At times like this, the opponent is more likely to tell the truth. And this “mantra” will also be shocking news for the whole world! Everyone raised their ears, lest they miss a word.

Dong Wushang said solemnly: “You ask!”

Zui Wuqing long sword hung down and said: “Dong Wushang, I only ask you… Who is behind you? Press Logically speaking, there is no reason for you to develop so fast, there must be someone playing tricks! Inform me, who is that?”

Dong Wushang said disdainfully: “It’s clear that you took the Central Pole Heaven The operation has become a mess, the battle of Purple Firmament Heaven, if you don’t fight, in the heart of the world hero, you have lost the qualification of Celestial Emperor. So I am fighting against crimes at this time, and I can respond with a thousand responses. I am behind the body, simply without anyone, If there is, only the Will of Heaven, only the human heart… Hahaha, and only people like you who play with crafty plots and machinations every day, will have such terrible ideas!”

Dong Wushang Standing with a knife horizontally, he said proudly, “It’s just me, Dong Wushang, with blood in my chest, masculinity, bones in my body, and a knife in my hand! Don’t you need someone to help?”

Dong Wushang this A few words were naturally filled with a kind of pride that looked down on the world.

Someone cheered loudly: “Okay! Well said!”

Zui Wuqing laughed mockingly and said, “Isn’t Tianji Intelligence Agency yours?”

Dong Wushang was silent for a while, then said sarcastically with a smile: “Tianji Intelligence Agency? They are indeed my people, but my enemies! Why, want to shirk responsibility for defeat? Well, you just need to If you think so, that’s it!”

Dong Wushang said yes, but everyone who heard it, including Saintly Monarch Yun Shangren, who was watching the battle in secret, didn’t think so at all.

This remark really lacks at least sincerity.

Zui Wuqing was furious: “Dong Wushang, I treated you as a hero and only spoke to you during the decisive battle. Don’t humiliate me with this tone!”

He shouted: “Today’s decisive battle is to decide the battle of Central Pole Heaven Sovereign, don’t you, Dong Wushang, won’t even tell the truth!?”

Dong Wushang lightly saying: “My Dong Wushang life , is the most disdainful of lying. But for you, it is an exception! You can watch Devil enter Purple Firmament Heaven, but remain indifferent, hundreds of millions of living things become charcoals, stand up to the cool eye of a bystander, to a person like you, Do I need to be treated politely! You don’t deserve it!”

Zui Wuqing loudly roared, his long sword stood up, his face grim: “If that’s the case, then let’s fight to the death!”

” Of course, it’s to fight to the death!” Dong Wushang slowly raised the knife: “Did you come here just to chat with you? Or that sentence, you’re not worthy!”

Both of them knew Yun Shangren Just coveted on the side, so while speaking not one drop of water can leak out, never dare to neglect!

And Dong Wushang sighed in his heart.

As for the current Zui Wuqing, he simply doesn’t want to kill him, but he must kill him! Had to kill, had to kill!

Moreover, Zui Wuqing obviously has no love for life and does not want to live anymore.

As he himself said, being a dog for a lifetime is enough! Before dying, I want to be a human being directly and honestly! And this directly and honestly, need Dong Wushang to give.

There has never been a moment, never a single person, that Dong Wushang hated so much!

Yun Shangren!

These three words make Dong Wushang hate him to the core! This Saintly Monarch Your Majesty, who has always been on the throne of the Old Nine Heavens Number One Person and sanctimonious, who could have imagined that in the bones would actually be such a treacherous and murderous, utterly heartless, completely crazy and ridiculous, base and shameless hypocrite bastard!

I believe that even if all the derogatory terms in the world are used on him, it cannot really describe his despicableness if by any chance!

Dong Wushang’s murder has always been clean and neat, never using a second knife, even if it is an enemy, it will not let people suffer from any piecemeal crimes!

But at this moment, Dong Wushang felt that if one day, if he allowed Yun Shangren to die happily, it would be an unforgivable sin!

“Dong Wushang!” Zui Wuqing slowly floated up, and in midair, the long sword was swung wildly.

In an instant, a mountain of swords appeared in the sky that could reach the sky and reach the ground!

It’s 100 thousand feet tall!

Between the entire heaven and the earth, the bright moon disappears without trace in an instant, as if there is only this huge mountain of swords between the heaven and the earth, lying here! Exudes a deadly killing intent.

Obviously, this is exactly what Zui Wuqing is trying to do!

One sword turned into a thousand miles!

This sword, I believe, even if Saintly Monarch is in front of him, he can’t take it lightly, and he must avoid it for the time being.

The Saintly Monarch in the dark, quietly sighed in relief.

Since Zui Wuqing is working so hard, it seems that there will not be any major problems with all the arrangements…

The only thing to worry about now is Dong Wushang.

Dong Wushang debuted only a few years ago. Although his cultivation base has reached a very high realm and his fighting skills are also very high, he can really compete with the peerless powerhouse Central Pole Heaven Celestial that became famous millions of years ago. Is Emperor Zui Wuqing fighting head-on?

If Dong Wushang can’t resist and die under Zui Wuqing’s ultimate move, then his plan will be lost in half in an instant.

There is nothing more wonderful than this. Right here, at this time, Yun Shangren, the enemy, is actually worried about Dong Wushang’s life and death…

Dong Wushang took a deep breath, the burly body seems to have grown again at this moment. On his body, the rays of light of light purple overflowed faintly!

This is a unique phenomenon that the cultivation base has been elevated to its own peak!

He understands that this is Zui Wuqing forcing himself, forcing him to a killing blade!

He didn’t even give Dong Wushang any leeway.

Because, under this move, there is only one result.

If you don’t die, even if I die!

If you Dong Wushang is soft-hearted, and if you don’t think you can kill me, then you will have to die under this move. After the shot, even if I wanted to keep it, it was impossible!

So, if you don’t want to die and want to live, you can only kill me!

Just spare no effort!

And this last trick of mine will also be the last bit of brilliance I stay in the secular world, Legend!

This is my Zui Wuqing, the only thing left in this world is my dignity!

Please don’t blaspheme!

Zui Wuqing did not speak again, but Dong Wushang fully understood these meanings!

More thorough understanding than hearing!

Dong Wushang certainly doesn’t want to die. So, whether it’s for yourself or for your family or for your brothers…or for Zui Wuqing’s last wish!

This move, he must win!

If you lose, you are not only sorry for yourself and the world, but even for your opponents!

Two tigers fight, and there must be a death game!

Dong Wushang’s feet moved slightly, and Black Sabre slowly lifted up. Dong Wushang’s eyes turned into two black holes swallowing heaven and earth at this moment!

“Heartless Sabre!”

It’s a decisive decision, not only a decisive decision, but a decisive decision!

In the sky, the infinitely magnificent mountain of swords suddenly moved!

If you move, you will be dejected!

The world is ruined!

Several thousands li from far and near, everyone can clearly see this scene, the mountain in the sky, which is completely composed of long sword sword energy, suddenly turned into countless sword glow flowing light , flooded heaven and earth!

It seems that in this Ye Kong, a trillion meteors suddenly appeared!

Even, everyone seems to have heard a loud ‘boom’ in their hearts, which is earth-shattering, the sound of wind and rain coming.

This moment, the entire world, seems to disappear with a bang!

Only destruction!

Thousands of Martial Artists were watching this fight, and everyone felt a huge benefit before this move.

After watching this battle, my Martial Study cultivation base can definitely go a step further and bring it up a level!

However, at this moment when the mountain of swords collapsed, at least half of the people suddenly felt that the martial spirit in their hearts collapsed at that moment!


A lifetime of belief in the Way of Martial Arts, at this moment when the mountain of swords collapsed, obliterate completely!

The abrupt collapse of the mountain of swords also collapsed their spirits!

From that moment on, these people will never make any further progress in the martial arts world!

Even, no matter how diligently study and practice hard, and concentrate on research, it is unavoidable to regress day by day, step by step slump!

The reason is because of this move, this moment, this moment.

The first-generation Celestial Emperor made a desperate move, which was truly earth-shattering and terrifying! Not only does it have devastating damage to the human physical body, it also has a devastating effect on the human spirit, Spirit Sense!

In the shadows in the far corners, those ugly women watched Zui Wuqing’s body turn into a magnificent mountain of swords, and then collapsed overnight. .

Hundreds of thousands of years and millions of years of bedside people, how can you not know what kind of mentality your man has now?

After this move, the world will no longer have the Heartless Celestial Emperor, and there will no longer be the existence of Zui Wuqing!

A final decision is forever!

“husband…” Several women stared at the criss-crossed flowing light in the air, opened their mouths, and called out silently.

This moment, heartache like death, heartbreak like scum.

At the moment when the mountain of swords suddenly collapsed, Dong Wushang a long whistle shook the sky, his burly body stood erect, and the Black Sabre in his hand suddenly spun, an unprecedented, direct connection to the heavens. A tornado suddenly takes shape!

Immediately, Dong Wushang’s silhouette disappeared completely!

In place, there is only a tiny, shining one, only as long as a chopstick, a miniature version of Black Sabre!

But the rays of light flashing on this knife are unprecedented and incomparable.

Many Martial Artists accidentally saw the rays of light emanating from this knife at the moment, but there was only a sudden scream, and blood flowed from both eyes.

But it has been attacked by saber energy inadvertently.

Even in a space far away from this thousand hundred zhang, this is still the case.

The fierceness of saber energy is inexhaustible, spanning all time, space, and inexhaustible distances!

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