Top Student Doesn’t Need Superpowers Chapter 571

Furuhashi's cell phone has been turned off just now, but it doesn't matter, Dad's cell phone number is naturally remembered clearly in the heart.

I didn't call, just sent a message: "Are the windows closed?"

After a while.

Received a reply on the phone, "I haven't opened it."

"What, the weather is so good, and the window is not opened for ventilation... The stupid father is really too sloppy."

Furuhashi Fumino returned the phone to Asakawa while complaining, and said in a clear voice: "It's alright."

Furuhashi Fumino often drives home very late, and Furuhashi Fumino is worried The only thing is that it is dangerous to drive in a heavy rainstorm. Now I receive a text message to confirm that Otou-san is safe, and my heart is naturally relieved.

The three girls have finished washing up, Asakawa Naoki brushed his teeth and came out, the tatami has been divided, and only the last corner is left for him.

Chapter 788 Riko Lolita's Night Attack

"Did I blow the candle?"

Asakawa Naoki looked towards the three girls sitting on the tatami, asked softly.

"Blow it." Furuhashi Fumino nodded, "Everything is done, you can sleep in peace."


Blow out the candles , the room was suddenly shrouded in darkness.

"Hey, it's so dark." Furuhashi Fumino's low voice sounded in the darkness, "It turns out that there is really a dark night where you can't see your fingers."

Riko Lolita's voice sounded calmly Get up: "There is no light pollution today, this is the real look of the dark night."

"If you say that, light pollution is suddenly not annoying..." Furuhashi Fumino asked, "Asakawa-san, can you? Can you see it?"

"Sorry, I can't see it at all."

"Well, what about that?"

A faint rays of light lit up , to dispel the night.

Asakawa Naoki faintly said: "I have a mobile phone."

Furuhashi Fumino: "..."

Go to the tatami for own and lay down, Asakawa Naoki turned off his phone, and the room was plunged into darkness again.

Several people chatted in a low voice for a while, Furuhashi Fumino quickly yawned and said vaguely: "Huh... so sleepy~"

He went out to work in the morning and didn't work in the afternoon. Be careful to burn my feet, and then I was pressed and licked by Cat Girl Senpai. When I was taking a bath and wiping my back, another Riko Lori suddenly knocked on the door, scaring the lose one's head out of fear. Today's experience can be said to be quite colorful .

It takes a lot of energy and energy.

"I can't open my eyes." Furuhashi Fumino whispered, "Good night everyone."

Ogata Rizu: "Good night."

Asakawa Naoki: " Good night."

Finally, Kirisu Mafuyu moved the corner of his lower lip and said softly, "Good night."

I slept with oneself students on the rainy night of summer vacation and said good night to each other. , which feels quite subtle.

The even breathing sounded quickly.

Furuhashi Fumino fell asleep and fell asleep in a blink of an eye.

It was getting dark.

Asakawa Naoki and Riko Lori also stopped talking, and the room fell silent again.

"It's time to go to bed..."

Listening to the sound of rain outside the window and the sound of ears breathing, Kirisu Mafuyu quickly closed his eyes and felt peaceful in his heart.

It is said that the sound of rain can bring people a sense of security and make it easier to fall asleep. It seems to have a certain effect. Of course, the previous thunder, howling wind and torrential rain are useless, they will only make People are worried and afraid.

A wave of tiredness came quietly.

Just as he was about to fall asleep, the ears suddenly made an annoying sound.

“Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! …”

Kirisu Mafuyu gently pursed the lips.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!..."

Kirisu Mafuyu frowned silently.

“Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! …”

Kirisu Mafuyu suddenly opened his eyes, “It’s annoying!”

If the sound of rain can help you sleep The effect of Mosquito's Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! is like a magic sound, although the volume is very small, it can make people super annoying.

Because of the power outage, the air conditioner could not be used. In order to ensure ventilation, the window was not closed. Obviously, mosquitoes flew in from the window.

Kirisu Mafuyu really wanted to slap mosquitoes, but unfortunately all the students were already asleep, and slapped him would definitely wake people up, so he could only endure the harassment of mosquitoes silently.

The mosquito was unsatisfied and finally landed on her forehead.

"pa ."

Kirisu Mafuyu patted it lightly, because he had some scruples, so he put it lightly, whether it was movement or strength, but it goes without saying that the mosquitoes naturally is not photographed.

Fortunately, after a while, the annoying hum quietly faded away.


Kirisu Mafuyu couldn't help relaxing, closed his eyes, and was about to go back to sleep when he suddenly felt a slight itching on his forehead, and then it became itchy and painful, stretched out. When I got out of my finger, I found that the place where the mosquito was bitten was already swollen.

While puffing up cheeks quietly, Kirisu Mafuyu sighed helplessly.

Now that everyone is asleep, getting up and looking for mosquito repellent will definitely not work.

In the dark, human vision is greatly weakened, and other senses will naturally become sharper.

Kirisu Mafuyu silently endured the itching on his forehead, couldn't sleep, couldn't scratch, and could only toss and turn gently.


Asakawa Naoki's soft shout sounded slightly confused, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

Kirisu Mafuyu pursed the lips slightly and replied in a low voice:

"Not so go back to sleep."

"en. ”

Asakawa Naoki Agreed, and soon quieted down.

In a minute.

Mafuyu-chan couldn't help but turn over again.

"Sensei." Asakawa Naoki's faint voice sounded beside him, apparently sobering up, "What happened?"

Kirisu Mafuyu whispered: "...I'm fine. ."

Asakawa Naoki raised his eyebrows slightly: "I'll get up and light a candle."

"No." Kirisu Mafuyu stretched out his hand to hold Asakawa, bit his lower lip, and lowered his voice Said, "I was bitten by a mosquito just now."

Asakawa Naoki quickly reacted and said in a low voice:

"A swelling?"


"I'll get you repellant."

"Forget it." Kirisu Mafuyu shook his head gently, "Don't wake them up, just a little while longer. That's it."

Asakawa Naoki whispered, "Then why do you keep tossing and turning?"


Kirisu Mafuyu stopped talking.

Gentle and kind people are often hurt and suffer. This sentence is true at all. If it was replaced by Rin-chan, he would have been yelling and screaming to wake people up, and then burst into tears. Let oneself help get the mosquito repellent, and extort a pocket money by the way, so I won't endure it alone!

Asakawa Naoki took a deep breath, rolled over, and quietly rolled onto Mafuyu-chan's tatami. The room was not big, and the tatami were originally next to each other. After a little rolling, he could roll to Sensei's side. .

"What are you, what are you doing?"

Kirisu Mafuyu suddenly became nervous.

Asakawa Naoki said resolutely: "Heal you."

Mafuyu-chan frowned slightly, and said in a puzzled tone: "What treatment?"

"Sensei forgot?" Asakawa Naoki propped up his body with his arms and reminded in a low voice, "It was my credit for your neck stiffness last time."


Kirisu Mafuyu Quickly remembered.

At the beginning of the summer vacation, cockroaches appeared in the room again. At that time, I came to 'escape' and woke up overnight. Unfortunately, my neck was stiff. It was indeed Asakawa Naoki who helped to cure it with quantum mechanics, but the treatment method... …

“No need.” Kirisu Mafuyu’s eyes were embarrassed, and he reached out and nudged Asakawa’s chest. Ogata and Furuhashi."


Kirisu Mafuyu gritted his teeth in embarrassment and wanted to hit someone.

You guy who doesn't sleep very late at night and rolls on someone else's tatami, how dare you say this!

Asakawa Naoki asked in a low voice:

"Where are the mosquito bites?"


Kirisu Mafuyu board Don't speak with a pretty face.

"Don't talk, right?" Asakawa Naoki raised his eyebrows slightly, already grasping Sensei's weakness, "Then I got up to light candles and find mosquito repellent."

Getting up ding ding dong dong to look for something will definitely wake people up, Kirisu Mafuyu can only bite his lower lip and sound humiliating: "...on his forehead."

Asakawa Naoki came closer and carefully pointed his forehead to Sensei Looking up, as his eyes gradually adapted to the dark night, he was now barely able to see things clearly.

"I see, the swelling is huge." Asakawa Naoki took a deep breath and quickly approached Mafuyu-chan.


Kirisu Mafuyu subconsciously stretches out her hands, cradling them tight against Asakawa's chest.

"Don't move around, relax your body." Asakawa Naoki lowered his voice and said condescendingly, "Waking them up would be troublesome."

Kirisu Mafuyu glared angrily, "Shut up. ."


Asakawa Naoki approached and kissed Sensei's forehead.

Kirisu Mafuyu softly trembled eyelashes, closed her eyes quickly, and grabbed the sheet under her right hand subconsciously.

The room fell silent again.

All that's left is the sound of light breathing, and... a rapid heartbeat.

Yes, it's the heartbeat sound.

The sound of the rain outside has not stopped, but Asakawa Naoki and Kirisu Mafuyu can clearly hear the sound of the Third Type outside the sound of the rain, that is, the sound of each other's heartbeat, which is quite clear in the night.

Time ticks by.

A few minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and the swollen lump on the forehead that was bitten by the mosquito was no longer itchy, and it was directly disappeared.

Asakawa Naoki raised his head slightly, looking towards Sensei in front of him.

In the hazy night, Sensei's facial features are just right, extraordinarily delicate, just like the scenery in a famous painting, the pretty face as white as jade is already covered with large patches of crimson, and the thin lips are slightly pursed. , like some kind of unique and unmatched tempting jelly that makes people want to taste it.

“peng~ peng~ peng~ .”

The heartbeat is especially clear in a quiet room.

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