Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 3: Wear the coolest thing, get the most venomous beating (fourk)

The night wind was slightly colder, but it couldn't affect Kuangsan in the slightest.

When Kuangsan couldn't perceive the high-energy energy in the air, he would use his soul power and explore the world with confidence and boldness!

The earth is ordinary, and the technology is not as advanced as her hometown. Kuang San tried to call the copycat moderator god, and the master **** could still respond.

Is this the world before crossing?

Kuangsan didn't understand, because she didn't have any useful information.


A young man in old-fashioned sportswear pushed open the glass door of the convenience store and walked out carrying a bag of things.

The man rubbed his eyes and glanced curiously at Kuangsan. At this time, the girl in the black dress was standing under the street lamp, her eyes closed and her head slightly raised.

The light shone on the opponent's skin without any traces of blemishes, and the overly white and tender skin gave Cai Yueang an illusion that the opponent was weak in physique.

Cai Yueang rubbed her eyes again, and the strange girl in black dress stood still, seeming to be waiting for something. He can swear to heaven, he has never seen such a beautiful person since he was a child.

That only half of his face was enough to make his heart fascinated.

But the slightly weird hairstyle can only be easily controlled by such a handsome person, right?

Suddenly, Cai Yueang's heart tightened, as if she saw something else in her eyes.

The old wooden floor, the moonlight shining diagonally from the window, and... the warm blood under your body? !


Another car was speeding by honking the horn, and the night breeze that brought it started to chill. Fortunately, Cai Yueang exercised all the year round and forced her discomfort to be suppressed.

Muttering in his mouth: "It's normal to have hallucinations when playing games in a dark bedroom all the time, right?"

Suddenly, Cai Yueang felt that someone was looking at him. He raised his head reflexively and stared at the mysterious girl in black dress under the street lamp.

Deep wine red.

Let Cai Yueang amazed! Although this kind of eye color can make the girl look more attractive, but this situation is a bit scary...

Another palpitations!

Her heart seemed to be held tightly by both hands, and it was difficult to breathe, causing Cai Yueang to bow down consciously.

His pupils tightened, and he saw the picture just now.

The old floor, moonlight, blood, and... the girl lying beside you?

what happened?

Looking up, Cai Yueang found that the girl in the black dress gave her a gentle smile.

The girl... seems to be walking in his direction?

Cai Yueang rubbed her eyes frantically, and when she opened them again, her eyes became dazzling...

"Huh?! Disappeared~"

The girl in the black dress covered her mouth with her small hand, seeming to be surprised at the boy's disappearance.

She just felt a faint sense of time passing on the teenager in sportswear. It felt like she urged Ke Ke Di to activate her ability.

"It's really interesting."

Kuang San walked to the place where the boy had disappeared. He stretched out his small hand and slightly pointed his fingertips. The chaotic time and space peeled off the fog, revealing the figure of another world...

For game players such as Cai Yueang and watching Fan Otaku, when he travels to another world, there is no panic or fear in his heart, but a sense of excitement.

This excitement drove his adrenaline surge and wiped out the exhaustion of staying up late playing games.

At this time, Cai Yueang, still dressed up, old-fashioned but well-fitting sportswear, forced herself into an "adult's hairstyle," but she was really disorganized.

Carrying a white plastic bag, which contains potato chips and cup noodles.

Touched his pocket, the phone is still there.

There is nothing to worry about.

What appeared in front of him was a rather spectacular scene, watching the busy traffic in the city, and it would be nice to come to the Western Fantasy Middle Ages to learn about "dinosaurs pulling carts".

Cai Yue Ang's excitement did not last long. Thanks to the comics she had seen before, Cai Yue Ang was very sure that she was the "brave man summoned by a beautiful girl from another world."

In terms of physical strength, Cai Yueang is still very confident. After all, if you want to stay at home, you must have a good body!

Cai Yueang walked for a long time, and found that he didn't know the words here, but he could understand what the other party was saying. There were all kinds of demi-races everywhere, and the style of Western Fiction in the world was strong.

But even so... he still didn't find the beautiful girl from another world who summoned him.

He was scolded by the uncle of the fruit stand as a poor ghost, made a second-level action but failed to emit magic, was thrown out of the tavern by the demi-ren, and even fell into the river accidentally!

Cai Yueang was in a terrible mood.

Fortunately, there is no water in the phone and the battery is full, but unfortunately there is no signal.

In the gloomy alley, three people dressed up as gangsters gradually walked to Cai Yueang's side.

"Hey, if you don't want to die, hand over all the valuable things on your body!"


The space seemed to resist the existence of Kuangsan. The Kuangsan who was planning to settle the matter gently had a cold expression. The power of time and space attached to the tender white palm, directly tearing the bubble time and space, and stepping into that "different world" calmly. .

on the street.

Kuangsan looked at all this curiously. All the buildings here are built on the mountain. The topmost building is similar to the palace. Starting from the top, layer by layer is separated, which also represents the gap between the rich and the poor and the position of power.

The air contains relatively dense high-energy energy, but relatively mild and not much lethality.

Compared with the fierce man who is full of tendons, the high-energy energy contained in the air here is like a toddler who just knows how to run, and it is not threatening.

Until now, the copycat moderator **** has not released a task.

However, many people on the street are curiously looking at Kuangsan. No doubt, this place is still under the jurisdiction of the end black universe, and the bonus of the charm of the perverted law still exists.

Kuang San smiled softly, and disappeared quietly amidst the intoxication of many demihumans.

Yuan Li clung to his clothes, letting these ordinary people turn a blind eye, Kuang San carefully looked at everything in front of him.

She has never done a mission in the Western Fantasy World.

The Western Fantasy World is mostly in the Middle Ages. Kuangsan’s impression of the Middle Ages... probably, mysterious, backward, and ignorant. Of course, the latter two points are mostly, but since Western Fantasy has been added, the people here are slightly better in the eyes of Kuang San.

The clothes are pretty neat, although most people are still a collection of bacteria in the eyes of Kuangsan, but they are so much better than the modern people in the main timeline of Mohei.

With a move of Kuang San's thoughts, Xiao Hong's projection individual was released from the ring.

"Connect to the original system of Ten Thousand Realms."

"Okay, master!"

"Ding ~ Ten Thousand Realms Origin System has detected a world change, does it accept the task?"


"Task name: None"

"Task Objective: Distort the plot as much as possible"

"Task reward: It depends on the degree of distortion."

"Hmm~" Xiaohong squeaked, "Highly free mission."

"It's okay." Kuangsan smiled: "I have a good way to twist the plot."

"What kind of duck is that?"

Kuang San stretched out his small hand, tapped the void with his fingertips, and the space opened up, and he could faintly see the sight of an innocent earth.

"I found that the spatial coordinates here are very close to the earth."

Xiao Hong's eyes lit up, showing her nature, "Does the master want to use technology to distort the plot here?"

"You can think about it, after all, we don't know how strong the strong here is, the world history background~ the local customs~"

"Ahhh~" Kuangsan who was speaking narrowed his eyes, "After Xiaohong, we seem to have been discovered by someone~"

Kuangsan and Xiao Honghou turned around at the same time, and what appeared in front of them was a handsome young man with red hair and blue eyes. With Kuangsan's height, even if the distance was not close, he still had to raise his head slightly to see the people. Look.

There is no doubt that the eyes of this noble youth are on her.

It was easy to see through Yuanli's disguise, which surprised Kuang San.

However, the man's whole body exuded kindness, which made Kuangsan fall into self-doubt for a time. Encountered a suspicious person like her in the city, but didn't have any suspicion... Is he a fool, or does he have sufficient self-confidence in his own strength?

"This lady." The red-haired young man glanced at the virtual projection of Xiao Hong's queen again, "Is it an elf?"

When he was observing Kuangsan, Kuangsan was also carefully observing the youth. There was huge energy in the youth. When he walked, even the high-energy energy in the air was excited by it.

He is loved by the world.

If it hadn't been for a young man to cross here, I'm afraid Kuangsan would think that the young man in front of him was the son of this world.

"The sword is good."

Kuangsan's effort to switch the subject made the young man stunned, but then he reacted, "Thank you for your compliment..."

"Slightly lacking in strength, you still have a lot of potential."

"Uh..." The young man was dumbfounded by Kuang San's aimless words.

"Cultivate hard, I hope I can see you again in the future."

Kuang San's smile surprised the young man, and when he reacted, only a scent of fragrance remained on the spot.

Until then, there was a trace of doubt on the young handsome man's face.

'Who is she? Why can't I detect her whereabouts? ’


"Master, that guy was quite strong just now."

Kuangsan tilted his head and thought for a moment, "If he is not the son of the world, it is the world that limits his potential. However, this kind of character that makes people unable to distinguish between good and bad is really stressful."

"Because... in Mo Xiao's memory, the seemingly gentle people in the main **** space... are quite scary."

"Really?" The flying little red queen thought, "but I didn't perceive the slightest malice from him."

"Why does he radiate malice against us?"

"Uh...Master, I didn't mean that."

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect to encounter a plot character of this intensity when I first arrived in this world, I guess, this world should be a legendary run together?"

"Isn't it?" Xiao Honghou asked in surprise: "Is it so powerful?"

"It may be that the one who masters the space of the main **** saw something. He left my legendary pinnacle in this kind of world without even releasing the mission. But fortunately, this kind of world can gain more source points."

"Yeah!" Xiaohonghou nodded fiercely, "But what are you going to do now, Master?"

"I smelled the smell of time retrospect, let's follow the old routine and follow the protagonist~"


Cai Yueang didn't feel how unlucky he was. In his opinion, this kind of scene surrounded by punks was like an emergency triggered in the game.

At this time, the beautiful girl who summoned him to another world will definitely appear! Even if he doesn't appear, some power in his body will awaken, and he will step on the boss behind the scenes, marry a beautiful girl from another world, and embark on the pinnacle of life.

These are all routines, Cai Yueang has seen through it a long time ago, and now he must follow the routines.

But this beating... can it be done or not.

Just when Cai Yueang was making a fool of herself, a crisp loli sound came from the other side of the alley.

"Hey! Those guys in front don't stand in my way!"

Cai Yueang, who was surrounded by gangsters, became excited and quickly stood see you! The beautiful girl who called me to another world has appeared! Are you still here waiting to be beaten? "

"Pretty girl?" The blonde loli who ran to the gangster was stunned. "Although you are right, I'm in a hurry, so please give me a favor."

"Huh? Wait!" Cai Yueang wanted to say something, but she saw the neatly dressed blonde loli crossed the alley in twos and then jumped onto the floor.

Cai Yueang looked back at the three gangsters, showing a flattering smile.

It seems...this severe beating is inevitable.

"Boom!-Boom! Boom!"

Cai Yue Ang curled up, holding her head in her hands, in order to reduce her injuries, but there was still a painful sensation in the nerves, which made Cai Yue Ang want to stop, it is not... .

"Can you please stop?"

A charming female voice came, causing Nayue Ang's closed eyes to suddenly open, and the beautiful girl who summoned him is finally here!

However...what greets your eyes is the mysterious and beautiful girl he had seen in the convenience store before!

"you you you you!"

Cai Yueang pointed to Kuangsan, shocked to speak.

He had long known that the superb beautiful girl was different, but the picture in front of him... soon, Cai Yueang accepted this setting. That is... this beautiful girl with a sense of mystery is in fact a person from another world! She came to Earth and summoned him...

Reading Yue, Reading Yue is wonderful!


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