Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 21: Look at your teeth (fourk)

"Sugar?" Caiyue Subaru's eyes lit up. Although he hadn't been in another world for a few days, most of the people he met were considered high-class society.

Rozval, noble earl, and the crown prince, is very likely to become the next queen Emilia of the pro-dragon kingdom Lugenica.

Although Lugnika's security is a bit unsightly, Rozval and Emelia are truly high-class people in the Dragon Kingdom.

Even these upper-class people are cautious when they add sugar to their refreshments. The sugar in the mansion is sometimes absent. Could it be that the Earl of Rozval can't afford sugar?

Of course it is impossible.

The only reason...The sugar production in the current world is too low, and it can only sustain the demand of some nobles.

How much is a pound of sugar in modern society?

Although prices on Yingzhou Island are high, they are not as high as those on the other side of the world. Caiyue Subaru seems to have found a good way to get rich...

"Wow! What is this? It's so sweet!" The little girl with a ponytail held the small white square that Cai Yuezhu passed over in her mouth. The taste buds reacted instantly, and her mouth secreted a lot of water.

As soon as the surrounding children heard the sweetness, they stretched out their little hands to Caiyue Subaru.

"I want I want!"

"give me!"

"Give me a taste!"

Cai Yue Subaru smiled and divided the rock candy in his hand.

At this moment, a passing woman shuddered when she saw this picture suddenly.

"Stop! Who let you grab it!" The woman yelled out, frightening the children around Caiyue Subaru.

"You little rascals, you really don't know what is good or bad!" The woman took her child's ear, "Quickly return the candy in her hand to the adult!"

"Sugar...sugar was given to me by my brother."

"You're still stiff!" The woman changed her face, "Hurry up and return the candy to the lord!"

The dazed Caiyue Subaru just reacted at this time, "No, auntie, I gave this candy to the children."

The woman naturally recognized the little guest from Rozval's house, because yesterday Caiyue Subaru helped them find their children.

But sugar...could it be...

This woman who worked as a servant in a noble mansion when she was young naturally knew what sugar was.

That thing is more valuable than the equivalent holy gold coin!

It's almost the same as a whole piece of gold!

There was a new maid who was ignorant and ate a piece of candy, but the housekeeper found out that she actually killed the maid by a breeze!

This matter has always been deeply remembered by the woman. The sugar cubes in the hands of Subaru Caiyue are treasures that are enough to provoke murder for civilians like them.

"Auntie, don't you want sugar? Each piece only needs..." Caiyue Subaru hesitated for a while, the people in the village could not even get out the gold coins, not to mention the holy gold coins, Caiyue Subaru gritted his teeth. One silver coin and one piece of candy."

"What?" The woman was stunned.

"I said that if the villagers came to me to buy sugar, it would cost one silver coin!" After Cai Yuezhu finished speaking, she saw the woman still ignoring him, thinking that her price was too high.

"God!" The recovered woman screamed, and hurriedly pulled Caiyue Subaru to the other side, looking back from time to time as she walked, as if she was afraid that someone would have witnessed this process.

"Benefactor, you can't be the sugar... stolen from Lord Earl's mansion, right?"

The woman opened her mouth and let the Pleiades pull her mouth straight. Without waiting for him to explain, the woman continued: "While there is no one now, you quickly return the sugar!"

The woman began to become babbled, "It's best to escape, escape from the Kingdom of Lugonika, but benefactor, you can't go in from the Warcraft Forest, you have to go..."

"No, no, I brought this sugar from my hometown myself." Caiyue Subaru explained.

The woman stopped her mouth and glanced suspiciously at Caiyue Subaru.

"I really brought it from my hometown." Caiyue Subaru was speechless, and directly took out a large plastic bag from the storage space, which was full of large and small chunks of rock candy.

"Look." Caiyue Subaru pointed to the sticker on the plastic bag and said, "The words are different. I bought this from my hometown."

As soon as the woman heard it, her expression immediately became restrained. In her worldview, someone who can buy so much sugar must be a big man.

The benefactor who saved the child, coupled with the identity of the suspected nobleman, made the young woman who had worked as a maid in the noble mansion to be more cautious.

"A piece of sugar and a silver coin can be regarded as the fate between me and this village." The careful Caiyue Subaru judged the value of sugar and continued to fool the woman.

The woman's expression changed again and again, "Benefactor, wait for me here for a while."

In the depressed eyes of the Pleiades, the woman trot back to the village.

He only has this bag of rock candy in his hand, in addition to some gadgets such as MSG and table salt.

In his opinion, these seasonings are as indispensable as daily necessities such as shampoo and shower gel.

However, the next development was somewhat beyond the expectations of the Pleiades.

The bag of rock candy in his hand was quickly sold out by the villagers.

One silver coin, a total of more than 500 silver coins were harvested, which is almost all the deposits of the villagers.

There are copper and silver coins in the village, but there are no gold coins. Caiyue Subaru can only carry these silver coins with the head of a "sage".

According to the normal market price, ten coppers are the same silver, ten silvers are the same gold, and ten gold is equivalent to one holy gold.

Fortunately, for the first two, the exchange rate hardly fluctuates, but the exchange price of gold coins and holy gold coins fluctuates drastically.

This is also due to the scarce production of holy gold coins.

Whether the five hundred silver coins in Caiyue Suba's hand can be exchanged for five holy gold coins is still two different things.

And five holy gold coins are equivalent to five trading points, which is equal to the "travel cost" for him to travel to the earth once.

Caiyue Subaru sat on the lawn sadly, looking at the silver coin in his hand, crying without tears.

"Money is really hard to make."

"The system, can you directly exchange silver coins into holy gold coins?"

"Ding~ Yes, host. Will these silver coins be exchanged for five holy gold coins and one gold coin?"

Caiyue Subaru's eyes lit up. He can exchange silver coins for equivalent holy gold coins at normal market prices. Doesn't that mean... he has the potential to be a money dealer?

It's another way to get rich, write it down.


"Ding~ The exchange was successful."

A large pile of silver coins on the lawn disappeared, replaced by five holy gold coins with the "Dragon" mark, and one gold coin with the "First Swordsman" logo.

"Successful!" Caiyue Subaru secretly cheered for herself.

A bag of rock candy allows him to earn enough to go home. Unfortunately, this opportunity may not come next time. More than 500 silver coins are almost all the deposits in this small village.

Unless... they have the means to sell the rock candy that Caiyue Subaru "sold at a low price" to them at a high price for a second time.

is it possible?

Cai Yue Subaru did not think about it.

He still has thirty at the trading point. He is not in a hurry to exchange the holy gold coins in his hands. Caiyue Subaru wants to buy some special products from another world with the remaining money in his hands and bring them back to the earth.

But what is there to take back from this impoverished Middle Ages?

magic? Moves? Let’s not say if he will, even if he does, there is no way to use it on earth. The air of another world is full of the magic power of ‘Mana’. What’s in the air on earth?

However, Caiyue Subaru couldn't think about it. As he frequently opened the two-world channel, the "Mana" of the different world would run into the earth along with the drainage of time and space.

If Caiyue Subaru often goes home and sees it, the earth will soon be able to cultivate fruit like a different world, and then Caiyue will sell the cultivation methods of another world...

Of course, Subaru Nayuki didn't think so much at all.

A special product of another world...special herbs, exquisite porcelain...etc. Pleiades Nayuki squinted his eyes, and he saw many old paintings in the Rozval mansion. , Can those paintings be sold on the earth as antiques?

There are also some ancient boxes and the like. Can he buy these weird things from Rozval?

Caiyue Subaru kept thinking about howling in his stomach, only to realize that the sun had gone down and only a touch of rosy clouds remained on the horizon.


The Rozval mansion is brightly lit, and the chandelier on the head does not use electricity. There are also tap water, taps and the like. The technology tree is very strange.

But for example, toothbrushes and toothpaste are not available at all.

To be honest, he has been here for so many days and has never brushed his teeth...

He had never seen Emilia brushing her teeth. Maybe the other party was an elf, and he didn't smell bad breath. On the contrary, Rozval began to smell of a woman's perfume.

It seems that Emilia gave Rozval the perfume she gave her...

After dinner, it was quiet in the mansion, and the maid's moving sound was even a little horrible.

The Rozval mansion is so big, but there are less than ten people living here, it is not popular at all, because it is close to the Warcraft Forest, and the whole mansion has a gloomy taste at night.

"So tired~" Emilia in her home clothes stretched her waist, covered her mouth with her small hand, and yawned slightly.

"Good night, Caiyue."

"Amelia Carbon, wait!"


"Come with me, I have something for you." Caiyue Subaru waved to Emilia.

Emilia wondered, what on earth did Subaru Caiyue have for herself this night? What's more, the other party only gave something yesterday, why today...

Rejecting others in front of everyone, Emilia always feels impolite. While thinking in her mind how to decline the things that Caiyue gave her, she walked to the bathroom with the Pleiades of Caiyue.

The design of the bathroom in the Rozval mansion is not much different from the modern one. The mansion is more magnificent, but there is no bathtub, because there is a special large bath for people to use in the mansion.

There is a mirror and a layer of glass on the marble basin, and water can be obtained by turning on the faucet. Only here can Caiyue Subaru have the illusion that he is still living in the earth world.

"Caoyue, you are..." Emily Yadai frowned, wondering why Caiyue Subaru brought him here.

"Look at what this is." Cai Yue Subaru held a long weird thing in her hand, especially the top of the long strip, which was covered with sharp hair-like weird things!

It looks very disgusting.

The thing in the other hand looked like a banana, but it was white and looked much better than the hairy thing.

"What is this?" Emilia did not live up to the expectations of the Pleiades of Nayuki, and asked what she wanted to ask.

Cai Yue Pleiades was overjoyed, "I found that you don't have the habit of brushing your teeth before going to bed. You must know that cleaning your teeth is very important!"

"The bacteria that grow in the mouth are nothing more than..."

Caiyue Subaru said a bunch of Emilia couldn't understand the words, and then made a request to her...

"Can I see your teeth?"

Emilia didn't know how to express her feelings at this time. As a "nobleman with good etiquette," she couldn't understand Caiyue Suba's proposal to see her teeth.

"Like this." Caiyue Subaru showed a "frank" smile first, and a row of white teeth were exposed to the air.

In order not to let the Pleiades disappointed, Emilia followed suit.

"Is that so?" Emilia tried to smile, and her shell teeth were slightly exposed to the air.

"It's great!" Subaru Nayuki gave Emilia an unexplained thumb.

"Thank you for the compliment, if nothing is wrong, can I go to bed?" Intuitively told Emelia that what happened next must not be accepted by her.

In the middle of the night, Nagyue Subaru took her to the bathroom, and did not know where she took out two weird things, all of which made Emilia a strong sense of crisis.

Of course, not in life.

Emilia simply felt that the long hairy thing was disgusting, and Nayuki Subaru seemed to want to use it to do something impolite to herself.

"Emilia, cleaning up before going to bed is a necessary thing!" Cai Yue Subaru looked serious, and handed the "disgusting" object she was holding to Emilia's hands.

The expression on Emilia's face changed slightly but it was still acceptable.

Hold the end of the long strip with your little hand, away from the hairy place.

This little thing seemed very fragile, as if she could easily break it if she tried hard.

Thinking about it this way, Emelia is not so nervous anymore, but the densely pointed fluff at the top is indeed disgusting to Emelia.

Afterwards, under the explanation of the Pleiades, Emilia was stuffed with a plastic cup filled with water.

Nayuki Subaru opened the banana-shaped thing, and in Emilia's horrified expression, she squeezed a green sauce-like object on top of the disgusting fine hair!

Although the green sauce, what Nayuki Subaru called "toothpaste", exudes a fresh fragrance all the time, but Emilia treats them like a ghost in hell!

How horrible!

Immediately afterwards, Nayuki Subaru's movements made Amelia's nerves tense to the extreme!

He first took a sip of water, rinsed his mouth and vomited it out, and then Cai Yuezhu actually put the pointed hair with green cream into his mouth!

The horrible existence that has been referred to as a "toothbrush" arbitrarily crisscrossed Subaru's mouth, as if poisoned green foam popped out of her mouth in large numbers.

Up and down, left and right...

Cai Yue Subaru squirted clean with a sip of water.

"Amelia Carbon, you try too."

The little hand holding the "toothbrush" this demon weapon tightened, and Emelia felt like she was about to collapse...

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