At this moment, the vast mountain is completely empty except for a few still fresh corpses.

This is conceivable. The sword suddenly disappeared, and a passage was revealed. Who can resist it? Once someone passes safely, others will naturally rush in without the slightest hesitation, lest they won’t be able to grab the good stuff, and where can they expect anything else!

Chu Yang’s behind the body, pulled out an illusory distorted space crack; at this moment, he has tried his best.

As long as you slow down a little, you may be caught up, and after that… there will be no after!

Unexpectedly, behind the body pierced the air with a sharp sound, and an invisible and formless big hand came out of the air.

At this moment, Chu Yang’s body is worthy of rushing to the top of the vast mountain, and that big hand has been mixed with the tendency to destroy the mountain and the mountain, and suddenly grab it!

“Let’s stay!”

Chu Yang felt as if he had stopped breathing, and rushed forward desperately with all his strength, and suddenly entered the room with a “hu”. in that space channel.

Too dangerous!

I flew over the sky just now, and those people didn’t respond. They ran at least half of the way. Those people started to move, but when they reached the top of the mountain, the other party actually followed!

What speed is this?

What kind of cultivation base is this?

Chu Yang really doesn’t have time to think about these things now. Now he only has one thought to enter the ruins of Divine Source Domain.

And my original plan has a chance to be achieved!

I rolled my body into the long space channel, and I felt that the vest was hit by the fiercely, my throat was sweet, a mouthful of blood “wow”, and my body had already fallen down. Once again staged a long-lost free fall! .

The big hand slapped the top of the mountain with a “hong” sound.

Immediately, countless smashed stone chips suddenly flew up, and the peak on the top of the mountain was flattened by this palm!

You know, this is no ordinary mountain. At the beginning, when Chu Yang entered this place by mistake with Heaven Level cultivation base, the mountain peak that could not hold a single stone with all his strength was flattened by half with this palm!

Chu Yang felt like he was not possessed as he fell.

The people here are very powerful!

Silhouette flashed, Great General Meng landed on Cangmang Mountain.

He frowned at the narrow and bottomless cave entrance in front of him, his face was cautious, muttered: “Could this be…the Divine Source Domain?”

At this time , the two troops crash-bang fell.

“What about the people?” another Black Cloud Guards commander respectfully asked.

“The Black Cloud Guards and the Silver Armoured Soldier each have 500 men, go in and search for them!” The Great General Meng complexion sank immediately ordered: “Go to the entrance of the passage, and the person who sends the summons first, if there is any If any emergency happens, immediately warn you; one person to another person, send the news immediately, Chu Yang will risk his life to come here, there must be something to rely on!”

“Yes!” The two people at the same time promise.

It was Commander Silver Armoured Soldier and Commander Black Cloud Guards who answered.

Silver Armoured Soldier is not as dazzling as Black Cloud Guards, but it is a personal soldier of Great General Meng! The level of elite troops is actually not inferior to Black Cloud Guards! Especially the expedition to Eastern Emperor Heaven at this time, the ones that followed were the elite troops among the elite troops, and the experts among the experts!

In the blink of an eye, the two commanders have already selected their own competent people. With an order, two people, one silver and one black, will enter first.

Next, the Black Cloud Guards and Silver Armoured Soldier, one after the other, just filed in!

A thousand people flew into this passage in less than five breaths.

“Occupy this mountain immediately, seal the mountain, forbid anyone to enter, trespassers, die!” Great General Meng ordered lightly.

“Yes!” The subordinate’s answering voice just sounded鈥斺€?/p>

whiz whiz whiz…

Numerous voices rang out one after another, but it was all superpowers The people from Sect came one after another. When they saw that the cave entrance had been guarded by the people from Black Clouds Heaven, and the people from Black Clouds Heaven were still rushing in…

Suddenly one by one All red eyes.

What the hell! You occupied this place as soon as you came, so why have we been here for months? Make you a wedding dress? !

“General Meng, what do you mean by doing this?” Elder Mu stood out, his face sinking: “Since ancient times, whenever Divine Source Domain appears, it has always been the common wealth of Jiang Hu Sect. Resources, official forces are not allowed to intervene; especially this place is Eastern Emperor Heaven, even the Emperor of the East Your Majesty did not send people to occupy it, let us Jiang Hu people freely distribute and compete according to the opportunity; why did Black Clouds Heaven come here? Defend it? Should the general give an explanation?”

Great General Meng lightly said: “Mu Changlan, just now this eminence punished his subordinates because he violated military discipline and did not obey military orders, but was not afraid of you, Or maybe you are afraid of you all person, as is the case now, this eminence came here on an order to arrest the murderer who killed the imperial descendant; the duty should not be neglected! If the Black Clouds Celestial Emperor Your Majesty is to blame for this, Can you Mu Changlan afford it? Or, you Heavenly Sword Alliance, can you afford it?”

Mu Changlan said angrily: “In your opinion, you will capture the murderer and occupy this place? You can Knowing how much human and material resources I have spent waiting here for several months, we deserve it?”

Great General Meng said with a cold face, “Elder Mu don’t be impatient. , this eminence has never thought about coveting the treasure of Eastern Emperor Heaven Divine Source Domain! The old man can guarantee that once the murderer gets his hands, the complete personnel will be evacuated immediately! Everything in the Divine Source Domain will not move at all!鈥?/p>

鈥?Please rest assured on this point.” General Meng said.

Fairy Maiden Xue coldly said: “The general is very eloquent, and the general can speak the law to the soldiers of your army, and it is forbidden to do so, but we are not the Board of War. Let me ask, if we are here Promise to General Meng that after entering, he will never interfere with the Board of War, let alone assist Chu Yang. Will General Meng believe us and let him go?”

Great General Meng startled, coldly Said: “Fairy’s unspoken implication means that Old Man will break his promises and become richer?”

Fairy Maiden Xue indifferently said: “The general wants me to believe in the general, but I also hope that the general can believe in me, we each Great Sect can assure General Meng that as long as we let us in to hunt for treasure, I will never interfere in Black Clouds Heaven’s pursuit of murderers!”

“This is absolutely impossible!” Great General Meng categorically refused!

The faces of everyone in the Sect were full of anger!

If it was said that the third-in-command was going to cause public anger, then Great General Meng has already committed public anger, just because of the strength of Great General Meng, the masterminds of the major schools are not willing to tear it apart immediately. Break the skin, fight hard!

Even so, the two sides gradually formed a trend with swords drawn and bows bent. Each other, they are all unyielding, and they are almost on the verge of breaking out!

Great General Meng did not know the seriousness of this matter. It was extremely unwise to forcefully subdue the Sects by himself. When everyone enters, the variables will inevitably increase sharply. Chu Yang must take advantage of these people to go in and make a big deal. Whether it is to frame the blame or take advantage of a crisis for personal gain, in the Divine Source Domain, it may not happen.

Even, Chu Yang took the opportunity to modify the camouflage to escape, it is not an impossible thing.

Since that’s the case, it’s better to let Chu Yang be in there alone. As long as he catches it, he will come out without any involvement, which is the best policy.

So he will never let people from the major super Sects in!

Great General Meng is arguing with the heads of the various Sects. In fact, it is stalling for time. As long as a thousand people from Black Clouds Heaven go down to capture Chu Yang as soon as possible, everything will naturally rest and disputes will be eliminated, but before Chu Yang was obviously hit by his own move, and the injury must be serious. He has already delayed for a long time, how come he has not been able to capture it!

Great General Meng’s plans are undoubtedly very good, but the reality is very bad!

People from all major Sects have red eyes now!

Damn, we’ve been here for months, eating and sleeping, just for today. Before that, a sword was suppressed, and we had nothing to do; we finally waited until the sword was gone, but it was occupied by the people of Black Clouds Heaven!

Emotional Lao Tzu not only came to travel, but also came to eat?

I’m not raised by stepmothers, why are you so overbearing?

Since you don’t believe us, why should we believe you?

If you directly said that you are here to get a piece of the pie, it鈥檚 okay. Divine Source Domain鈥檚 things are all by chance, but you plan to take them all. Isn鈥檛 that showing that it鈥檚 hard for us all? ?

The atmosphere at the top of the mountain is extremely tense, and it can be triggered at every turn!

All are complexion ashen!

Chu Yang flew all the way with the wind of hu hu, and even tried his best to use 10,000 jins when he fell to the “free fall”. Hammer technique. Let your body fall at the fastest speed!

Otherwise, you will be caught up by the people behind you at every turn.

The Black Cloud Guards and Silver Armoured Soldier chasing behind, each is outlaw. They saw Chu Yang using the 10,000-pound hammer, and they all followed suit, and they all accelerated and fell!

They didn’t even think about what would be next to them!

But I really can’t think about it, let alone have time to think about it: the Divine Source Domain has just been broken, who would have thought that Chu Yang has already entered and exited this channel several times? ?

Since Chu Yang dares to do this, his cultivation base is lower than ours, so why don’t we dare?

Even if there is an unpredictable crisis below, Chu Yang is in front of him, and he is the first to be unlucky! With Chu Yang’s buffer, how can everyone avoid the past!

Driven by this kind of thinking, everyone is a person of boldness of execution stems from superb skill, and they chase down one by one! 銆?/p>

Chu Yang went all the way down, and in just an instant, he fell out of the corridor that he had to travel through for a long time, and when he reached the void in the middle, he suddenly yelled: “Fuck! What’s going on?”

The cold and dead aura that had completely disappeared, actually rolled and whistled here.

I can’t see my fingers!

As soon as Chu masculine fell, it was completely surrounded by this chilly air, and shivered shivered. Can’t help but blurt out a curse!

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