Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 14: Ten Thousand Realms Merchant System (4k)

After another half an hour, Caiyue Subaru gave up looking for Kuangsan Gang for no good reason. Even though Kuangsan was very strong, he didn't know how abnormal the attacker's strength was.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if Kuangsan couldn't even beat the opponent.

Nayuki Subaru decides to take another risk, and the feeling of having died once is imprinted in the depths of his soul. This is by no means a file-reading archive in a stand-alone game. Every reincarnation will leave a huge shadow on the parties.

He died after being hammered three times by a large round iron ball. The mood of Subaru Nayuki was extremely desperate at the time. The solid metal iron ball had spikes on it, and with each blow, several blood holes could be pierced into the body. The weight of the solid iron ball is crushed into meat.

The intense pain at that moment seemed to tear Subaru Caiyue's whole person apart.

The iron chain dragged the flying iron ball, time and time again...The blood flew across, even when it was finally dead, he did not see what the attacker looked like.

Cai Yue Subaru didn't even know why he was attacked.

The body shuddered, and Nai Yue Subaru didn't dare to think about it anymore, so torturing herself like this, what's the difference between being abnormal?

During this half an hour, Caiyue Subaru fought countless times, and in the end... he decided to take another trip by himself.

What if the other party just happened to kill the wrong person?

To him who has just come to another world and has no value...

No, Caiyue Subaru suddenly thought of something.

Isn't he in Mezas' manor? And he heard the news last night that Emilia was running for the king of the Dragon Kingdom. Emilia is now the "Prince!"

It seems that it is not incomprehensible that other candidates assassinated "hostile" people, after all, this is how it is performed in TV dramas!

Thinking of this, Caiyue Subaru suddenly enlightened.

That being the case, the people in the entire manor are in danger!

Cai Yue Subaru stuck out her tongue, licked her dry lips, and bit her upper teeth fiercely! The tingling of the nerves refreshed him a little.

Get out of bed, put on the jacket, put on the plastic bag, the movements are so smooth, he wants to try again!

Nayuki Subaru trot downstairs, greeted Lem who was cleaning the weeds in the garden, and decisively left Mezas Manor.

But Lem, dressed in a black and white maid costume, did not change his complexion, stopped his work and silently looked at the departed Caiyue Subaru.

Everything is still so familiar.

"Not a long memory." Once in a reincarnation, at this point in time, he closed the book after reading the "Fairy Tale Book", his figure flashed, and he disappeared in the house without disturbing anyone.

She didn't want to help Subaru Nai Yue, since Subaru Nai Yue can travel to another world and has the ability to read files similar to game saves, this is obviously his golden finger.

As long as he can endure the suffering of several reincarnations, he is equivalent to an "invincible" existence in this world.

The premise is that his spirit does not break down.

But as the "protagonist" Subaru, will she have a mental breakdown because of her constant reincarnation? Kuang San was not worried at all about this.

Can the protagonist who has the golden finger in hand and few brushes be called the protagonist? What's more, the faint power of time in Caiyue Subaru's body, after using it, still hasn't diminished in the slightest.

This means that Caiyue Subaru can "read files" countless times.

Kuang San has been following the back of Caiyue Subaru, and Leim also quietly set out from the manor, seeming to kill Caiyue Subaru as a task.

The manor of Earl Mezzas is located on the border of the capital, next to the Forest of Warcraft. Although the Forest of Warcraft belongs to the Dragon Kingdom geographically, the Dragon Kingdom has no ability to develop it. Instead, it needs to rely on the power of Mezzas. Proceed to guard the border.

Because Mezzas is the chief magician of the capital, everyone seems to be very relieved about him guarding the border.

As for the location of the border, apart from the Manor of Mezzas, there is only a small village not far away.

Caiyue Subaru did not pass through the village, but directly crossed the road. He had to walk a long distance to reach the slums in the capital.

Along the way, the Pleiades Caiyue was so nervous that he couldn't help himself, and a little wind and grass could make him like a big enemy.

But this is also a normal phenomenon. As an "ordinary person," let alone an "ordinary person who has died once," Caiyue Subaru has a deep shadow on this jungle.

He didn't dare to take the small path, and the chance of the small path being assassinated was even greater, and the Pleiades Caiyue didn't even know where the so-called assassin was actually.

He came half an hour later than last time. Will the assassins act in advance? Or is it still waiting in place?

Caiyue Subaru did not dare to bet on his own life. Although he "resurrected" once, this does not mean that he can "resurrect" infinitely.

Cai Yue Subaru is very worried.

Looking left and right, the sun in the sky couldn't give him any warmth.

Muttering in his mouth: "I had known that I called Kuangsan to come together, is it too late to regret it now?" As she said, Caiyue Subaru folded her hands and kept rubbing her arms.

The sound of the plastic bag passing through the clothes was awful, but Nayuki Subaru didn't care.

Not far away is his "burial place."

The road in front of me, surrounded by woods on both sides, suddenly widened a lot, and from here, I could faintly see the real "frontier" of the capital.

But Nagyue Subaru did not dare to take it lightly. Yesterday, or today, or the last time, he was there, and he was hit hard by the flying stabbing iron ball! Finally he was hammered to death.

this time......

Nayuki Subaru touched the knife hidden in his cuff, feeling relieved a little.

The quality of the knives he brought in from the manor restaurant when he left should be pretty good. Although he couldn't cut iron like mud, it was still very easy to cut the human body normally.


The voice hadn't broken through, and the Pleiades who had tightened his muscles to the extreme reacted.

"I knew you were here!" Caiyue Subaru directly threw the plastic bag in his hand, flashed his body, and took out a sharp blade from his cuff.

Caiyue Subaru watched as the iron ball flying by him hit the ground. The formation of a small dirt pit caused Caiyue Subaru to swallow.

Last time, he was so heartbroken that he was hammered in this way, and his cervical spine was broken with one blow, and he lost his fighting ability. As a result, he didn't even see who the enemy was, so he GG directly.

Suddenly, the iron chain behind the spiked iron ball stretched straight, exerting strength on it, and the iron ball hitting the dirt pit seemed to want to revolve around!

Cai Yue Subaru relied on his nerve reaction speed to play games all the year round, and jumped over the iron chain.

"Ha~ I didn't expect it."

Caiyue Subaru held a knife in one hand, panting heavily, her eyes tightening, as if she wanted to see the dark shadows in the woods clearly.

"who are you!"


The only one who answered Subaru was the spiked iron ball. Subaru dodged again and again, realizing that he was exhausted too quickly, and turned around and ran away!

As long as he runs into the city, there will be a guard, and the assassin dare not be so arrogant!

But it really as simple as Nayuki Subaru thought?

The spiked iron ball seemed to have eyes, and after trying it three more times, it smashed Caiyue Subaru's left leg into a mass of meat.

"Instant death will not bring too much pain, why should you choose to escape?"

When she heard the voice, Subaru Nayuki couldn't believe the scene in front of her.

It was Lem who killed him...

"Why are you killing me?" Caiyue Subaru tried her best to keep herself calm.

"Why?" Lem dragged the iron ball. "You should know this in your heart."

Nagyue Subaru laughed sorrowfully, "So did the other candidates put the spies in Emilia? Also, Emilia looks really stupid, and it's not suitable for participating in the intrigue fight for the throne."

"What are you talking about?" Lem frowned. "Now I ask, you answer."

"What is your relationship with that woman?"

"Woman? Which woman?"

"Don't pretend to be crazy and sell stupid, what is the relationship between the two of you, the mysterious woman named Tokizaki Kuzou? Also, who sent you here! Say!"

Unlike Rem, who was usually quiet, she seemed to change herself when she mentioned something about Emilia.

high altitude.

"Master, don't you plan to save Caiyue Subaru?"

Kuangsan shook his head, "I just came to see him die."

"Oh oh oh!" Xiao Hong made an exaggerated cry, "I understand, does the master want to watch the world-class time reset?"

Kuangsan rolled his eyes, "Don't say it."

Just as Kuangsan was talking to Xiaohonghou, Nagyue Subaru once again died under Lem's hammer. This time, he was at least unclear.

In the eyes of Kuangsan, the weak power of time in Subaru Caiyue slowly circulated, gradually connecting to another world, causing time to begin to distort and reverse, and finally fixed to "this morning."

Kuangsan sat on the bed, holding his chest with one hand, and pinching the snow-white chin with the other hand.

When she uses Ke Ke Di to reset the time, she first wraps a certain area that needs to be reset with the power of her soul, and then consumes a lot of time to return the things that have previously disappeared to their normal state.

But the different world's way of distorting time and resetting time was somewhat difficult for Kuangsan to understand.

Time and space are not separated, and time will be distorted alone, and space will collapse. Before the time is reset, the caster will be stranded in the turbulence of space.

This method of distorting time and space is mostly based on attacking moves. Even Kuang San has used this method to send enemies into the turbulence of space and strangle them into nothingness.

Is this a world characteristic, or her control is not precise enough?

Give it a try some time.

Kuang San is measuring in his heart, anyway, after the death of the Pleiades, the time will be reset again. This different world is the best experimental site.

But before the experiment, let Xiaohong do modeling and analysis first.

After that, the development of the matter was still as before.

Becoming a cat, injured, healed, bought and sold, holy gold coins...

However, in the "third" communication with Caiyue Subaru, this hot-blooded guy who had just come to another world had already squeezed all the blood.

There is only a deep sense of exhaustion in the depths of his eyes, his nerves are on the verge of collapse, and even after seeing Lem, his body will give the most direct response!

The assassin who came to another world for the first time was not scary at all in his opinion, but the maid who was beautiful and lovely...make Caiyue Subaru feel deeply terrified.

Both times he was killed by the opponent, if he had only three lives, then next time...he would definitely die!

Caiyue Subaru still didn't dare to gamble with his life.

‘Just forget it. "Naoyue Subaru thought, "It's not my fault that I don't have the money for Kuangsan. Even if she hates me, it should be. ’

‘In the manor, she won’t do anything to me, right? Nayuki Subaru's body stiffened. If it is when everyone is asleep at night, it's not necessarily true!

"What should I do?" Caiyue Subaru's eyes trembled, and cold sweat was flowing out of her body inexplicably.

"Looking for Kuang San!" Caiyue Subaru raised his head, not Mo Ji, opened the door, and came to Kuang San's room again.

Although Lem wasn't an existence he could contend with, from the point of view of Kuangsan's method of subduing the woman, Kuangsan was obviously more powerful!

Nayuki Subaru kept comforting herself in her heart, and wanted to talk about Kuangsan, to go with him to Lord Roma's sale of stolen goods.

He even boasted about going to Haikou, removing the five holy gold coins of Borrowing Kuangsan, and adding five more holy gold coins as money for employment.

Kuangsan agreed.

If people like the Pan-Continent Alliance and Li Jiayu knew that five holy gold coins could hire Mad San, then there would be a big commotion!

This time, Subaru Nayuki avoided Lem, said hello to Emilia, and went out with Kuangsan.

Lem, who was cleaning the flower bed, silently watched the two leave...

Along the way, Caiyue Subaru still refused to relax herself, which filled the atmosphere between the two with a sense of dignity.

When she waited until the slums, Caiyue Subaru was relieved, all kinds of sorrows continued, as if she wanted to make up for her favorability in Kuangsan's heart.

‘Sure enough, Lem is still afraid of Kuangsan’s strength! Nayuki Subaru is very sure.

They walked into Lord Roma’s stolen goods Today, Lord Roma still drank a lot and bargained with each other for a long time. Lord Roma still gave Nayuesubo that "freeze time" magical device. Twenty holy gold coins are offered.

Caiyue Subaru, who got the holy gold coin, divided half of it to Kuangsan, but he didn't feel distressed at all.

In the eyes of the Pleiades of Caiyue, how could the five holy gold coins matter?

What's more, it’s “playing” with a beautiful girl like Kuangsan, and it’s just like spending five holy gold coins on a date. Nayuki Subaru is very happy!

On the way back, Caiyue Subaru was still a little nervous and talked a lot to Kuangsan. While complaining about the pressure of Yingzhou society, he mocked himself for being a waste.

When Kuangsan asked if the other party missed his relatives, Nagyue Subaru was strangely silent.

Back inside the Mezzas Manor, the sky was completely dark, and half of the moonlight was scattered on the ground, casting a silver light on the world.

Remram prepared dinner and waited for everyone to enjoy it.


Cai Yue Subaru, who put on a pajamas, looked out the window, thinking of Kuang San's words in his mind.

Although he has no friends on earth, he still has relatives.

If you can't go back...what should they do?

On the second night after coming to another world, Caiyue Subaru missed his hometown for the first time.

Rather than taking a thrilling adventure in another world... he actually wants to play games at home.

This is the biggest wish of Subaru Nayuki, who has died twice, and even the beautiful girl in the different world is ranked second.

"Ding~The Merchant System of Ten Thousand Realms has been activated."


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