Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 34: 4th class

"Weiss is the backbone of a family, but when he comes home from the mine every day, the filth on his hands cannot be removed."

The green hat businessman paused, and then said: "We can clearly see the dirt in Weiss’s nails, so what can we do? He can’t wash it off. Weiss picks up bread every day and eats it. These dirt will become bacteria. , Was eaten into his body by Weiss."

"I can tell you very responsibly that this kind of eating habits will cut Weiss's life in half." The green-hat businessman spoke very seriously, but few people who watched the show below trusted him.

"I swear that under the gaze of the Goddess of Light, no one dares to lie here. Even Archbishop Victor can confirm what I said."

With a "boom", there was a boil under the stands, and the archbishop with the Goddess of Light was vouching that the merchant was indeed very likely to be right. Some believers were even more enthusiastically looking at the snow-white paste in the hands of the green hat merchants. .

If you change your eating habits, you can live more than ten or twenty years?

This is incredible!

Is that thing a precious medicine researched by the Goddess of Light?

But it’s not like that written in the Lugnica newspaper!

what happened?

Unconsciously, even the nobles in the restaurants around the Goddess Square stood up.

With their abilities, it is obvious that they cannot see the magical effect of what is in the hands of the merchant.

"So..." The two black rectangles began to rumble again, "We, the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce, are committed to extending people's life. We have invested a lot of time and money in researching Drugs do not have much effect. Except for some expensive health care products that may have effects on the noble lords, they cannot be popularized by the whole people."

The green-hat businessman thought to himself, anyway he brags and doesn't spend more money, he just keeps bragging.

"We studied again and again until one day, when I met Archbishop Vickers, our research team began to pay attention to the process of priests casting spells, of course..."

Take a breath from the audience.

"Of course, we haven't worked out anything."

"Hey~" There was a voice of disgust in the audience.

"However, with the help of Archbishop Vickers, we have determined that people who care about hygiene generally live longer than those who don't."

"I'm not targeting Mr. Weiss or any of you at this point. What I want to say is that when it comes to handling personal hygiene, everyone present... is all spicy chicken!"


The noise in the audience is the same as the vegetable market, and there are even many grumpy people starting to throw things on the stage!


The little knight buddies around the stands, with holy light emerging from their bodies, formed a nearly transparent protective cover, wrapping the red high platform.

"Attention everyone, this is the Goddess Square!"

With a loud shout from a certain knight brother, the Holy Light completely released the voice, and instantly overwhelmed the noisy Goddess Square.

The voices in the crowd lowered, and the 100-meter-high goddess statue stood in front of them, and many people still did not dare to be disrespectful.

"I'm sorry I didn't make it clear." The green hat businessman cleared his throat. Although his expression remained unchanged, he was really panicked.

But he has no choice. These speeches are all given to him by the master. What can he do? He is also desperate!

After today, perhaps on a dark and windy night, he will be sapped by a nobleman who hates him and thrown into the river to drown...

Suppressing the panic in his heart, the green-hat businessman continued to speak: "As we all know, we are in a fantasy era. Because of the'Mana' in the air, the magician was born, and because of the elves, we have the elves again. "

"Because I don't know how many years ago, our human race and other races had some love sparks, friction with each other, and a whole new race was born."

"Fart!" a dissatisfied man yelled in the audience, "Obviously they are those unreasonable beasts, and women who beat us humans will give birth to those nonchalant and inferior things! Noble lords in order to maintain them. The rule of, does not care if ordinary civilians like us Lugnica are doing well or not!"

"For the sake of votes, some disgusting officials would rather divide a large area of ​​land for those half people to live in, and drive those of us who have been here for generations to the slums at the foot of the mountain!"

"I'm just here to ask! Have you seen half people in the slums?!"

"We are the cheapest class in this country! On top are you small merchants and vendors, on top of them are half people, on top of them are officials, and then nobles!"

"This is how they treated the natives of Lugonika! When our ancestors lived here, there was no such country as Lugonika!"

Soon, the knights of the Knights Templar arrested the man, and the yelling man continued to roar: "Look at it, you numb people! Before long, the whole Lugonika will be a half-human world. Once they have mastered the'Mana' and possessed the talents of the magician, it will be the end of the noble class! Hahahaha! You all have to die in that war!"

"What **** noble! What **** official! What **** country..."

The Templar sealed the man's ability to and dragged the man away from the crowd.

Silence, deathly silence.

Because the half-people generally have a low level of education, they can hardly read newspapers, and are not interested in the Goddess of Light, so there are not many half-people present.

But without exception, where there are half-humans, humans have given up a large area of ​​open space, as if it was not a half-human standing there, but some ferocious beast.

"Cough cough cough~"

The voice of a green-hat businessman came out of the black weird box.

"Sorry, guys, there have been some conflicts, we continue to focus on our product."

The green-hat businessman was quiet, and he didn't expect that person would have such a big reaction.

He skipped the half man and went straight to the next class.

"The nobles, they, or their ancestors are all people who have made extraordinary contributions and made indelible contributions to the stability and prosperity of the country."

"The nobles control the country, and most of the resources are for their services, including some expensive spices, toiletries, medical treatment, etc."

"Even ordinary nobles who can't learn magic and swordsmanship, they still live longer than ordinary people."

"What's the matter? Are they eating better than others, sleeping warmer than others, and playing happily than others?"

"To some extent, these do have some effects. But the most important thing is that they care about hygiene."

"With all that said, let's ask Mr. Weiss to test the effects of soap for us."



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