Top Student Doesn’t Need Superpowers Chapter 523

There are not only four Asakawa Naoki participating in the competition, but also other students who eat melon, but they have nothing to do with Asakawa Naoki, neither a friend nor an acquaintance, so don't waste time doing useless things Interpersonal date, just one stop in the corner.

Ogata also has no friends, but someone greets Seijo Sawako, the real star girl is Furuhashi, almost all girls will come over to talk to looks very tired.

Chapter 736 Pantyhose or pantyhose

dong dong dong.

Amid the noise of whispering, the sound of high heels stepping on the floor suddenly sounded.

Asakawa Naoki put away his phone and looked up.

An elite female teacher with tall and slender stature, pink hair reaching her waist, perfect profile, and a serious and serious expression came over.

There is no need to speak, just like the aura of the Snow Queen, everyone immediately quieted down.

"This competition will be led by Sato Sensei and me." Kirisu Mafuyu looked serious, "Now the roll call will begin."

The call will be completed quickly to make sure everyone is present Afterwards, Kirisu Mafuyu turned around and walked out:

“set off.”

It was neat and tidy, not at all sloppy.

Everyone followed.

Asakawa Naoki was walking in the back of the line when he heard a few girls whispering.

"Kirisu Sensei is so handsome."

"The Snow Queen."

"Pretty and serious, sure to be popular?"

"I want to be the same person as Kirisu Sensei in the future."


Aizen is right as expected, vision is the furthest distance from understanding.

Mafuyu-chan looks serious and serious, like omnipotent, cold and beautiful, and makes people look forward to it, but only after you really understand it can you know that he is a housework idiot. I can take out the bread flour that has expired for half a year, and I have a good face. I like to maintain the majesty of Onee-san in front of my younger sister... All in all, it is not as perfect and without blemish as you think. It is better to say that there are many shortcomings!

Soon to the school gate.

A bus is already waiting quietly at the gate.

"Get in the car."

Mafuyu-chan stopped in front of the car door.

Everyone lined up and got on the bus one by one. When it was Asakawa Naoki's turn, Mafuyu-chan's expression was as usual, no color was added at all, rather, his expression became more serious to avoid suspicion.

Asakawa Naoki was walking in the back of the line. After getting on the bus, the seats in front were basically filled.

Furuhashi is sitting with a round-faced girl who appears to be a classmate.

Ogata needless to say, naturally with Seijo Sawako.

Asakawa Naoki walked to the back row alone and took a seat by the window.

After a while, all the people who went to the race got in the car, Mafuyu-chan called his name again, after confirming that there was no omission, looked towards the driver uncle and said:

"Please set Off."

The driver with sunglasses uncle gently nodded, and the bus started smoothly soon.

Kirisu Mafuyu glanced across the front of the bus, looked back, and soon saw Asakawa Naoki.

The eyes are facing each other.

Asakawa Naoki tilted his head and gestured to the seat beside him with his eyes, "Come and sit."

Mafuyu-chan was silent for two seconds, then stepped back.

It can't he helped, there are no seats in front, and you can't stand all the way to the finish line - there are seats in the back, but you can't pass, will it make people suspicious?

"There is no one to sit here." Asakawa Naoki said resolutely, "Sensei can take a break."


Kirisu Mafuyu gently complied, Reaching around her skirt, she bent over and sat down beside Asakawa.

The number of girls participating in this competition is relatively large. When there are more girls, it is easy to chirp, and the atmosphere on the bus is quite lively.

Asakawa Naoki asked in a low voice:

"Is Sensei wearing pantyhose or pantyhose?"

Mafuyu-chan's eyes were wary, and he reached out to press down on the skirt, "Why are you asking this?"

Hey, you are overly vigilant, this is a bus, so you won't beg you to see the panties with the dirt!

"Just curious." Asakawa Naoki lowered his voice, "It's hard to wear pantyhose in such a hot weather?"

Kirisu Mafuyu looked ahead, "It's just a habit, To say it is hard work, outdoor workers who work under the scorching sun are really hard work.”

Students can wear stockings if they want, longer or shorter, and Sensei is not so free. , mainly because the skirt is very easy to lose, as Sensei, how can it be lost in front of the students?

So even when it's hot, Kirisu Mafuyu chooses pantyhose.

"It's true that outdoor workers are very hard, and it has nothing to do with me." Asakawa Naoki shrugged, as it should be by rights, "Sensei is of course different."

"I Why..."

Kirisu Mafuyu bit his lower lip lightly, without saying the second half of the sentence, turned his head and looked towards the window, "Shut up, don't talk."

Asakawa Naoki She agreed, "Miharu-nee sent me another strange message last night."

Kirisu Mafuyu's ears moved slightly.


Asakawa Naoki was playing with his phone, silent.

Mafuyu-chan waited for a few seconds and couldn't help looking out of the corner of his eye, "Go ahead."

Asakawa Naoki said resolutely: "Sensei just told me to stop talking, if If you don't listen, what should Sensei do when she's angry?"


Kirisu Mafuyu half-squinted his eyes, using the innate talent skill Ice Goddess's gaze, wherever his eyes passed, The air freezes quickly.


Extremely arrogant!

It makes people very angry!

"Miharu-nee invited me to the ice skating rink." Asakawa Naoki closed it and whispered, "Sensei said I want to go?"

Kirisu Mafuyu moved away Eyes: "Go if you want."

"Sensei go together?"


"I'm not good at skating, accidentally Overwhelm Miharu-nee..."


The death gaze reappeared.

"It was a mistake, it was a knock down." Asakawa Naoki said resolutely, "Sensei don't be mad at me."

Kirisu Mafuyu bit his lower lip and used his eyes clearly. Express, is now angry.

The time slipped away quickly in the chat, and at 10:30 in the morning, the bus stopped slowly at the entrance of an Onsen building.

Kirisu Mafuyu stood up and walked to the front: "Everyone has a good thing, you can get off."

This competition is played at other schools, and most maths schools in Japan There is no campus dormitory in the school. The competition lasts for two days. It is quite tiring to go back and forth, so the school is rich and imposing, so I directly booked the nearest Onsen, and it is still one room per person.

The crowd filed off the bus, led by Kirisu Mafuyu, into Onsen, and then assigned rooms.

There are not many people, and there is one room for one person, so the allocation is naturally quite fast.

After getting the key, Asakawa Naoki walked into the room, briefly rested for a while, and then gathered in the lobby. The two Sensei led the team to lunch. Yes, lunch is also provided by the school, and oneself does not need to pay at all. After all, participating in the competition is to win glory for the school. There is no reason for students to pay for themselves. Of course, the expenses such as buying ice cream and snacks will be solved by themselves.

Have lunch together, then took the tram to a school not far away in the afternoon, walked through the process, and unconsciously it was evening.

"You can go out to play." After dinner, Kirisu Mafuyu announced, "But please be careful, there will be rounds at nine o'clock in the evening, so you must be in the room."

Several girls who were secretly discussing going out for the night quickly cheered.

"Long live Sensei!"

Asakawa Naoki had no interest in going out to play, and was about to go back to the room to take a bath when someone suddenly grabbed the corner of his clothes.

Looking down, a small legal loli face is full of anticipation: "Go out and play."

Chapter 737 tabletop challenge

"You are going out Play?"

Asakawa Naoki looked down towards the legal loli holding the corner of oneself's clothes, very surprised.

As a serious science genius girl, Ogata Rizu's way of thinking is actually similar to that of a science man-

The so-called inability to read people's hearts, speaking and doing things without looking at the atmosphere, Put it on the boy's body, there is no doubt that it is a straight man of steel.

In the girl body...probably a straight girl of steel?

All in all, Ogata will never waste all day shopping and shopping like an ordinary girl. If there is something she wants to buy, she will usually enter the store, find the target, and pick up the goods like the boys. , then pay the bill and leave.

Now I'm actually looking forward to going out to play, could it be awakening a girl's heart?

"On the way back, I saw a coffee shop having a tabletop contest..."

legal loli's eyes sparkled and he told the truth.

"That's all right."

The doubts in Asakawa Naoki's heart suddenly disappeared.

The original is to play tabletop.

This big-breasted loli doesn't have much interest in hobby. Besides eating Udon, she is playing tabletop. Since I met Ogata in the park playing tabletop alone, the two of them have played nearly 100 games today. tabletop , Asakawa Naoki has a 100% record and is undefeated.

"Let's go."

Naoki gently nods Asakawa, and agrees, it's not even seven o'clock in the evening, so it's a bit boring to stay in the room alone. good.

"Ogata-san, where are you going?"

Seijo Sawako has been secretly paying attention to the two of them. Seeing Asakawa Naoki go out with a big breasted loli, she hurried over, Pretend to ask casually.


Ogata Rizu showed a hint of hesitation on his face.

The secret that he likes to play tabletop is known only to Asakawa except his parents, and he has not told anyone yet.

Seeing Ogata's hesitant expression, Seijo Sawako immediately became vigilant.

a male and a female together alone

Surely so.

Ogata is such a straight girl, and now she is hesitating and hesitating. It must be because she is too ashamed to answer her sorry!

Seijo Sawako gets tangled.

Set off from the status of a friend. At this time, you should leave with interest and not be a light bulb.

But I'm not happy.

Everyone is here to participate in the competition, not to travel. Why do you go out on a date? Oneself can only stay in the empty room by yourself, silently waiting for the dawn.

Seeing this girl tangled up and looking at her with pitiful eyes from time to time, Asakawa Naoki invited:

"How about we play together?"

"Eh ?"

"Don't forget?"

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