Top Student Doesn’t Need Superpowers Chapter 708

"Senpai, sushi for you."

Before leaving, Golden Hair-chan firmly handed over a bite of sushi.

Asakawa Naoki returns to the classroom with the sushi.

The day flies by.

It's time for school.

"Asakawa-san." Itsuki put the textbook into the school bag and turned to look over, "Let's set off?"

Asakawa Naoki nodded lightly: "Let's go. ."

Itsuki goes to give Okaa-san last time incense every month, unconsciously, it's time to give incense every month.

I used to go alone, but since the ghost incident that day, Itsuki has to go with Asakawa every time I go to incense.

In a frenzy on campus for the upcoming school festival, it has nothing to do with Asakawa Naoki and Itsuki.

In the final analysis, the school festival is the current school festival. Wherever the ordinary people go, it is still the background board.

No words all the way.

The two soon came to the temple, bought incense in the small shop at the foot of the mountain, and then climbed up the mountain.

"There are very few people today."

Itsuki raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"It's not a day off, so naturally there won't be many people." Asakawa Naoki replied casually.

The two walked through the quiet mountain road and came to the cemetery halfway up the mountain.

"Okaa-san, we're here to see you..."

Itsuki squatted down, lit the incense stick for worship, and whispered about what happened during the month. Most of the things are trivial matters among the five sisters.

After whispering for a while, Itsuki stood up, "Asakawa-san, come and incense Okaa-san."


Noki gently nodded Asauki, walked over, put on

"Huh?" Itsuki looked curiously, and was a little stunned for a while, "What is Asakawa-san talking about?"

"I mean..." Asakawa Naoki said softly, "It seems that you can choose a dream now."

Chapter 881 Playing with ahoge

"Huh?" Itsuki didn't react for a while, "choose a dream or something..."

Thinking for two seconds, the ahoge above Itsuki's head shuddered, and her eyes brightened: "Also, that means, Asakawa-san can customize dreams?"

"Almost." Asakawa Naoki nodded lightly, "I've been reading books related to dreams recently, and I've become stronger..."

"I'm also bald?"

Itsuki subconsciously continued.

Asakawa Naoki was expressionless: "Farewell."

"Yes, I'm sorry, please forgive me." Itsuki hurriedly hugged Asakawa's arm, "Asakawa-san's The hairline is not high at all."

my arse! It's not high at first, but if you say that, it will make people misunderstood!

Asakawa Naoki walked down the mountain: "I don't forgive."

Itsuki hurried to keep up with small steps, "You can't be careful with boys."

Asakawa Naoki confidently asked: "Cats and dogs are both careful, how can people not?"

"Al, also..."

Itsuki subconsciously nominated, and quickly found the correct one. The way of apology, "Wait, I'll invite Asakawa-san to eat meatbun!"

You like eating meatbun, it doesn't mean that others like it too. When giving gifts, remember to choose what you like!

"Do what I like..." Itsuki hesitated for a moment, blushing and whispered, "Would you like, how about you squeeze your waist?"

Asakawa Naoki stopped: "Deal."

Itsuki was ashamed and couldn't help pinching Asakawa's soft waist: "...why do you have to pinch my waist!"

Asakawa Naoki pondered: "Because Nino said that, you feel the best."

"Nino is just joking." Itsuki pouted, "We are all the same, so there is no difference in feel."

"Nino is just joking." Itsuki pouted. p>

"That's not necessarily true."

Asakawa Naoki's eyes are subtle, and Nino doesn't have as much flesh as you...

"Don't look at me with strange eyes." Itsuki puffed her cheeks, she couldn't help clenching her fists and tapped on Asakawa's body, "I'm angry!"


"How to customize the dream ?"

Itsuki is both nervous and looking forward to it. The dream world is like the real world. If you can customize the dream world, you can see Okaa-san again anytime and anywhere in the future.

"It's fine as usual," explains Asakawa Naoki. "It's just an idea I've parsed out recently, and it may need to be verified a few more times."

"I know ." Itsuki breathed deeply, clenched his pink fist and said, "Leave it to me."

Asakawa Naoki suddenly stopped and looked up at the sky.

"What's wrong?" Itsuki raised her head, her eyes widened in surprise, "Ehhh? What happened to the sky?"

The blue in the sky, I don't know when it appeared Spectacular strange sea of clouds.

"What a strange cloud, I've never seen it before." Itsuki thought about it for a long time, and finally used food to describe it, "It's like squeezing cotton candy one by one..."


The strange clouds she had never seen made Itsuki nervous, and she couldn't help but approach Asakawa and whispered:

"Asakawa-san, it's not aliens that invaded Earth. Right?"

Asakawa Naoki looked over with disgust, "You overthought."

Itsuki was not convinced, "How did the clouds become like this?"

There are Esper and ghosts on the world. In the upcoming Tennis Prince theatrical version, Dragon Horse also used a ball to play a black hole in time and space. It is completely acceptable for aliens to invade Earth.

"Have you ever heard of Cumulonimbus?"

Asakawa Naoki said calmly.

"Milky..." Itsuki looked up at the clouds in the sky, "It doesn't feel like it."

Of course it doesn't! The name here has nothing to do with human beings. The real source is cows. When you go to milk cows one day, you will know why!

"The milky cumulonimbus, also known as the spheroidal cumulonimbus." Asakawa Naoki held the phone in front of Itsuki, "It is a relatively rare natural phenomenon and has nothing to do with aliens."

"Really..." Itsuki looked towards the phone, and said curiously, "It is as famous as thunderstorms, aurora, etc., it usually only exists for a few minutes, it is quite rare, no wonder I have never seen it before. ”

After confirming that it was not an alien, Itsuki quickly felt relieved, opened the school bag, took out his mobile phone, and held it up to the sky.

Asakawa Naoki speechless saying: "What are you doing?"

"Of course I took a photo to commemorate it." I have met once, and the existence time is so short, it must be a pity not to take pictures?"

Girl always likes to take pictures and share when she encounters novel things:

"This milky cloud It looks very cute, let's take a few more pictures and take them back to Nino and the others."

I was worried about the alien invasion just now, but I praised cute in a blink of an eye, and the girl is too fickle. !

"Just take two pictures, let's hurry down the mountain." Asakawa Naoki urged.

"Hey, so what are you in a hurry to do?"

"Because this is a cumulonimbus."

It does look cute, but in nature, the more Beautiful and cute things tend to be more dangerous, and the appearance of milky cumulonimbus clouds means that there will be drastic weather changes soon.

"Is it going to rain soon?" Itsuki reluctantly put away her phone, "Let's go down the mountain."


Go After a few steps, Asakawa Naoki felt the wind blowing, the cold wind whistled and went all directions, bringing a refreshing coolness, and the humidity in the air rose rapidly.


Itsuki covered her skirt in distress. It doesn't matter if it's a boy, but it's super easy for a girl to run away when it's windy.

Asakawa Naoki glanced and saw a rather childish blue white.

The milky cumulonimbus clouds in the sky have been disappeared, leaving only a dim and inky black, the sky seems to be falling down, giving the illusion that one can reach out and touch the sky.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and it quickly turns from cool to cold. Countless grass and trees in the mountains are rustling. Walking on the mountain road, Itsuki is even worried that it will be blown away by the wind, and the speed is inevitably slow. down.

Asakawa Naoki looked towards Itsuki: "Give me your hand."

Itsuki hesitated: "But the skirt..."

"Safety is the most important thing now."


Itsuki held Asakawa Naoki's right hand tightly and intertwined his fingers. After feeling the temperature of Asakawa's palm, his heart quickly calmed down, and everything went away... ... just cover the front, there is no one behind you anyway.

Unfortunately, hurry up and hurry up, but I still couldn't get back to the temple at the foot of the mountain before the rain.

A drop of coldness fell on the face, followed by countless raindrops falling from the sky, without a prelude, directly entering the rhythm of pouring rain.

"It's too late to go down the mountain." Asakawa Naoki looked towards the pavilion in the woods not far away, "There's a pavilion in front of you, go and hide from the rain."

The two of them were facing the strong wind. The rain ran into the pavilion, just a few dozen meters away, but most of the body's clothes were already soaked by the rain.

"It's raining heavily." Itsuki wiped the rain off his face and couldn't help but relax, "Fortunately there is a pavilion on the way..."

next moment.

A gust of cold wind, mixed with rainwater, roared and smashed the pavilion.

Itsuki's smile froze on his face.

The small pavilion for tourists to rest is a type of ventilation from all sides, but now it seems that, let alone the wind, it can not even block the rain.

"Okay, it's so cold." Itsuki clasped his arms and couldn't help shivering, "Asakawa-san, I have an umbrella in my school bag, why don't I go down the mountain with an umbrella?"


Asakawa Naoki shook the rain off his hair, hearing this looked towards Itsuki, "Folding umbrella?"

"Yes, a spare umbrella." Itsuki raised his chin and said proudly, "It's just enough to come in handy now."

In idioms, oneself can be considered a rainy day, right?

Asakawa Naoki reached out and pointed to the wildly swaying grass outside the gazebo, "Do you think the umbrella can support the wind?"

Itsuki: "..."

Support If you can't hold it, you will definitely not be able to hold it. People are almost blown away. If you use an umbrella at this time, it is estimated that you will go straight to the sky.

"Heavy rains generally don't last." Asakawa Naoki looked out of the pavilion, wind and rain were like notes, murky heavens dark earth, "Let's go when the rain stops."

Itsuki Gently nodding: "That's the only way."

The pavilion is not big, and it can barely keep out the rain, but it can't do it. At this moment, the wind and rain are like dark, and the temperature drops sharply. Every time the cold wind Come, let Itsuki clasp his arms and tremble slightly.

"It rains when it rains, why is it windy."

Itsuki sat next to Asakawa, trying to avoid wind and rain, can't help ridiculing, looking towards Asakawa, reproached himself, "I'm sorry, if I didn't take pictures, I wouldn't be stuck on the mountain."

"How long do we usually go up the mountain?" Asakawa Naoki asked.

Itsuki blinked, "I haven't figured it out...about ten minutes?"

"So, even if you don't take pictures, we won't be able to get back before it rains. Yamashita."

Asakawa Naoki stretched out his right hand, stroked the top of Itsuki's head.

Itsuki half-squinted his eyes, feeling the warmth of Asakawa's palm, and gently rubbed Asakawa's palm.

A moment later.

“…Why is Asakawa-san still touching?” Itsuki puffed her cheeks.

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