Top Student Doesn’t Need Superpowers Chapter 576


Asakawa Naoki didn't speak, just raised his right hand, pressed it against the wall of the delinquent girl ears, and looked down from above.

"You, you, you..."

Chiba Nanako immediately reacted. After all, it wasn't the first time that Asakawa kabedon was in. When he was in trouble with Asakawa at school, he was even used in front of him. Sister's face kabedon too.

delinquent girl leaned her back against the wall and covered her chest with her right hand. She could clearly feel the speed of her heart beating soaring, and the temperature on her face was rising rapidly. "You guy, don't be unsatisfied anymore, I'm really bullying..."

He didn't finish his sentence.

Anego of delinquent girl was blocked by her lips, and the threat behind her stopped abruptly. She could only stubbornly open her eyes and stare at Asakawa Naoki in shame.

The eyes are facing each other.

Looking at the reflection of oneself in Asakawa's eyes, the temperature on Chiba Nanako's face rose rapidly, and he couldn't hold it any longer. He was defeated and could only close his eyes in embarrassment.

The relationship between people is inherently strong and weak. The always strong delinquent girl will also weaken when she encounters a stronger person.

Asakawa Naoki originally wanted to check if Chiba was smoking. He quickly stood up straight and commented, "I really don't smoke."

delinquent girl raised her hand to wipe her lips, embarrassed. Annoyed again, he punched and punched, "Go to hell for my mother to repent!"

"Don't do it yet." Asakawa Naoki grabbed the small fist, "Tell me how your body smells of smoke. It's going to happen."

Chapter 791 Miku's Shame Play

Back in Arcade Hall, Miku was waiting with his head up, holding his drink.

"I'm back."

Asakawa Naoki said.

"Where's Chiba-san?"

I didn't see the silhouette of the delinquent girl, Miku asked curiously.

"Chiba is not feeling well and has already gone back."


Miku agreed and didn't ask any more. In the end, he just bullied his own. A delinquent girl, not even a friend, doesn't care.

"Bought a drink." Miku whispered, "What would you like to drink?"

Asakawa Naoki looked into Miku's arms, and sure enough, even if it wasn't a friend, Miku still bought it Three bottles of drinks.

"Um..." Asakawa Naoki pondered for two seconds, then quickly made a choice, "Matcha soda."

"That's mine, don't give it." Miku puffed slightly Up cheeks, "I'll give you both green tea and Bing Kuoluo."


The two walked to the corner, drinking and talking.

Asakawa Naoki suddenly asked: "Would you like to experience VRgame?"

Miku startled: "Huh?"

"On the left." In the distance is the VR experience area, Asakawa Naoki said without thinking, "It's very interesting."


Miku held the Matcha soda and pressed the bottle cap to his chin, looked towards the people waiting in line in the VR experience area, their eyes hesitant.

As the girl who likes to play games the most among the five sisters, Miku is naturally very interested in VRgames.


Those girls' voices are too miserable, right?

Sounds scary.

Asakawa Naoki said without thinking: "I met Nino on the street two days ago, and I played with Nino."

Miku's face condensed slightly, "Nino has already played with Nino. ”

“Got it.” Miku took a deep breath, his tone firmed, “I want to play too.”


Asakawa Naoki suddenly regretted owning the proposal.

With Miku's character, when the time comes, the performance is not as good as Nino!

"Reach out."

Asakawa Naoki instructed.


Miku tilted his head in confusion, although he didn't understand why Asakawa asked oneself to reach out, he still stretched out his hands obediently.

Asakawa Naoki looked down, his nails were clean, neat and tidy, and there were no manicures of various colors at all. Because he often played games, the length was also very short, so there was no need to worry about being scratched by his nails.

"It's alright." Asakawa Naoki satisfied nodded and said, "Let's go to the queue."

Miku puffed her cheeks slightly: "People who leave half of their words are the worst."

After drinking, go to the VR queue area.

“poke poke ――”

Miku poked Asakawa’s arm lightly and whispered, “What game is Nino playing?”

"Deep sea wreck treasure hunt."

"I want to play too."

"It's a little scary, are you sure?"

"That high-altitude parkour, also A zombie game is even scarier!"

After lining up for a while, it was soon Asakawa Naoki and Miku's turn.

The staff is still the staff from the previous days, obviously still remember Asakawa and Miku, after slightly startled, said with a smile: "Are you here again today?"

Asakawa Naoki replied : "I didn't finish the last time, I want to play it again."

The staff nodded and said: "Who will play first?"

Asakawa Naoki stretched out his hand to pull the nervous Miku to the side. in front of you.

"Don't be nervous, let your boyfriend hug you behind your back." The staff warned repeatedly, "Don't scratch your hands again this time."

"Huh?" Miku startled , astonished looked towards Asakawa Naoki, "What's the scratch?"

"Nothing." Asakawa Naoki shook the head, "Last time I came to play with Nino, I accidentally scratched the back of my hand, it's all right."

Miku suddenly remembered why Nino came home at night a few days ago, why the nails that had been kept for several years were cut off, it turned out to be because of this incident.

"The game begins." Asakawa Naoki instructed, "Be focused, don't be nervous."


"Everyone is watching you Well, it would be embarrassing to yell."

"No way."

Miku breathed deeply, nervously waiting.

Ten minutes later.

The long game process ends quickly.

Asakawa Naoki helped Miku take off the VR headset, and saw Miku, whose pretty face was flushed red, was slightly astonished because of nervousness and panting.

I thought that with Miku's guts, playing this kind of deep-sea game would be very scary, didn't expect to perform much better than Nino.

So, is Nino pretending to be strong and brave, or is it because Miku is soft on the outside and tough on the inside?

After Asakawa Naoki had played the game, it was unconsciously noon. The two left the video game city and went to eat a Mountain Ox meat bowl.

"hu~" walked out of the restaurant, Miku exhaled gently, "It's so hot."

"It's the hottest time of the year." Asakawa Naoki narrowed his eyes, Looking at the sun in the sky, endless light and heat are pouring down, it is a season when sitting still will make people sweaty, even the always lively streets are cold and cheerless under the scorching sun.

Asakawa Naoki turned his head and looked towards Miku and said, "Go home now?"

"No." Miku shook his head and refused. It was rare to go out alone, so he didn't want to go home so early. "There is a new game released this month, let's go and see..."

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!."

Before he finished speaking, the phone suddenly vibrated.

"It's your phone," reminded Asakawa Naoki.

Miku took out his cell phone, covered the sun with his hand, pursed his pink lips and said, "It's Nino's phone."

could it be knowing that oneself and flirty Asakawa are together ?

Miku was somewhat guilty, hesitated for two seconds, and got on the phone anyway.

"Miku, where are you?"

Nino's anxious voice sounded in the ears.

"Shopping outside..." Hearing the anxiety in Nino's tone, Miku couldn't help astonished, "What's wrong with Nino?"

oneself doesn't stay home at night, so don't be so Are you worried?

Miku whispered: "I'll be back in the afternoon..."

"Don't come back."


"Grandpa fell into a coma, we are on our way to Grandpa's house, you also come directly by car."


Miku put away the phone and bit his teeth. Lips, tone of voice worriedly said: "Nino said my grandfather was in a coma, everyone is already on the way, I will go there immediately."

"Wrong direction." Asakawa Naoki stopped Miku, speechless saying, "Tram Stop is not ahead."

I still get lost at this time, it really is the real direction fool girl!


Miku agreed, turned around and took two steps, and soon found that oneself didn't know where Tram Stop was, and could only look over pitifully.

Asakawa Naoki turned around and said, "Let's go, let's go over together."

"en. ”

Miku hurriedly walked behind Asakawa.

On the way to Tram Stop, Asakawa Naoki asked, "Where does your grandfather live?"


"Izu Peninsula?"

"Well, Okaa-san used to take us to my grandpa's house for summer vacations when we were young." Miku bit his lip, his eyes worried, "Itsuki wears the shell barrette every day, and he picked it up on the beach."

Asakawa Naoki pulls out his phone and starts searching for a way to get to Izu, and Miku is also searching.

"The limited express train will be set off after 20 minutes. It is estimated that Nino and the others are going to take the train, but we are a little far away, and we can't catch up now..."

"Then, How about that?"

Miku looked nervously.

"Don't worry, you can't get on the limited express train, you can take other vehicles." Asakawa Naoki handed the phone to Miku, "For example, take the tram to Shinjuku Station, then transfer from Shinjuku Station, and arrive at Odawara Station, transfer again..."

Looking at the mess of transfer routes on the phone, Miku's eyes quickly became dizzy.

I used to go to grandfather's house, just follow behind everyone, but today because I went out, I suddenly became alone, and I was very at a loss.

Asakawa Naoki faintly said: "You don't understand?"

Miku subconsciously nodded.

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