Top Student Doesn’t Need Superpowers Chapter 797

I'm not a child, so I won't play such a childish guessing game.

Asakawa Naoki raised his eyebrows slightly: "Are you worried that you won't be able to guess?"

"Itsuki looked upward."

Itsuki looked upward The chin means that oneself will never be fooled.

"Are you sure it doesn't work?"

"One hundred percent sure."

"Well..." Asakawa Naoki looked towards Itsuki, breathed deeply, "I'm going to use a killing move."

"Huh?" Itsuki startled, "What killing move?"

Asakawa Naoki leaned closer and said in a low voice, "I like Itsuki. "

The ahoge above Itsuki's head shuddered suddenly, and his face flushed red at a speed visible to naked eyes: "You, what are you talking about!"

Asakawa Naoki repeated: " I like Itsuki."

Itsuki's pretty face was hot, and hurriedly said: "Don't talk about it, I guess it is."

Asakawa Naoki slowly said: "It turns out that the trick is indeed Useful."


Itsuki punched over, gritted his teeth in embarrassment: "...too bullying!"

Eight evening o'clock.

Four night buses started slowly, set off from the school gate, and headed for Kyoto.

Many students who eat melons take the night bus for the first time, and they are quite excited, talking in low voices, noisy and lively.

Asakawa Naoki watched the dim lights speeding away outside the window for a while, took out his phone, and started playing games.

After a while, Asakawa Naoki suddenly felt someone quietly pulling on his sleeve.

"What's wrong?"

Asakawa Naoki turned and looked towards the ahoge girl.

"Look at it." Itsuki whispered, "Is there something wrong with Miku's face?"

The two classes are next to each other, and they happened to be sitting on a bus.

Asakawa Naoki hearing this looked behind and quickly found Miku in the crowd.

Sit alone in the corner, surrounded by a strange girl, obviously unfamiliar, pretty face slightly pale, pursed the lips tightly, neither chatting with others nor playing with mobile phones.

"It's really looking bad."

Asakawa Naoki raised his eyebrows slightly and sent a message to Miku.

Miku slowly picked up the phone and looked up at Asakawa after seeing the news.

A moment later.

Just got back a message.

"...I got motion sickness."

Asakawa Naoki: "..."

From Tokyo to Kyoto, if you take the night bus, walk all the way Stop and stop, it takes seven or eight hours to get to Kyoto.

It's less than ten minutes before set off, so I'm getting motion sickness so quickly, how can you survive the remaining eight hours!

Other people's school trips, snacks, games, chats, and have fun.

Your school trip is clearly a long night, and winter is coming!

"Hey, Miku is getting motion sickness?" Itsuki saw the message on the phone, and her tone was puzzled, "Miku is fine, why is motion sickness all of a sudden?"

"Motion sickness is a physiological mechanism , not sick," Asakawa Naoki explained.

"I heard that motion sickness is hard." Itsuki blinked and said strangely, "But I've never been motion sick before, so I don't know how it feels."

Best Never know what motion sickness feels like, because it's so uncomfortable that you can't help but knock yourself out.

Asakawa Naoki continued to message Miku: "Have you taken motion sickness pills?"

Miku: "I've already taken it...don't talk anymore, I'll take a break."


After a while.

Asakawa Naoki looked at Miku and saw that Miku's face was even paler, apparently motion sickness pills were useless.

"Itsuki." Asakawa Naoki looked towards the ahoge girl beside him, "Go and replace Miku, it won't work like this."

The best way to treat motion sickness is actually to sleep, Now there is a lot of noise in the car, it is impossible to fall asleep, and there is only endless suffering.

“I know.”

Itsuki has never experienced motion sickness, but has heard how uncomfortable it is, so she agreed softly, got up and walked towards Miku.

The two girls changed positions quickly, Miku bit his lower lip lightly and walked towards Asakawa Naoki.

"You sit inside."

Asakawa Naoki pointed to the window seat.

Miku responded in a low voice, turned his body sideways, and slowly sat down inside. Occasionally, some classmates who eat melons looked curiously, but because they were unfamiliar, they quickly retracted their gazes.

"When did I get car sick?" Asakawa Naoki asked in a low voice.

Miku clutched his chest, his pretty face was pale, and he whispered pitifully: "When I got into the car, I smelled a strange air-conditioning smell, and then I felt uncomfortable."

It turns out that The bus has not started yet, are you already motion sick! Fortunately, in the same car, otherwise you will not see the sun tomorrow!

Asakawa Naoki said solemnly: "I'll help you heal."

"Wait until the lights are turned off." Miku shook the head, gripping Asakawa's right hand tightly, fingers crossed Button, biting his lip and whispering, "I can hold on for a while longer."

In front of so many classmates, it's too shameful for Asakawa to bite his ears... at least until the lights are turned off. OK.

Chapter 939 Horse Raising Girl Miku Sauce

"Actually, it's okay to not turn off the lights..."


Miku hearing this came over.

I would rather endure the pain alone than let you bite your ears in public, too shameful!

Asakawa Naoki said in a low voice:

"You forgot to watch the play together in the auditorium on the afternoon of the school festival?"

"Eh? "

Miku blinked, reacting quickly.

On the afternoon of the third day of the school festival, I watched a drama performance in the auditorium together, but I was bullied by Asakawa, and I don't remember the content of the performance at all.

"Flimsy Asakawa." Miku puffed her cheeks, "Guilty, cut your belly!"

"I'm sorry, the crime so long ago has passed the prosecution period. "

"It's not even half a month yet!"



Asakawa Naoki raised his snapped fingers.

Miku was surprised to find that black mist suddenly surged up around the two of them, and the two girls across the aisle were still talking and laughing, as if they didn't notice the abnormal situation around them at all.

"Refractive reflection." Asakawa Naoki explained in a low voice, "To put it simply, what others see now is just an illusion, and what we do will not be discovered."

Miku is skeptical: "Really?"

"If you don't believe me, you can send a message to Itsuki and see what Itsuki has to say."


Miku took out his phone , quickly bit his lower lip and handed the phone to Asakawa Naoki.

"What's wrong?"

"You sent a message to Itsuki." Miku looked a little aggrieved, "I can't look at my phone, it's even more uncomfortable."

Asakawa Naoki sighed: "I really want to experience what motion sickness feels like."


Miku panting with rage puff up cheek, stretched out a slender white finger, Quietly poked in Asakawa's waist.

“Taking pleasure in other people's misfortune!”

Knowing that oneself is uncomfortable, but saying such words makes people very angry.

Asakawa Naoki quickly messaged Itsuki, even turning around and waving back: "Look at what we're doing?"

Itsuki messaged back quickly: "What are you guys doing? Didn't do it."


Asakawa Naoki returned the phone to Miku.

It doesn't seem to be seen...

Miku pursed the lips, the pretty face was slightly hot, and I felt the annoyance between my chest and abdomen getting stronger and stronger, finally Whispered: "Yes, yes."

Asakawa Naoki's face showed a light smile: "What?"

Miku pretty face blushed, and came over in annoyance: "Knowingly asking."

Asakawa Naoki said resolutely: "If you don't say it yourself, how do I know what you want."

Miku: "..."

I want oneself to speak actively and make you bite your ears, so that kind of words will not be spoken!

Miku's slightly curled and slender eyelashes twitched twice, his teeth bit his lower lip, and his voice suddenly became aggrieved, he turned his face away and said:

"I'm so uncomfortable. , you just want to bully me."

Asakawa Naoki: "..."

Seeing that Asakawa didn't speak, Miku couldn't help but turn his face slightly, out of the corner of his eye. Look secretly.

"The acting is a little immature, and there is still a lot of room for improvement." Asakawa Naoki faintly said, "Before the next grievance, remember not to sit by the window, I saw it all."

Miku: "..."

He lowered his head and bit the earlobe of Miku's delicate cute lightly, absorbing the pain and officially starting.

Miku's body trembled slightly, and the temperature on his pretty face rose rapidly, quickly making the air hot.

Sneaking to the other side of the aisle, a young girl just happened to look over, her eyes met, Miku felt her heart almost jump out of her throat.

It was a shame to secretly do such a thing with Asakawa in front of Sensei and her classmates.

But It can't he helped.

Motion sickness is more terrifying than shame.

If I go on motion sickness all the way, Miku is sure that oneself will die on the way without waiting for Kyoto.

"I can't see me, I can't see me..."

Miku pursed the lips tightly, covered his chest with his hands, pressed his pounding heart, and silently endured the taboo breaking and back The double shock of morality.

"Flirty Asakawa, hurry up and drive."

After the last tingling motion sickness in his chest dissipated, Miku hurriedly stabbed Asakawa in the waist.

Asakawa Naoki let go of Miku: "To be on the safe side, I suggest changing the ear and doing it again."

"I won't let you kiss again!"

Miku's pretty face was hot, she took out a hand towel to wipe her own ears, Zhan blue's bright eyes came over with shyness: "Don't come near me next."

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