As time goes by, nothing major has happened in the virtual space so far, no other elves have appeared in the world, and there has not been a large-scale attack by the DEM company.

   According to Erya's own description, after the change, she has been hiding in hiding because of the pursuit of DEM. She has never had a relaxing life, but now she stays at home all the time, but no one comes at all.

   This article Erya: A group of persuasion.

   Fortunately, it is precisely because there is no one to bother her, Erya is completely immersed in the world of the second dimension, and is busy creating, drawing manga, and watching anime every day.

In fact, Lin Qingyin is relatively relieved to see her in this state. After all, Erya has not erased the memory of abuse. If one day is in a bad mood, the mood swings too much and the mood swings accidentally, the fun will be great. Up.

   Although she said that she had no longer that experience, she couldn't help herself to think back to the real past.

   For Erya, she really dislikes or even hates that unbearable time, no matter how she denies it, it does occupy a considerable part of her life.

Sometimes she hates her power as an elf. No matter how time dilutes her memories, she always tells her clearly what happened. She desperately tells herself not to think about those things, but the more she does this, the memory does not. Always clearer.

   Pain, regret.

   can always occupy the brain in the dead of night.

   However, she never despaired.

   Because whenever a memory springs up, there will always be someone who rescues her from the endless abyss at the end of the memory.

   For Tokazaki Kakuzo, Honjo Erya will involuntarily produce a feeling of dependence. She is not sure why she thinks this way. Is it because the other party saved her? Or is it because she is one of the few people she can't see through with the power of the elves?

   Maybe it's both. Erya thinks that she likes the second element because he understands the dark side of other people too much. On the contrary, the unknown and false second element makes him curious.

   Coupled with the reversal information she learned from Tokisaki Kuzou, she was unwilling to become a demon king who wanted to destroy everything.

   So, no matter how cruel and dark the reality is, there are still beautiful two-dimensional elements in the world, and there are countless beautiful things waiting to be discovered by yourself. How can you become the devil of Shi Lezhi?

   However, Erya is now facing a problem.

   Like some friends who like to read novels, Erya has fallen into an anime wasteland.

   "Kuang Sanjiang, I'm so boring~~~"

I refreshed the list of fan dramas over and over again. Erya couldn’t find any new anime. I don’t want to go back to review the anime I’ve watched. When I’m bored, I want to look for Kazuki Tosaki. Days are good.

   Lin Qingyin watched Erya's underwear enter a tangled state, and was thinking about whether or not to throw this underwear that seems to be warm in the washing machine.

   If I rashly touch the underwear that someone else has changed, would it be considered a pervert?

   No, it is not this issue that should be considered at present, but how to educate Erya to pay attention to personal hygiene.

   In case a man comes to my house one day, I will lose out if I see this.

   As for why you suffer, isn’t that a very obvious question? If Erya lives in his own home, of course he is his own, and of course it suffers from being seen by others who shouldn't.

   Then, when Erya found Kuangsan, he found that the other party was looking at her underwear in a daze.

   At first, even a man would not feel anything to see these, but for some reason she felt a little ashamed, and secretly decided to converge a little later.

   "Erya, don't throw away your underwear in the future, it is not good for other people to come to our house to see it."

   "Hey, are you jealous of Kuangsanjiang?"

"Jealous?" Lin Qingyin felt a little embarrassed by being pricked, but seeing Er Ya's sly eyes, a fierce air suddenly lifted her heart, "Yes, from today onwards, I announce that you are my person. You are not allowed to litter your clothes. Also, remember to wait for bed every night from now on, have you heard?"

   "You little kid wants me to sleep in? Impossible!"

   "Little kid?"

   Lin Qingyin heard these three words and felt that some aspect of his dignity had been insulted.

   Even in this situation, the word small cannot be said.

   If you don't educate you well today, it may be that you don't know who is in charge of this family. This bad personality should also be changed.

   Grabbing Erya who wanted to escape from the crime scene because he saw that the situation was wrong, Lin Qingyin remembered the unfulfilled idea of ​​pulling her **** last time, so I can give it a try today.

   "Kuangsan, what are you going to do???



   After a punishment like educating a child, Erya remembered that he wanted to come to Tokizaki Kakuzo to chat.

   "Kuang Sanjiang, so boring."

   "Why, do you want to do it again?" Lin Qingyin still missed the soft touch just now. If Er Ya wanted to do it again, she wouldn't mind.

Erya rubbed his still a little puffy I always felt that I might develop some special physiques in some ** in the long run, and shook his head decisively, indicating that I would never think about it anymore. .

   "I meant to say that I didn't watch anime, so boring."

   Lin Qingyin: Who told you that you have basically never slept for nearly a month and watched anime there every day. I watched all the things I missed in the past few years, and I didn't even let go of some virulent episodes.

   I remembered that Erya invited herself to watch anime before. I thought she was alone and bored and wanted to find someone to watch anime together. After seeing it halfway through, Lin Qingyin realized that this guy was actually watching the poisonous episode of a green grassland above her head.

   Actually, I have to pull myself up and suffer together.

   This person is really too bad.

  Co-author As long as it is a two-dimensional and dark plot, can you accept it?

   Since that time, Lin Qingyin has once again refreshed Erya's understanding of the degree of fascination with the second dimension.

   "I can't do anything if you finish watching the anime you want to watch, continue to draw your manga."

   "No, I have reached the workload of one day, and I don't want to move anymore"

   Lin Qingyin wondered if this guy knew something, and actually pestered himself to talk about this topic.

   "Help me, I know Kuangsanjiang will definitely help me."

   ".........." So, the ability to confide in me is really annoying.

"The 嗫报文帙 told me that there must be something I need in Kuangsanjiang, although I can't find out what it is, but this feeling must not be wrong!" Erya said that although he could not find anything else Things, but this is the only item, with my love for the second element, I can never go wrong, the kind of fatalism that comes from the dark, as if to say that there is a huge treasure in Tosaki Kuangsan.

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