This night, Xue Leihan sat alone on the top of the mountain, with a purple jade table in front of him and three cups on the table.

Xue Leihan has one in front of him and two in front of him.

Xue Leihan took out another jug of wine, Xue Leihan smiled, filled the glass opposite, raised his own glass, and said softly: “brother … brother and sister, your daughter … I will help you I found it.”

“Brother and sister, child has me…you should rest assured.”

Did it in one bite.

Then spilled the fine wine in the opposite glass on the snow, and a water stain appeared on the snow, which gradually washed down, leaving a wet mark.

“We used to drink like this many years ago… I always wanted to say to you, why do you have to drink at the top of the mountain?” Xue Leihan looked at the void, as if Zi Hao was standing there.

Xue Leihan raised his glass and drank: “…you said at the time, I like this feeling of overlooking the world…When I stand at the highest point, I will feel that the whole sky and earth , are all under my feet. hehe…brother, I don’t feel that way today, I just think of drinking with you, every time I’m at a high place.”

“It’s a pity that there is no one to accompany me now. Drink here.”

Xue Leihan sighed softly, filled it up again, killed it, then poured it out, sighed…and filled it up…

A night of blizzards.

Xue Leihan just sat on the top of the mountain all night and drank wine all night; until the Eastern Sunrise the next day.

He is still sitting alone, drinking alone, drinking with his brother, younger siblings, who were millions of years ago; is it to celebrate that he has finally found bloodline? Is the melancholy hero no longer? Is it a pity? Is it reminiscence? …

How exactly, no one can say.

In the pine forest on one side, Xue Qi leaned against a tree and watched from a distance as his Big Brother was drinking alone, with an unprecedented seriousness and seriousness.

He is motionless and seems to blend in with the pine forest.

A long time, a long whistle, resounding through the blue sky.

Xue Leihan’s voice reverberated in the sky for a long time.

“Heavenly Armament/Celestial Troops fight against Purple Firmament; p>The mainstay is proud Son of Heaven;

Abandoning a heroic bone;

Full of blood and blood;>

Wandering heaven and earth with Sovereign;

Abandoning flesh and blood is not what I want;

However, the drum of Outlands is high;

For millions of years, I am ashamed ,

Bone and flesh reunite fortunately in the present;

world but there is the Emperor of the East;

Who dares to look coldly at Nujiao?

The grievances of the past are over;

Get drunk with my brother again…”

Next, there is only Xue Leihan’s long sigh…

The two wine cups on the opposite side are standing quietly on the table, in the white snow, the wine is still warm, and the heat is rising. It seems that there are husband and wife on the opposite side. They are meeting to raise a glass and have a drink with the Emperor of the East…

Zi Xieqing leaned against Chu Yang’s arms, leaning on him for a whole night in a state that had never been so weak.

She was not sad and crying, just a little lost.

How could this happen… After so many passes of time, I have long been used to being alone, and I have long been used to being alone. How could I suddenly have a parent? How did he suddenly become a descendant of hero? Why all of a sudden… I have my own roots… But, although all of this is there, it has long since disappeared…

It has been gone for millions of years!

Chu Yang and other three people snuggled together, no one said a word, and they were so close to each other.

Chu Yang and Mo Qingwu both know that what Zi Xieqing needs most right now is not comfort.

This accident is certainly a good thing for Zi Xieqing. But there is one thing that is too sudden. As for the sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy hot of the mood, no one really can understand it.

Or even Zi Xieqing himself may not have a clear idea of how he feels at this meeting.

Purple Firmament Celestial Emperor… That hero in Legend, that hero who fought alone until the final moments, is actually his own father?

This sudden fact made Zi Xieqing even a little not knowing what to do.

But I don’t know why, I have been wandering, a little unsettled, and my heart that feels insecure, but it seems to have stabilized since then.

Although they are already not in.

But I… After all, I still have a father and a mother.

It’s not that they don’t care about me, but because of the Devil’s invasion, for the sake of justice, they don’t care about me… But before they died, they still arranged for me completely…

Even if it is for the sake of justice and not in vain, it still places me properly dāng dāng!

I should be satisfied.

Thinking of that cave, those inexhaustible supplies, Zi Xieqing thought about it, a burst of sad happiness surged in his heart, he couldn’t help holding his tears and showing a gentle smile.

This moment’s Zi Xieqing is still very weak, and Qing Yang, who is no longer in the past, is also very lovable!

Chu Yang hugged Zi Xieqing, but he was thinking: Could it be that the original Purple Firmament Celestial Emperor had already sensed Saintly Monarch’s killing intent; however, in the face of Devil, he absolutely couldn’t back down? , my other children have grown up, and they have reached the point where they can fight Devil. Only this child is still in the egg, and it needs a long passing of time to hatch. For safety… So I put her far away. send away?

It’s almost paranoid and set up a long time of almost a million years…

In fact, it is just to… ensure that she can escape the poison of Saintly Monarch?

However, there is another problem here, even with the cultivation base at the time of Zi Hao and Ling Piaoping, they may not have enough ability to set the seal to a million years, especially since they were already in In the fighting atmosphere, it is difficult to be distracted…

As a result, there is another problem: the person who sets the seal is someone else! That black-clothed person is naturally capable of setting a million-year seal, but how did they invite that black-clothed person?

This makes Chu Yang particularly puzzled, completely incomprehensible.

If that black-clothed person was willing to help them settle down their descendants, why wouldn’t they help them settle Devil. In terms of the strength of that black-clothed person, he can almost make Devil vanish like smoke in thin air just by waving his hand…

But why didn’t he shoot?

This is obviously completely incomprehensible!

I believe that no one can watch an unparalleled hero die in front of him like this!

At least Chu Yang is conscious that he can’t!

And since that person can reach such a height, it must be absolutely impossible, right?

You can walk the Supreme Great Way only if your heart is right! – This is what Chu Yang has always believed.

Chu Yang frowned , thinking about all the known things in front of him, but feeling that it is full of fog!

simply I can’t see anything clearly, and I don’t even understand it.

Mo Qingwu always snuggled up beside the two of them, without saying a word, just looking at Zi Xieqing with concern.

The sky is getting brighter.

Zi Xieqing’s mood has gradually begun to recover.

Gradually returning to her former state, she straightened her waist and walked away from Chu Yang’s arms, tucked her hair, and said softly, “I’m fine…”

Then she stood up.

The expression returned to calm and firm, and it seemed to return to the image of the strong Big Sister Zi, cold and hard, facing the world alone.

Only leave tenderness to those you like.

How similar is she to the Purple Firmament Celestial Emperor who led the Zhan Tian Demon all alone? !

“Before, I always thought I was just a rootless duckweed… Now, I finally have a root.” Zi Xieqing said in a tranquil voice: “My father and mother were brilliant before, hero’s Deeds, even if they are endless, are only their glory. These have nothing to do with me…”

Her voice trembled a bit: “What I can do is to avenge them, calm down the evil and kill them all. Devil.”

“must slaughter Devil!” Zi Xieqing’s eyes looked towards the northeast, which is the direction of Purple Firmament Heaven, his voice trembling, but firmly: “Recover me…Purple Firmament Old Heaven! “

“Of course!” Seeing Zi Xieqing’s mood returning, Chu Yang hurriedly laughed and said, “Although I, Lord Father-in-Law, passed away, the inheritance of Purple Firmament Heaven, and The whole Purple Firmament Heaven as it should be by rights is left to my wife’s dowry, as the saying goes, whoever enters my house is my family. So that Purple Firmament Heaven as it should be by rights is mine… Of course I want to snatch it back.”

Zi Xieqing Feixia with a jade face, angrily said: “Looking for a fight, who entered your house?”

Chu Yang laughed: “Who Who is the answer, you have to come in sooner or later, sorry.” With a sudden sigh full of emotion, Leisurely said: “I didn’t expect Chu Yang to be so lucky, and I can find a wife casually, but it’s golden branches and jade leaves…”

Before he finished speaking, Zi Xieqing and Mo Qingwu had already joined forces. The two girls and one foot did not have any fakes. They kicked his ass very well, and the whole person kicked and flew directly.

The sentimental atmosphere just now was obliterate completely under Chu Yang’s humiliation.

I just heard Mo Qingwu say jealously: “That’s right… Butian elder sister is the emperor, more golden than golden branches and jade leaves; Elder Sister Zi is also Celestial Emperor descendant, golden branches and jade leaves of the genius; Wu elder sister is Beyond The daughter of the Heaven Sect Sect Leader…On Jiang Hu, she can be regarded as a standard golden branch, only the wild Miss of my small family is not a golden branch…hmph! ”

Chu Yang knows himself The tongue is tricky, and he hastily apologized to make up for it, and the large-scale rhetoric quickly coaxed to persuade, and be careful that the nauseous name of Little Darling is all out of the cage.

Listening to Chu Yang’s outrageous flattery and exaggerated flattery, Zi Xieqing and Mo Qingwu felt that they had one’s hair stand on end, rolled up their sleeves and saw that on their arms that were as clean as jade, A layer of densely packed goosebumps has already risen, and with a slight shake, goosebumps all over the floor…

In the early morning, when everyone gathered to eat together, everyone’s mood had calmed down.

Xue Leihan watched Zi Xieqing eat with love and relief on his face.

Zi Xieqing kept his head down and ate silently, Xue Leihan suddenly said: “Girl, can you be my daughter? You are Zi Hao’s daughter, since you are my Xue Leihan’s daughter, let me do it in the future. Dad protects you, the whole Old Nine Heavens, let you run wild! Even if it is the son of Saintly Monarch, if you want to kill it, then kill it, it doesn’t matter at all!”

Xue Qi coughed and looked at him sky.

This bastard…It’s really out of line to talk now…In order to get a goddaughter, it doesn’t matter if Yun Shangren’s son is killed…then there is your nephew…


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