Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 24: You may earn, but I will never lose

"Do you want to buy perfume?" Caiyue Subaru's voice was a lot louder, it seemed a little weird.

Amelia hurriedly explained, "I think Caiyue sells you to Rozval, thinking it's ordinary goods or something, if it is not for sale, I will apologize to you!"

Looking at Emily, who was a good person in front of her, Nagyue Subaru sighed, her smile widened a lot, "I'm just a business man, how can I not do business that is delivered to my door."

"Is that so?" Emilia wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the Pleiades.

"Come in first, you are a friend of Emilia, I can give you a discount here."

"Oh~" Phyllis glanced at Emilia, "Thank you, brother, meow~"

"Wow!" Phyllis who walked into Caiyue Subaru's room was shocked. Except for the door of the room, there was almost no place to go!

Rem, who was at the end, glanced inside and said nothing. On the contrary, Emilia saw a lot of familiar things in it, but those things were only a very small part.

"You want to buy perfume, don't you? What kind of flavor do you want? Lighter or stronger? For example, rose, jasmine, and various other flavors." Caiyue Subaru continued to flicker, "Look at You are a friend of Emilia, you can try it for free first."

"Try spraying meow?" Feilis reacted immediately, and chose a perfume bottle with a pretty colorful package.

"You open the lid first."

Phyllis heard the word and did.

"Then press down with your thumb to spray out the perfume. Remember, don't spray it in your eyes." Caiyue Subaru reminded.

"Such a simple meow?" Felice prepared the perfume hole for her extremely barren breast, and then pressed the spout with her thumb.


With a small sound, a mist-like scent sprays out of the small holes. These scents adhere to the dress and skin, giving themselves a scent.

"Wow~ this tastes great, meow~ I must buy it back and give Kurxiu a spray."

The "catgirl," who said these words obviously made Emilia embarrassed. It seems that she knows what kind of person the Kursiu is in Felice's mouth.

"I want this, this, and that!" Feilis pointed at the perfume product she tried with her little finger. At the same time, the strange smell produced by various perfumes attached to him disappeared in a weird fluctuation.

Caiyue Subaru glanced at random and opened her mouth: "Thanks to your patronage, there are a total of one hundred and fifty holy gold coins. Since you are a friend of Emilia, I will give you a 20% discount, totaling 120 coins. Holy gold coin."

"This... such an expensive cat?!"

When Felice "Mao Mai" heard the price, the ears and tail of the beast stood up a lot, especially the long tail, which was straight up to a ninety-degree angle!

This allowed Rem to see the *** worn by the other party.

"Perfume is a very rare thing." Caiyue Subaru said: "You only need to spray a few lightly on your body, and you can make your body smell like a whole day. In other words, even if someone is a few days old. Without washing, perfume can easily suppress the body odor of the other person."

The Pleiades Cai Yue aimed at the "shocked" Phyllis from time to time, "What's more, the supply of perfume is very small this time. How crazy would they be if the wife of the royal capital Zhongfafu knew about this?"

"By the way, the perfumes you see in front of you are all the stocks in recent days."

Just as Nayuki Subaru flickered Phyllis, Emilia's eyes changed slightly when she looked at Nayuki Subaru.

Even if she had no idea about money, she knew how much the fifty holy gold coins were.

At the beginning, even Apple couldn't afford Du Caiyue Subaru, so he would give himself such an expensive thing?

Emilia frowned.

The two sisters Rem and Ram, including Parker, knew what kind of character Emilia was, and she didn't want to owe others favors.

When Caiyue Subaru gave her such an expensive gift, she should also be courteous.

Then she...what should she give?

"I want these two." Felice heard the price, her enthusiasm for perfume has obviously diminished a lot.

It's okay if it is 120 gold coins, but holy gold coins...

"A total of 100 holy gold coins, 80 holy gold coins after a 20% discount." Although Caiyue Subaru was excited in her heart, she didn't show it on her face, creating a kind of "I actually earned it, but the other party lost it." "a feeling of.

Felice first touched the purse around her waist and found that she hadn't carried it.

"There should be in the car. Come down with me and get it."

"No problem." Subaru Nayuki was very refreshing, swiftly packing the two bottles of perfume selected by Felice in a beautiful box, and then stuffing the box in with a white paper bag.

In Felice's opinion, there is only one wonderful black pattern printed on the white paper bag. Although it is simple, it looks like it is much taller.

Compared with the vulgar commodities with golden light in the royal capital, this wonderful perfume is more in line with his shopping standards.

It's a pity...this thing is too expensive!

In the manor, Subaru Caiyue glanced at the strong old man in a black tuxedo Subaru Caiyue thought in her heart, "This guy must have been a handsome guy when he was young."

And the strong old gentleman thought in his heart, "This kid has experienced many things..."

"Oops!" Felis's face changed drastically when she got out of the car, "I don't have enough money~"

As he said, she looked at the gift box in the hands of Subaru Caiyue reluctantly.

Cai Yue Pleiades shook his head, "It doesn't matter, everyone is in the capital anyway, you can send it to me in a few days, or leave me an address, and I will collect the goods at my door after I have processed the goods."

While speaking, Nagyue Subaru handed the paper bag in his hand to "Mao Mao."

"That's not great, isn't it?"

"It's okay, it's all small money."

"Little money..." The corners of Felice's mouth twitched imperceptibly, and even the expression on Emilia and Rem's face became very exciting.

When did the eighty holy gold coins become small coins?

"Guest what did you say?" Caiyue Subaru didn't hear Feilisi's whisper just now.

"Nothing, meow~ I said, brother, you are such a good person, no wonder Emilia-sama would like you~"

"Ha...Haha." Caiyue Subaru scratched his head, "Fancy me or something."

"Rem, help this lady get a pen and paper."

"Okay, please wait a moment." Rem, who had been following silently behind him, bowed slightly and went to the house to find a pen and paper.

But when he said "this lady", the expressions on Emilia and Phyllis' faces were a little weird.


"This is my address, meow~" Feilis handed the written note to Caiyue Subaru, who didn't even look at it and stuffed it into her pocket...


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