"Who am I?"

The imposing girl frowned.

"I am a trainee Valkyrie under the jurisdiction of Miyou Technology Group, Mandate of Heaven, Raiden Bud Suit, the current identification name is 'Pulse Suit Crimson', although the armor is now cyan, but in fact, I passed..."

As she spoke, the girl who called herself 'Raiden Bud Clothing' seemed to cover her head with some discomfort, the scarlet color in her eyes began to fade, and the tone of speech and the gaze looking at the teenager gradually softened.

"Huh!? Valkyrie? Aren't you a ghost? "

Xuan was a little surprised, so why did this guy come up and give him a kick, it can't be that he thinks this is rewarding him, right?

"Huh? Bud Yi is not a ghost! Lei

Dian Nha Yi blinked, a little confused to understand what Xuan meant, and then she seemed to finally remember something, revealing a look of surprise.

"Ah, you're okay, it's great!"

The girl patted her towering chest as if she had dropped the stone in her heart.

'Oh, almost something...'

Xuan complained a little weakly, and at the same time he began to reflect.

'Hey, it seems that I still have to grasp the proportions in the future, if I give her up just now, then I'm afraid my situation won't be very wonderful...'

That's right, Xuan was not worried about being killed by this lightning bud clothes, but a little afraid that he almost sent the other party away earlier.

Accidentally gamming a Valkyrie of Heavenly Mandate Technology, it was hard for Xuan to imagine who would dare to come and get him.

'Sure enough, running away is shameful, but useful!!' '

'If I had been the first to go, I wouldn't have fallen into this situation.''

As an ordinary passerby character, Hyun felt that he really couldn't be too arrogant.

'Alas, this hateful and realistic world, but how can I get so miserable? Looking

at Xuan, who was standing in place, her expression constantly changing, Raiden Yayi showed a puzzled expression, and just as she was about to explain to the teenager why she attacked him, Xuan spoke again.


Xuan deliberately dragged out a long tail note, although he couldn't provoke Heavenly Mandate Technology, but that was when he killed this lightning bud coat...

Since the other party is still alive now, the wrong one is that she who shot first, and the initiative can return to his hands.

As for the reason why the girl attacked him?

Xuan naturally has already guessed, it's nothing more than a misunderstanding~

But this does not mean that he can let this matter pass like this!

Is there a mistake, if he hadn't reacted quickly just now, I'm afraid he would have been kicked off his waist!!

Therefore, although he is fine, the beautiful Valkyrie Miss Raiden Bud Yi will have something to do next.

"In this way, it turns out that you are a Valkyrie~"

Xuan said as he approached Raiden Bud Yi.

"Eh, yes."

Although she didn't understand what Xuan meant, Raiden Bud Yi subconsciously replied, she faintly felt that something was wrong, as if she was being targeted by something vicious.

"In this way, it turns out that you are a Valkyrie who is humble, heroic, honest, just, combines all good qualities, swears to treat the weak well, bravely fights against strong and evil and injustice, and always rushes to the front line to protect everyone~"

As he spoke, Xuan revealed a look of longing and yearning.

‘??? '

'Haven't you said anything like that?'' And what you said is basically something in the knightly code, right? The

girl wanted to complain, but she didn't know how to speak, she couldn't figure out the boy's intentions.

"So, beautiful and noble Miss Valkyrie, why did you attack me just now?"

"Eh, this is a misunderstanding, just now because of the dim vision, so I mistook you for the perpetrator, and I launched a direct attack in a hurry..."

"I'm really sorry, I hope you can forgive me."

Saying that, Leidian Bud Yi bowed to Xuan, her eyes were very sincere, and her attitude was also very humble.

This made Xuandu a little embarrassed, but fortunately, he has always been hard-hearted.

"Well, Miss Raiden is indeed a humble Valkyrie, and I would also like to accept Miss Raiden's apology just like that..."

"But after thinking about it, with my understanding of Miss Raiden, if I so easily accepted the apology of Miss Raiden who 'severely injured me', then the noble Miss Raiden would probably feel even more guilty and sad in her heart, right?"

"By the way, although it seems to be fine now, maybe tomorrow I will be violently killed at home?"

"Miss Raiden doesn't want to live in guilt for the rest of her life, does she?"

What is Tu Poor Dagger See?

But you're obviously jumping alive? And we've only known each other for less than fifteen minutes, right?

Raiden fell silent.


right, but I don't know what you want?"

"You said it yourself, I didn't force you!"

Xuan showed an excited look.

"By the way, let me ask, can I make some astringent requests?"

Xuan first looked Raiden Bud Yi up and down, and then asked tentatively.


The girl said word by word, and her originally gentle and soft eyes sharpened.

"What, it's boring!"

Xuan pouted, a little regretful.


Leidian Bud Yi suddenly felt that he hated this guy a little.

"You kicked 21% of me in the white order, but for the sake of the cause, I don't know so clearly, you let me give you three punches, three punches!"

Xuan raised his fist fiercely.

"Thank me, according to my calculations, it takes at least ten punches to be fair."


you think you're going to die, give me a look for yourself!"

Raiden Yayi felt that she couldn't stand this guy with a clear brain circuit, and she very much doubted whether she had a feud with the other party before.

"Well, how about I take you back to check your body first?" Our medical technology of Destiny Technology is very strong!

"Of course, I will formally apologize to you afterwards and prepare to make amends..." Xuan

strongly suspected that this Raiden Bud Yi was scolding him for having a brain problem, but he had no proof.

"How? You don't want to?

"That punch is good, it really can't be lower."

Looking at the girl with an embarrassed face, Xuan very intimately lowered some requirements again.

There was silence for a long time, and finally, Raiden Yayi took a deep breath, and she showed a determined look.

"Okay, you do it."

One person does things and one person deserves, and I am not a cowardly person.


Xuan was also unambiguous, and immediately put on a punching posture.

"By the way, may I ask your name?"

The girl asked sullenly.

"Oh, Cangxuan, Cangtian, Xuanhuang Xuan."

I have to say that Cang Xuan, this kid does have a kind, and before hitting the Valkyrie, he dared to report his home.

"Ready, I'm coming!!"

It's strange~

As soon as the words fell, Cang Xuan instantly punched and went straight to the smooth and flat abdomen of Raiden Bud Yi, and it was too inelegant to hit the girl's face.

A lightning-fast punch came instantly, bringing a gust of wind.


The imagined severe pain did not come, and Raiden only felt a fist lightly pressed against his stomach.

"Well, you win."

Cang Xuan said and withdrew his fist, this stupid child really doesn't hide or block ah...

"Let's change the conditions..." "

Okay..." Although

Leidian Bud Yi was a little puzzled, he was really relieved.

The air suddenly fell silent.

"In other words, don't you have the technology to convert illusion energy into that collapse energy?"

"This seems to be semi-public, right? Can you teach me?

Finally, Cang Xuan, who had overcome some strange emotions, spoke first.

As far as Cang Xuan knows, some of the combatants belonging to Miyou Technology, such as the Valkyrie series and the Magic Portrait of the Lawyer series, come from a world with 'Collapse Energy' as the core power system.

It stands to reason that in the phantom astral realm, where there is only phantom energy in the environment, this system cannot be reproduced and existed.

But in fact, anyone who holds a fantasy portrait related to the 'Honkai Energy System' can automatically transform the illusion energy into Honkai energy.

The Moon World, which is dominated by the 'Magic (Ether) System', is also based on this principle, and I heard that there are a very small number of more powerful 'True Ether System' and 'Artoria Element System' dream portraits there.

In short, phantom energy can be transformed into the power of other systems through some weaving method.

At present, many forces have developed the technology to convert illusion energy into the energy of other systems without resorting to the power of illusionary portraits.

Miyou Technology is one of them.

Cang Xuan was interested in this conversion technique, and he also had a reason to study this knowledge.

"Eh, that, I'm sorry, because I am the holder of the Avalanche Energy System Phantom Dream Portrait, my method of converting Illusion Energy into Avalanche Energy is different from that technique, and besides, I don't have the authority to transfer this technique to you..." Although

he had expected it, Cang Xuan was still a little disappointed, but he was not so disappointed, because of many things, he didn't care anymore...

"Then can you give me that blue-skinned ghost? You should have caught it, right?

Cang Xuan thought about it and asked again, he wanted to study the immortality of this creature.

"Eh, what do you want it for?"

Raiden Bud Yi was a little curious.

"Oh, there's something to find it."

Looking at the embarrassment and embarrassment on the girl's face, Cang Xuan knew that there was no drama again.

"Hmph, useless apprentice Valkyrie!"

Hearing this, Leidian Bud Yi couldn't refute it, and could only purse her lips with a slight grievance, the blue-skinned ghost is the target of this mission, and it is to be handed over to the garrison here, even if she is handed over to Cang Xuan now, the garrison here will come to the door tomorrow to come back.

More importantly, she was a little worried that Cang Xuan would let it go, after all, Cang Xuan couldn't always watch the green ghost at home all day long, right?

'I always feel that this guy is so dangerous...' The

girl's eyes gradually became subtle as she watched Cang Xuan, and she felt that this person was full of strangeness.

"If you want to get a way to convert illusion energy into avalanche energy, then you can choose to enter the Holy Eleven Academy, where students will be taught relevant knowledge..."

Leidian Bud Yi naturally added that although the enrollment standards of this school operated by Miyou Technology are very high, with her assessment of the strength of the teenager, it should be fine, but she always feels that she has forgotten something, what is it?

"Okay, I'll think about it."

For this useless woman, Cang Xuan has lost interest.

"I should go, you take care of yourself."

After speaking, Cang Xuan walked towards his bag, really, he didn't catch anything, and he was killed by the army when he wanted to vent his anger.

"Eh, didn't you ask for it?"

"And are you really not going back with me to check it out?"

Although she had some resistance to Cang Xuan, there was still some concern in Lei Dian Yayi's tone, she was really worried about the teenager's body.

"Ah, thanks, but it's okay already, don't worry."

Rarely, Cang Xuan's answer was unexpectedly serious.

That's the end of these happy afterthoughts.

"Oh, but thank you for your help and understanding."

The boy in the distance waved his hand.

Looking at Cang Xuan, who disappeared around the corner, when Leidian Bud Yi was about to leave, a sentence suddenly came to mind in his mind.

"You kicked 21% of me in the White Order!?..."

Although he had just entered the Red Order, that Cang Xuan also took advantage of the sneak attack to push himself to the ground, but he could ride on himself to suppress himself, then his strength would not be 80% lower than the White Order...


It's good not to mention this matter, thinking of this, Leidian Bud Yi felt uncomfortable, and his heart was also ashamed and angry.

Miss Raiden, who has always been like a stop in water, feels that she is a little defensive....

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