Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 19: Didi on behalf of the fight (four k)

(The rest of the content is in "Writer's Words", this information is free)

When the twin sisters left, Kuangsan calmed down. Ramrem was indeed very interesting to talk together, but there was always a feeling of inability to start after hearing too much.

"After Xiaohong, what's the matter with the Ten Thousand Realm Merchant System you created? Isn't there some mandatory tasks? I think Cai Yuezhu is quite leisurely."

Xiao Honghou: "...In order to keep up with the progress, the task was triggered randomly, but Nayue Subaru never left the Rozval Mansion, so...but don't worry, Master! If the Pleiades Caiyue fails to earn 110 trading points within a week, or if he fails to earn 150 trading points within a month, he will be punished."

After Xiao Hong paused, feeling that his explanation was not detailed enough, he added another sentence: "It's a punishment he can't accept."

"Today he came back to another world. The concept of time has not been adjusted. I just need to install a countdown in his mind...hehehe..." Xiaohonghou smiled sinisterly. .

Kuang San glanced at her, stood up, and the books on the desk behind him floated up, following the girl.

She is going to return these books to Beatrice, and then go to borrow some other books.

There is only one room in Beatrice, but the "door" is full of uncertainty. With his terrifying intuition, Subaru can confirm where the "door" is, but Kuangsan can only perceive it through the magic in the air.


"Please come in."

Kuangsan pushed the door and entered, and found that Beatrice was holding the super-sized cat stick to play with Parker, and the cat-shaped elf Parker also had a lot of fun. She always liked Beatrice who pretended to be an adult. Only at this time, will there be a little girl's innocent smile.

"Beatrix, I'm here to borrow books again."

"Hahaha, look whatever you want! Hahaha~" Beatrice dangled her yellow spiral-shaped double ponytail, and ran in the library with her short legs, holding the oversized cat stick in her hand, the top of the cat stick. Wrapped in a high-concentration catnip sphere, Parker closed his eyes and was carried away by the smell...

Kuang San glanced at it for a while, then placed his gaze on the bookshelf, and touched the information generated by the source with his spirit, he would naturally gain a small part of the knowledge of a world, but the impact was too strong, and he would be accidental. Can make her an idiot.

So Kuangsan still prefers to read some paper books.

Kuang San pinched his delicate and white chin, raised his small head, and leaned forward slightly, as if he was reading the small print on the side of the book.

And the books that flew behind Kuang San, as if they had eyes, floated to the bookshelves, returning one by one.

"What's this?" Kuang San's heart moved, and a small book at the top of the bookshelf floated into Kuang San's hands.

The side of the book clearly says: "Witch × Sage × Sword Saint"

Kuangsan was silent for a while, "Is it so exciting?"

After reading it for a while, Kuang San's face is quite strange, thanks to the addition of the source point information, her brain is quite active, and she can outline a relatively complete world with words alone, but the content of this book... ...

Kuangsan let go in silence, closed the books, and flew to the top corner of the bookshelf.

Afterwards, Beatrice teased Parker and ran by her side, pretending to pick up a copy of Lugonika Wild History of the Dragon Kingdom and read it...

‘The top floor, shouldn’t it be Rozval’s private possession, right? Kuang San thought maliciously.

"Okay, Betty." Parker stopped flying and turned away the temptation of catnip. "Today Ram and Rem are going out to find the source of the curse. We'd better let Liya live here."


In the afternoon, Ram and Rem headed to the village with Caiyue Subaru who had to come with them.

Almost all the materials in the Rozval mansion are transported from the village, and the people who buy the materials on weekdays are Rem, so...

The conjurer who cursed Rem must be in the village!

In fact, Ram and Rem had no good way. As soon as they entered the village, they tensed their nerves, relying on their intuition to judge whether the other party was a conjurer.

On the contrary, it was Subaru Caiyue who actually gained everyone's trust by relying on radio gymnastics, and successfully made everyone in the village touch him.

When he came into contact with a bald puppy, he accidentally bit his palm.

After everything was over, Caiyue Subaru asked Torram to identify where he was cursed. Unexpectedly, Ram held back for a long time and did not find out where Caiyue Subaru was cursed.

Rem: "My sister can only solve the curse, but can't tell where the curse is."

Ram retracted the palm of his perception, looking like an outsider, and took the sentence: "Rem is right."

Caiyue Subaru somewhat collapsed, "You don't know where the curse is, where else can you lift the curse?"

Rem: "Master Beatrice can easily detect the curse."

Ram: "Master Beatrice will save your dog's life."

"Is there such a description of guests?!" Caiyue Subaru protested.

Rem: "Sorry, I apologize for my sister."

Ram: "Sorry, it doesn't matter to Rem."

"Oh..." Caiyue Subaru was exhausted physically and mentally by the two sisters, "Then what are we doing here? Waiting for the curse to erupt and take my life away?"

Rem and Ram looked at each other again, and at the same time lifted the shoulders of Pleiades Nayuki, and slipped back to the Rozval mansion at an incredible speed.

Beatrice lived up to expectations, easily detected the curse on the Pleiades Caiyue, and resolved the curse.

And the source of the curse is the wound bitten by a bald puppy!

Just when Caiyue Subaru's face changed drastically and he was about to save the children in the village, Kuangsan who had been reading by the bookshelf turned his head and glanced at the wound on Caiyue Subaru's hand.

"Caiyue, I suggest you go for a rabies vaccine."

"Huh?" Caiyue Subaru was stunned.

"Even if the animal is dressed clean, there will still be a lot of germs in the mouth. If you are bitten with such a deep wound, you are very likely to be infected~"

"Ha...Haha, is there rabies here too?"

"Who knows." Kuang San pretended to be indifferent, his eyes returned to the book in his hand, "A dog that bites is not a good dog."

"Once a person develops rabies, the chance of death is almost 100%. Patients usually die of respiratory or circulatory failure within three to six days."

After Kuangsan said this, Caiyue Subaru really felt that her breathing was a little too heavy.

"Ha...Haha." Caiyue Subaru chuckled again, "How could it be possible, other people haven't been bitten by monsters before."

"Yes." said Beatrice, who held Parker in her arms, "There are many people who have been bitten by monsters, but most of them are cursed to take their lives away. Even if a very small number of people are lucky to solve the curse, There will still be some people who die inexplicably."

"This is most likely the'rabies' that Tokisaki said." After Beatrice said, as if thinking of something, she recorded the cause of'rabies' on a piece of paper, turned her head, and asked the mad three times. : "What is a rabies vaccine?"

Caiyue Subaru is no longer in the mood to listen to Kuangsan's explanation of rabies vaccine. He has grown up on the earth and understands rabies better than others.

Once it happened, its nearly 100% fatality rate made Nayuki tremble, especially those with rabies...everyone died after experiencing painful torture.

Even if he has the ability to "archive and read files", no one wants to die to death!

It seems...he has to find time to go back to Earth.

"Rem, Ram, let's save the children in the village first."


Rem and Ram were both puzzled. He might suffer from rabies and die. Why is he so persistent to save the people in the village?

Seeing that the trio disappeared again, Kuangsan returned to his bedroom with many selected books behind him.

"After Xiaohong, you said that people like Caiyue Subaru can do a big business?"

"Maybe... this is also a good way to gather people's hearts."

"Even if he fights his own life?"

"Master, Subaru's life is worthless. He has the only purchase channel between the two worlds. It doesn't matter if he is kinder. The sinister society will teach him what to do."

"hope so."


When Caiyue Subaru and the others rushed back to the village, the sky was faintly darkened, and the villagers in the village lit torches and scattered around, as if looking for someone.

"Hey! What happened here?" Caiyue Subaru called a young and middle-aged man in the village.

The young man holding the torch saw that he was the vassal of the lord here, and hurriedly stopped and reported to Caiyue Suba: "There are several children in the village lost."

Caiyue Subaru's eyes narrowed, "Who is it?"

When the young man said the child's name, Caiyue Subaru was even more anxious, and hurried to the place where the children hugged the dog this afternoon.

The Rozval mansion is located on the border of the royal capital, guarding the Warcraft Forest, and this village is on the edge of the Warcraft Forest, and it is also the only human gathering place in the Rozval territory.

The villagers are not afraid of where they live, because Lord Rozval is the most powerful magician in the kingdom, and he personally fixed the enchantment here so that the beasts cannot step into it.

For so many years, indeed no Warcraft has attacked the village.

But this time...

The edge of the village is very simple, with only a half-person-high wooden fence surrounding it, not to mention the Warcraft, even people can't stop it.

On the first row of big trees outside the wooden fence, there was an enchantment sealed by Rozval, an enchantment made up of the same type of spar, and one of them was broken at this time!

Caiyue Subaru looked anxiously at the muddy ground scattered with footprints outside the fence.

‘We must save them! ’

After leaving the villagers, Caiyue Subaru persuaded Rem and Ram, and the three of them sneaked into the Warcraft Forest and found the bitten children on a high slope.

These children are all cursed, and Subaru begs Ram to lift the curse for them.

It's just that the moonlight is slightly darker, which prevents the Pleiades from seeing Ram's embarrassing face.

Since Ram’s "horn" was broken when he was a child, his own magic power has been in a state of making ends meet. Before long, he needs to supplement magic power from the outside world, commonly known as replenishing magic.

The person who injected her magic power was naturally Rozval, the owner of the mansion.

There is not much magic power in her body, if you want to save these children...

Rem's eyes were full of hope when she saw her, Ram secretly gritted her teeth, even for her sister, she couldn't let Rem down!

Every time the curse of a child was lifted, the little magic power remaining in Ram's body was greatly attenuated, and his face paled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, a little girl who lifted the curse told Caiyue is also a child taken away deep in the forest!

Rem looked at his pale sister, then looked at the determined Pleiades Nayuki, hesitated in his heart.

"Rem, you and Subaru Caiyue are going to save that little girl."

"But sister."

"It's ok."

"I see!" Rem nodded, "Let's go!"

Soon, the weak Ram sent a signal to the village and asked the villagers to come and meet them.

At this time, Nayuki Subaru and Rem were in a state of fleeing quickly!

Caiyue Subaru found the comatose little girl, and it didn't take long for them to be surrounded by a large army of Warcraft like fierce dogs!

Thanks to Rem's strength, the stronger Rem is still not an opponent of many Warcraft...

The direction of the two fleeing gradually deviated, and they were flanked back and forth by the group of monsters! Then Rem demonized, and small pointed horns grew on the top of his head, and the magic power in the atmosphere slid into the "horns" frantically, which gave Rem a more powerful combat effectiveness.

But Rem, like a madman, made Caiyue Subaru jealous.

Nayuki Subaru will never forget, he died in Rem's hands twice!

The crazy Rem only knows to attack, has no defense, and is soon broken by a steady stream of monsters. Seeing that Rem is about to be overthrown by a few monsters, Naizuki Subaru's heart moved, and he actually pushed Rem out of the ring!

The severe pain from her body made Subaru's nerves tense to the extreme, "System! You have to think of a way!"

"Ding~In order to provide a better service host and promote the prosperity of the two circles, this system provides Didi Dacha service."

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