Once you rest for longer than the limit, you may never have to walk again in your life!


Chu Yang, who had buried his head in the dirty water just a moment ago, suddenly jumped up and gave the order.


Everyone smiled wryly.

Can you still walk?

Everyone wants to go too. If you don’t go, it means step by step, you are close to death!


Physical exhaustion and mental exhaustion have made everyone feel that life is worse than death. I really feel that instead of running away in such a hopeless way, it’s better to just die here. Some people even plan to turn around and kill a few pursuers, at least they don’t have to face such a vast and limitless Death. God pursues.

In the throat…in the stomach…and the whole five viscera and six bowels, seems to be on fire!

Chu Yang hesitated, took out a large bowl from the ring, scooped a bowl of muddy mud soup from the ground, and then took out an incomplete version of Nine Layered Pill.

Suddenly, a scent suddenly appeared, filling everyone’s nostrils, everyone’s Adam’s apple twitched up and down, and their eyes shot with sincere longing.

Chu Yang was silent for a while, and then crushed the Nine Layered Pill, which exudes a delicate fragrance at this moment, all melted in that bowl of turbid water, raised the bowl, and Chu Yang said in a low voice: ” Come, one person, one sip, mainly don’t drink it all in one gulp…”

Everyone was shocked, and then they looked at each other in blank dismay.

This is a life-saving medicine. Everyone is an old Jiang Hu, and naturally they all understand in their hearts.

But, at this moment, although everyone is eager, everyone is hesitant.

Should I drink? Can I drink it?

I drank it, is there any use?

Chu Yang leaned in front of a person, and the person’s reaction turned his head away, pushing him: “You drink first.”

“You drink first.”

“No, no, you should drink it first.”

Faced with life-saving medicine, no one of them would open their mouth first.

Chu Yang’s eyes were a little wet. He cleared his throat and said solemnly: “brothers, all surviving brothers, we have more than 150 brothers who have fallen here before, they paid without regrets, spent all their life force, for the sake of It’s just to give us a chance to escape.”

“They all turned into a cloud of smoke with such a ‘boom’.”

“Did you guys Don’t you want their deaths to be in vain? No matter what, we must persevere and do our best to carry on this impossible escape until escape alive!”

“This bowl of water is filled with medicine, and it will give you strength after drinking it; everyone has a small sip, which is quite enough.”

Chu Yang took a deep breath: “Everyone is old Jiang Hu. , it is completely possible to calculate how many people can drink this bowl of water. I only drink my own sip, and that’s it. Isn’t it good for everyone to escape alive together? Even if it’s not for ourselves, think about those who died for us. , and the people they entrusted to us, they died for us, and we have to live for them and work hard to live.”

Under the urging of Chu Yang earnest and well-meant advised , everyone was shaking hands, quivering lips, and took a sip.

A small bite!

Then everyone clearly felt that a raging fire suddenly burst out from the body that had been completely dried up before, and the true essence that had disappeared in an instant started to drip again. Gathering, increasing gradually…

It is such a divide medicine that no one dares to drink too much.

Because of this medicine, there will never be many! You can see how precious Chu Yang is.

Fifty people drank for a circle, and the big bowl returned to Chu Yang’s hands again, and there was actually a small half left.

Chu Yang felt sour in his heart, took out a small jade bottle from the ring, poured the half bowl of turbid water into it carefully, and put it away carefully!

Everyone’s eyes were sparkling as Chu Yang carefully put away the half bowl of water. At this moment, something called ‘hope’ rose up inexplicably from everyone’s eyes.

This medicine, there is still left!

Next time, everyone, take a small sip, you should be able to support it again!

Down twice like this, maybe, maybe we can escape alive!

“Go!” Chu Yang ordered again, and fifty people set off at the same time.

In the misty autumn rain, I stood up in mud and moved towards the boundless unknown destiny!

Chu Yang doesn’t know how many days have passed, and since he started fleeing, he seems to have lost his sense of time.

What is daytime? What is dark night?

I can’t tell the difference.

It doesn’t seem to matter anymore!

I just know that since it started to rain, I have been in pursuit.

Chu Yang can’t remember how many battles he has encountered along the way.

Because this is also not important, the only important thing is to break out and survive!

After another breakout, Bai Yuchen Elder lost an arm; I only discovered this after the siege. Bai Yuchen said with a mockery: “I read some Legendary novels before and always saw the battle. Someone was stabbed with a sword and screamed, and then the battle began.”

“I only know now, those are all lies.” Bai Yuchen laughed at himself while watching Che Xuchu bandage his wounds: “In such a battle, my eyes are already red, the only one who knows , just rushing out, where does it still care if there are any missing parts in your body? If you were killed at that time, it is estimated that he died in such a confused way. In fact, if you really have skills at that time, I think I have gone to self-detonate, my arms are gone, my battle strength is greatly reduced, there is no way to survive, but now, I have no such idea, what is missing an arm, I still have an arm, if I can The right hand holding the sword is irrelevant!”

Chu Yang couldn’t help saying with a smile: “Bai Elder’s words are really interesting, but screaming is a natural reaction of life; impossible There really is no such thing, it’s just that we are almost selfless in the battle, which is rare in this world, and the highly concentrated battle awareness automatically ignores the underlying senses of the human body.”

Everyone was for a while. Hoarse smile.

With the escape along the way, from the very beginning of trembling with fear and trepidation and fear and despair, those negative feelings are slowly disappearing little by little. Today, everyone has long regarded life and death as indifferent. .

Chu Yang exhausted his wits and wisdom, came up with countless ways, and tried every means to get rid of the pursuers.

Escape after death again and again, and slowly train the nerves of these people to be extremely tenacious.

From the very beginning of seeing the death of a comrade-in-arms with grief, to now being numb and indifferent, and even occasionally making a few jokes. This is not unkind, but really bearish: maybe next time, I will lie there like them.

It seems that there really is nothing to be sad about?

Chu Yang is also thinking about his team. Now, there are only the last thirty-six people left by his side. Every time he encounters a battle, he will lose a few people. Second, the damage is less.

It seems that the chasing soldiers have gradually become tired, and the chasing soldiers do not have their own incomplete version of the heaven defying divine object like the Nine Layered Pill.

However, Chu Yang’s incomplete version of Nine Layered Pill, now only the last one is left.

If you want to use it, you can only use the super version of Nine Layered Pill.

If you wait for all these things to be consumed, you will really have no inventory at all.

At that time, even if he is injured, he can only wait to die…

“Manor Lord Chu!” Chu Yang was thinking, and suddenly heard Bai Yuchen call up.

“Huh?” Chu Yang turned his head.

“The old man wants to say a few words.” Bai Yuchen laughed, and then his face became solemn: “This is also what we all have in mind, everyone Life and Death Together so many times, now it is really true Don’t vomit.”

Chu Yang sat up straight and said cautiously, “Please speak.”

“These days, we are all watching; Manor Lord Chu, you, He is really a major event person!” Bai Yuchen said: “In every battle, you are at the forefront; every decision is made by you; if it weren’t for you, Manor Lord Chu, we would be in Facing the encirclement and suppression of such a vast array of Black Clouds Heaven, I am afraid that the entire army has already been wiped out more than once, and even the first and second time, the entire army has been wiped out at that time! But it is you, Manor Lord Chu, who brought you As we walked step by step, we forcibly survived.”

“Old man can say a word responsibly: look around the world today, except for you, Manor Lord Chu, for anyone else, Even Nine Emperors and One Empress, or even Saintly Monarch Your Majesty, under the same circumstances today, would never have done better than you, Manor Lord Chu!”

Speaking of this, The silent nodded of everyone agreeing together.

And looking at Chu Yang’s eyes, is also a trust and fiery.

“until now, it’s us to protect others. No one has ever protected us like Manor Lord Chu! Lead us forward! So, Manor Lord Chu is now my Bai Yuchen , the person I admire the most, and the person I admire the most in Bai Yuchen’s life!”

“We don’t have much time, here the old man only has a long story short.” Bai Yuchen interrupted Chu with a burning gaze. Yang’s words: “If this escape, we can’t escape death in the end, then we can be considered dead without regret. We can die under the leadership of Manor Lord Chu, we have no complaints, and even feel honored!”

“But if we can finally escape alive this escape, then…we won’t go back to Black Clouds Heaven! We want to follow you, Manor Lord Chu, and make a major event together! “

Bai Yuchen’s voice is low, but powerful: “We also want to see what the ultimate achievements of people like Manor Lord Chu look like! I hope that Manor Lord Chu will accept The allegiance of our defeated soldiers!”

“Since then, I, Bai Yuchen, have only been loyal to Chu Yang Manor Lord Chu in this world!”

Bai Yuchen raised Only one hand left, solemnly swear!


<Recommend a new book for everyone: “The World of Food and Color” by Stone Octopus, who is the Stone Octopus, I don’t need to introduce it, right? Trust her new book, it won’t let us down either. Everyone is welcome to come and see and add a favorite. >

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