Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 5: 3 Improper view

Helping the lost little girl find her mother, and successfully inquiring the correct route, time flies quickly. With the help of Kuang San, they waited until the afternoon to find the "sales land" in a slum.

Caiyue Subaru slammed the wooden door for a while, no matter what the secret signal, forced the drunk old man inside to help him open the wooden door.

Uh... this old man is quite strong, his upper body muscles are extremely developed, and two long white eyebrows are floating in the wind... No matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like a human species.

After Cai Yue Subaru's argument, the giant named Roma was only half drunk and half awake to inform Cai Yue Subaru that the little thief had not returned.

Emilia is more anxious, and Kuangsan is always teasing the cat who can only stand up. Parker's soft hair makes Kuangsan want to stop, and the cat-shaped elf named Parker is also laughing and joking in Kuangsan's hands. The appearance of a vice-cute thing.

‘The strength of this elf is pretty good. Kuang San can easily see through the nature of the other party, and it is even more certain that Emilia has the potential to be a "heroine."

Maybe... Is it the Pleiades who relied on the heroine of the Raiders to reach the pinnacle of life?

It is said that men conquer the world, women conquer men.

But Emilia has such a powerful elves, isn't it the other way around?

Hmm...Parker conquered the world, Emilia conquered Parker, and Subaru conquered Emilia?

Kuang San had his brains open, and the look at the three of them had changed a lot.

‘Your circle is really messy. ’

"You, you...what are your eyes!" Parker hurriedly broke free from Kuangsan's hands, hid behind Emilia's shoulders, and said with the cute childish voice: "Even if you touch Parker very It's comfortable, but I can't make my mind. I'm an elf who has made a contract with Liya!"

"Ahhhhhh~ I didn't think so much. And..." Kuangsan's eyes were lost in a gap, "Amelia is much more interesting than you."

"Huh?!" The silver-haired and purple-eyed girl was stunned, why did she get involved with her again?

She could see that Tokisaki really loved Parker, and Parker was also very happy to play with Tokisaki, how suddenly...

"I asked! The thief who stole your badge is a little blond girl, isn't it?" Caiyue Subaru forced in.

"Should... Yes." Emilia Liu frowned, as if thinking about the thief who had stolen her.

"That's right." Caiyue Subaru breathed a sigh of relief. "The little girl is called Firut. She comes here every evening to sell the stolen goods. We can wait here for a while."

"Okay." Emilia unsuspectingly believed in the Pleiades of Nayuki. Just as Parker was avatar, Kuangsan's little hand sneaked over to Emilia's shoulder, grabbed it slightly, and surprised Parker in her heart. Caught in your hands.

The fluffed Parker looked at Kuang San strangely. The strength of this girl... seemed to be beyond its imagination.

Soon, the sun went down, the sunset was west, and there was only a ray of remnant glow on the horizon.

Parker's mental state is not very good. After breaking free from Kuangsan's little hands, he said a few words to Emelia and Kuangsan, and then turned into a ball of light and disappeared into the gem on Emelia's chest.

"It's still interesting like Parker."

Emilia doesn't understand Kuangsan's words very well. In her opinion, the little red queen who has been with Kuangsan is also an elf. Both are elf messengers. Kuangsan seems to understand nothing... ...

The eyes of Kuang San and Emilia met, and the two big eyes blinked at the same time.

"In fact, Empress Xiaohong is not a fairy."

"Is that so?" Emilia looked at Xiao Hong Empress curiously, and she saw Xiao Hong Empress's rather proud hands hugging her chest, "hum" twice.

"I am an intelligent life!"

"Smart life?"

Xiao Hong's face changed slightly, and she continued: "I am an intelligent life-the daughter of Hong Empress' mother!"

Emilia is unclear.

"Speaking of elves, the master is the only elves in the world!"

Emilia is completely stunned, what is this all about? She didn't perceive any elven breath on Kuang San at all.

"Okay, Empress Xiaohong." Kuangsan eyebrows smiled, "That's all the stories from the past, I am now a human with pure blood."

"Pure human beings..." Emilia whispered, and her gaze at Kuangsan changed again.

"By the way, Emilia is not a human being, right?"

"Yeah." The girl gently lifted her silver hair and exposed her slightly pointed ears to the air, "I have half of the elf blood."

When she said this, Emilia was very nervous, as if she was worried about something, so Kuangsan didn't understand, "That's a half-elf?"

"Also... the same can be said."

"very beautiful."


"I mean Emilia is beautiful."

"Really." Emilia suddenly remembered that these two people came from an unknown country. Maybe she didn't know the legend here, so she thought that the half-elf with silver hair and purple eyes was very beautiful, right?

But just like this, Emilia was also very happy.

Caiyue Subaru couldn't speak, so she could only stand on the stone platform and look into the distance, wanting to see if the thief named Ferut had returned.

"She is coming!"

Nayuki Subaru said, and immediately attracted the attention of Amelia and Kuangsan.

A blond little girl in a simple dress was walking towards this side, she was still shocked when she saw Emilia, the owner of the lost relic.

"you you you......"

Emilia frowned, "Please return me what you stole, that is very important to me!"

"I won't return it to you! I stole if I want it, I will exchange it for a holy gold coin of the same value!"

The yelling little girl made Emilia very angry, and her soft face was gradually inflated into a bun face by the gas.

‘Ok... so cute! Nayuki Subaru yelled in her heart.

"If you don't return it to me, then I can only get it back."

As he said, ice crystals suddenly condensed next to Emelia, which made Filut wonder what to do for a while.

"You... don't think that you are a magician, so you can grab my things at will!" Ferrut became furious and roared like a lion cub.

"Three views are not right." Xiao Honghou said lightly.

"If the children living in this environment have three views, that is a weird thing." Kuang San answered.

"" Filut thinks that Kuangsan is an elf and is in the same group with this stolen idiot. Even if Lord Roma is there, there is no certainty to defeat the opponent.

'run? ’

As soon as I started thinking, I saw the girl in the black dress with a smile on her pretty face, and said, "Good boy, don't think about running~ Your delicate body can't stop the cutting of a sharp blade."

"Boom!—" With a bang, the wooden door of the hut was violently opened, causing Caiyue Subaru to be shocked.

"Okay." The tall Lord Roma appeared outside and glanced at Kuangsan and Emilia, "Go to the house and say if you have anything."


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