stand. Woke up.

  "My son..." She sat on the ground, grabbed her clothes and called out...

  When Dean Wang rushed to the hospital, he happened to see this scene

——Among a large group of people, the woman with disheveled hair is only wearing sweaters and trousers, bare feet, slapped on the ground frantically, and her voice has changed, "My child... please... take my Give it back to me..."

   Dean Wang hurriedly squeezed in and squeezed to the side of the flower. When he was about to ask, he was immediately stunned.

  This woman, isn’t Xiao Zhou’s girlfriend?

  In the spring, he went to the capital to meet with old friends. He had seen this woman in Zhou's house.

  At that time, she was still Xiao Zhou’s girlfriend, why is she now a mother who lost her child?

  This Dean Wang is the dentist Wang, who was demoted to Nong’an County with Zhou Xilong.

Years have passed. Those people who were in those days still maintained a deep friendship, and they had to gather for several meetings every year. Doctor Wang (no, it should be called Dean Wang now) met Xiao Zhou’s daughter at the gathering in the spring. My friend, at that time, this girl was still a painter with elegant temperament, but at this time, she was so embarrassed...

  No, she hasn’t married Xiao Zhou yet? How come there are children? Could it be... after talking to Xiao Zhou Huang and looking for someone else?

   is not right. Counted according to the month of pregnancy and delivery. Even if she and Xiao Zhouhuang are looking for another man, she shouldn’t have given birth to a child so early. Could it be...Is this child...

  A strange thought flashed in his mind. In an instant, Dean Wang’s eyes widened!

  "Oh, the dean is here, and dean Wang, the kid of the same **** is lost. You can help think of a way...

  Some of the crowd onlookers knew Dean Wang. As soon as Dean Wang appeared, someone called out.

  Huahua was crying faintly, when someone said that the dean was coming, she was shocked and followed everyone's eyes. Right in front of her, she saw a well-dressed middle-aged man.

   Seeing Dean Wang, the flowers looked like they had seen a savior, and suddenly they rushed over and held Dean Wang’s clothes tightly.

"President, you are the dean? You must save my child. He was only three days old, and he was stolen by someone..." The flower cried and thumped her chest. At this moment, she was completely Can't remember who Dean Wang is, she had met this person a few months ago.

  (End of this chapter)

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