Everyone is thinking, since you, Chu Yang, opened our conversation box, then you have to take responsibility accordingly. Besides, you are so good, hum, you are better than us…

We’re all upset! It can’t be done, but… it’s always okay to vent.

Now, want to go without hearing your foaming at the mouth nerve spasm? Where is there such a cheap thing!

Want to go? sure! , After you have finished speaking and listening to the story, you can leave, no one will stop you at that time!

As the saying goes, the evils we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear, the evils we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear.

So, Chu Yang was directly tortured during the next period of time, tortured on shifts.

Who can bear to hear such a similar story for months at a time?

The story of the Nine Tribulation Brothers and Sword Master is nothing more than those: Lower Three Heavens, acquaintance, brother first taking shape. Middle Three Heavens, work hard and become a lifelong friendship. The Upper Three Heavens continued to deepen, and then everyone started the great cause of unifying the Nine Heavens together…

The story of each Master of Nine Tribulations Sword and his brothers is basically the same.

different broth but the same old medicine, basically the same, no matter the beginning, the process, the climax, the ending, the ending, there is no accident.

Chu Yang was bombarded continuously, wave after wave…

The only benefit seems to be that the spiritual energy here is unusually strong, It is of great benefit to the cultivation of Mo Qingwu Tie Butian and Wu Qianqian, and the nine golden small figures in Chu Yang’s body are slowly absorbing spiritual energy to develop and grow…

Or else, Chu Yang may have already collapsed completely…

As he was sighing, he heard someone calling outside the door, it was Jun Lie’s voice: “Chu Yang brother, let’s go, let’s go to the tea room… …The time is up, everyone is waiting for us there…”

Chu Yang let out a mournful cry, pulled the quilt over his head, and whimpered, “Boss, please let me go. Well… I’m about to break down, so please be kind…”

The footsteps sounded, and Jun Lie came in: “Aiya, isn’t it really broken… come and come… , everyone is rarely seen, have a good chat, and when you really collapse, we will definitely be gracious.”

Chu Yang lifted the quilt and sat up, and said with grief and indignation: “Of course you are interested…you guys Each of them has not been talked about for tens of thousands of years… This will finally have a chance, even if you talk about it for another year, you can still be very interested, but I…”

The more I talk, the more Aggrieved and indignant, Chu Yang said angrily: “But what about me? I…” He fell straight and fell again, lying on the quilt, hammering the bed with his hand: “I just walked all the way like this… I’m still walking like this…Ahhh!”

“Look at this guy to be cocky…he’s still walking like this…” Someone outside tsk tsk repeatedly said: “It’s clearly looking down on us. Haven’t gone this way? Come on, I have to have a good theory with you… Everyone is obviously the Master of Nine Tribulations Sword, why are you so arrogant? Why are you more than everyone else?”

Chu Yang look up to sky and heave a deep sigh: “Cang Heavens! , ah earth, ah God… Open your eyes…”

But, no matter how bad Chu Yang is Rather, he was dragged out by the two Master of Nine Tribulations Sword begging for nothing, and walked out as an escort: “Don’t worry, your wife has I’m with my wife, it’s very safe, and I can’t run away…”

Jun Lie was comforting.

Chu Yang wants to cry but has no tears: This is comfort, this is clearly a threat! The most hated is this! ——If I didn’t want to go with them and they couldn’t get away because of your wives, I would have run away…

Mo Qingwu looked at the backs of the three and sighed: “Have you noticed? The temperament of these seven guys is actually not much different from Chu Yang’s… Each one is a once-in-a-lifetime hero, and each is a straightforward and upright hero… But I don’t know why, Each one is so much a bit… wretched…”

Tie Butian smiled bitterly: “Really, it seems that it shouldn’t be, but, it shouldn’t be in front of my eyes.”

Wu Qianqian felt the same way: “It’s not just wretched, it seems that everyone likes taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune…especially for people they recognize, and they greet them with great enthusiasm… …a different kind of tossing.”

“The Master of Nine Tribulations Sword is all Freak!” Mo Qingwu concluded.

Suddenly shivered all over, and was terrified: “Aiya, fortunately they didn’t know that I was actually One of the Nine Tribulations, otherwise, Chu Yang would have one more person to accompany now. The tortured… terrifying after thinking about it.”

“en?” Tie Butian and Wu Qianqian squinted over at the same time.

Mo Qingwu was stunned for a moment, then next moment immediately raised his hands: “I was wrong…”

“Are you wrong?” The two women walked over with a wicked smile and looked up and down: “Where did you go wrong?”

Mo Qingwu turned around and wanted to run away, but was restrained by Tie Butian and Wu Qianqian and pressed him on the bed, cynically: “Yo, I really didn’t see it, our sister Qingwu is still One of the Nine Tribulations pinch…what’s the matter, that means neither of us…come, clean up this girl! Let’s see what ability One of the Nine Tribulations has…”

said, scratching the itch divine art is fully activated.

Mo Qingwu laughed and screamed, curled up, unable to escape, begging for mercy: “giggle…forgive my life…giggle…”

The three girls suddenly became one group.

Finally, Chu Yang left in a hurry, almost running for his life.

As I walked to the barrier, I was still in a cold sweat.

behind the body, the seven stopped together.

“Chu Yang, it’s a smooth journey. We’re not far away.”

The seven people said together.

Chu Yang turned his head, and the seven people on the opposite side had a sincere look on their faces, looking at themselves with a smile, just as they were looking at their brother. After a short meeting, they had already recognized Chu Yang.

All night long during this time, everyone liked the Little Brother very much. At this moment, parting is actually a bit reluctant.

“You should also take care of yourself.” Chu Yang took a deep breath: “We will slaughter Devil someday, and we will see you on the Outlands battlefield. Then we will come and go together, and lie on the battlefield drunk!”

“Good! When the time comes, let’s go with the brothers, Devil’s drinking and Purple Firmament!”

“When you get to Old Heaven, see my brothers and don’t forget to tell them.”

“Yes, what I made with my own hands, give it to my brother.”

“Inform them, we’ll find them soon.”

Seven people clasped their fists and salutes at the same time, cherishing their farewell!

Chu Yang took the three daughters of Mo Qingwu and turned away. When they passed the barrier that the Master of Nine Tribulations Sword of all dynasties had never been able to pass through, they saw the barrier rippling like a wave of water, and then the four of them stopped. disappeared from everyone’s sight.

Watching everyone leave, Feng Bao took a long deep breath: “Hey, a common origin is different, this ninth-generation Master of Nine Tribulations Sword…is really strong!”

Meng Cang felt the same way: “Yeah. There is a feeling of high mountains and vast seas in him.”

Yun Dong smiled bitterly: “So, I wanted to learn from him. After a while, it still didn’t happen.”

The other six laughed together: “haha… lest inviting humiliation to oneself!”

Jun Lie said: “People are still so young, He has already achieved such an achievement, and it is understandable to be able to go along with the conditions of the Nine Tribulations Sword… It’s no wonder that neither of us can, but he can. Hey, it’s really better than others to destroy death. .”

Lin Zun nods. “So everyone doesn’t have to be unconvinced. Strong is strong. There is no reason to say that if it does not conform, it does not conform, and there is no reason to say it. I am worried about it now. , that is, after meeting my brothers in the future, can my cultivation base be comparable to them, and I must not fall behind.”

He looked at several other people and said indifferently: “As for meeting you I have no interest, no comparability. Compared with Chu Yang, I am even less interested and have no comparability.”

The other six laughed and scolded at the same time: “This bastard speaks coldly, for fear that we will be jealous haha…”

entire group turned back.

However, everyone feels that this time walking here, the mood is very different from the past. It used to be indifferent, but now it is a little more anxious and urgent.

Also, there is a lot of anticipation and anxiety.

When will… go out? Brothers, I… miss you…


Chu Yang and the four just walked out of the barrier when they felt that their body was moving at a very fast speed I fell down, and then I realized that the original location of the four of them was actually in midair.

The body is suspended in the air, and there is no cultivation base.

The blue waves below are actually Desperate Lake!

“When did you come here?” Chu Yang and the four of them were all at a loss: “Didn’t they still be at the bottom of the lake just now? Only when we entered the bottom of the lake did we enter the gate, and only then did we arrive at that place. mysterious space…how can this come out but it’s in the sky?”

The four of them activated their bodies to control their bodies to fly into the void, falling back to the lakeside, and then watching the clear lake water, the three of them were all puzzled Inexplicable. There must be a reason for this, but now it is impossible to understand.

“Where are we going next?” Tie Butian asked.

“Let’s ask someone first, how long have we been there…” Chu Yang said.

The four quickly descended the mountain.

I asked someone casually, and the four of them were sluggish on the spot at the same time!

Because now, it has been a full year since I entered Desperate Lake! !

One year!

As soon as this figure was calculated, the four of them were almost stupid: How long did they stay in it? How come a year has passed?

In addition to being hard to believe, I asked a few people to ask, I also asked a few farmhouses, and a few gangs to inquire, and the four finally confirmed: Yes! It’s been a year!

“This is bad!” Chu Yang’s face was rather ugly.

The four of them looked at each other and said in unison, “It’s really bad! Let’s go! Hurry up and go back!”

Without saying a word, the four of them started the extreme speed, anxious Speed towards the channel opened by Xue Leihan.

A whole year, how much has changed!

How many things have been missed? The four of them can’t even think about it now.

I just hope it’s not too late and no regrets happen!


“Sixth! Tired and lying down…”

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