'So fast! Looking

at the masked ghost who appeared in front of her in the blink of an eye and the hand knife that fell vertically, Kina's pupils shrank, but fortunately, her reaction was not slow, and when her steps turned, she dodged on one side of her body.

There was a clicking sound of trees tearing, and although Kina dodged the blow, the trees behind her failed to dodge, and a huge opening was opened in the middle of the tall trees.

And Kina, who avoided this blow, did not stop, and kicked the mask ghost's waist, and at the same time, the ice-blue gun in her hand turned, and it was a shot to the mask ghost's neck.

Two dull roars came, one from the kick that Kina kicked at the masked ghost's waist, and the other from the energy bullet fired from the ice blue gun, hitting the target.

However, despite this, Kina did not continue to pursue, but instead jumped back with the counterforce of the kick and landed not far from the side of the mask ghost.

Heck, so numb!

Kina's feet were numb, she felt that she was not kicked on the flesh, but on a wall, and her kick didn't say how to take the mask ghost, and she didn't even make the white 'kimono' on the mask ghost wrinkle!

Because it wasn't really a kimono, but something hard with a kimono form.

"Huh? To break my armor so easily, have firearms developed to this extent? The

mask ghost slowly withdrew the palm across his neck, and just now it used this palm to block the energy bullet that was fired towards his neck.

Looking at the cracks and scorched marks on the mask ghost's palm, Kina realized that not only the 'kimono', but also the mask ghost's body was covered with this strange white substance.

"What's that?"

Kina's body fell slightly, vigilantly watching the masked ghost who slowly turned around.

"Well, it seems that you do have some strength..." The

masked ghost who turned around did not rush to attack, but flicked his wrist and twisted his neck, and then Kina noticed a little excitement in its eyes.

"Then, introduce yourself, I am the land of the twelve ghosts and moons, white remains."

"As for what you said..."

Halfway through the words, the white skeleton seemed to be impatient, and rushed towards Qina again, this time, it was faster and more wild.

"It's my skeleton!!"

'Bones? Exoskeleton? But not long ago, I saw that his kimono was still soft, can the bones also have this effect?

Although there were still some doubts, Kina quickly put the issue aside, the white skeleton was very strong, and it was not at the same level as the few ghosts she had easily killed, so she had to go all out too.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling, the girl's eyes gradually sharpened.

'Kiana, it's up! Habitually

silently, Kina then faced the white skeleton without fear.

Although her weapons are a pair of double guns, Kina does not choose to distance herself, because what she is good at is hand-to-hand combat, well, the so-called gun fighting.

'Boom!! The

moment one person and one ghost touched, a dull roar sounded, and the prologue of the fierce fight was completely opened at this moment.

Like the white skeleton shown before, it is a type that is good at hand-to-hand combat, fast, powerful, fierce offensive, punch and kick, fast and furious, each blow can bring a gust of wind.

However, after all, the white skeleton is a ghost, or the best among ghosts, it is not surprising that it can have such a performance, after all, the physique of ghosts is stronger than that of humans.

What really surprised people was that Kina, she actually withstood such a violent attack of the white skeleton with her physical skills, although she mostly dodged, she still collided with the white skeleton from time to time.

And every time at this time, there will be a dull roar, and the air flow set off by the aftermath of the collision will be scattered.

Interestingly, during the battle, especially when fighting against the white skeleton fists and feet, from time to time, white mechanical cat claw phantoms will flash away on Kina's limbs, seemingly protecting the girl's body.

The roar continued unceasingly, one man and one ghost engaged in fierce confrontation while maintaining their mobility, tree after tree broken or even shattered by their battle, the ground was full of cracks and pits, and the low bushes or stones that blocked their path were ploughed as if they had been bulldozers, leaving only the ground in disarray.

The situation is clear, it is obviously the white skeleton that has the upper hand, whether it is speed or strength, it is stronger than Kina, and what is more severe is that the white skeleton can be said to be unscathed until now, the armor-like exoskeleton and the ghost have a strong regeneration ability, so that Qina can not cause even the slightest effective damage to it.

Even if the battle continues, it must be Kina, and in terms of physical strength, she must not be comparable to the white skeleton who is a ghost.

In this situation, where almost all of her abilities are weaker than the enemy, Kina's hopes of success in victory are slim.

"Hahaha, good, good, you are really amazing, I didn't expect there to be a guy like you here!!"

The white skeleton let out a piercing and hearty maniacal laugh, it was so happy, it didn't expect to meet such a powerful guy in the final selection of the ghost killing team.

"I take back the previous words, you are a good woman!"

The excitement became more and more intense, and there was even a hint of intoxication in the white skeleton's eyes, it liked powerful guys, and only fighting with strong people could make it feel happy.

This is probably why the three-ranked Zouza did not directly kill him during the human period, but gave him a chance to turn him into a ghost.

"Ah, I can't wait to see the scene after you become our companion!!"

The white bone's self-talk did not get a response from Kina, the girl who entered the battle state seemed to be much more calm and reliable than usual, she naturally knew the current situation, and also understood that she could not fight a war of attrition with a ghost, not to mention that she could not consume it at all, even if she could really consume with the white skeleton until the sun rose, but once the white skeleton wanted to retreat, she alone could not leave the other party at all.

But even so, the girl didn't want to give up so simply, so she wanted to wait, wait for a chance, a chance to kill with one hit.

Finally, the opportunity came.

The distraction caused by intense excitement made the connection of White's moves a little unnatural, and the girl also caught this fleeting flaw.

'Valkyrie outbreak!

When the white skeleton retracted its blasted arm again, a golden wave of light suddenly erupted from Kina's body, and the powerful repulsion instantly pushed the white skeleton who had a slight imbalance in the center of gravity due to the change in attack.

Then, before the white skeleton could adjust its shape, an energy bomb hit its shoulder.

In the surprised eyes of the white skeleton, this energy bomb directly shattered its shoulder, which was protected by an exoskeleton.

An arm fell, but Kina's attack on the white skeleton had just begun, and I saw the white cat ears shrouded in a pale golden glow above the girl's head move slightly, and then, the girl who was protected by the huge cat phantom swept past the white skeleton at an extremely fast speed.

Almost at the same time, the two arms of the white skeleton fell to the ground, and at this time, Qina had already come behind the white remains, and the double-barreled shotgun in her hand had been aimed at the neck of the white remains.

Although the white skeleton arm has begun to regenerate, it is obvious that there is no way to protect his neck.

The situation of the battle changed rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, the white remains, which had the upper hand, fell into a desperate situation.

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