Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 4 Chapter 161: Newton's Coffin Board

"Master, the other party has used a certain technological method, and the fluctuations in the space above New York are leveling off."

Crazy sat on the ground in three crosses to absorb the free energy, and the aura around him was lingering, like long hair in the night flying in the air.

"About how long?"

"It may take less than two minutes before the Qiruita army will send an advance team again."

Kuang San had an imposing halt, his eyes opened, red light and golden light flashed at the same time, and his long hair slowly fell back to his shoulders.

Upon seeing the red queen, he immediately stopped the energy converter, and the free energy in the room was pumped away by the small holes, not knowing what it was used for.

"Master, there seems to be something wrong with Stark." The red back said strangely.

At this time, the "Nightmare" had begun to dress Kuang San, and the outside situation was not yet clear. She didn't want those creature battleships to flick their tails and knock down Umbrella's headquarters.

Until the screen in front of him turned on, Kuang San asked the Red Queen, "You don't want to tell me, that fellow Stark is controlled by Loki?"

The Q version of the red queen's face is full of shock, and the "exclamation mark" on the head is quite a play.

Kuang San controlled the'Nightmare' and shook his arm armor at will. "I heard that the controlled person will return to normal even if he receives a huge impact, right?"

"That's right, but that fellow Stark is still in the air..."

Before the red queen finished speaking, Kuangsan opened the channel and drove away at high speed in the "Nightmare"!

A view of New York City appeared in front of the'Nightmare', and the side street near Umbrella was slightly scattered, and it seemed that he had just experienced a small chase.

Seeing that the master ignored her, Hong Empress silently swallowed the words back into her stomach, thinking in her heart: ‘Stark, please ask for your own blessings, don’t break through without thinking. ’


The Red Queen was taken aback, glanced at Kuang San, and quickly opened the email.

Jarvis: "Mr. Stark is nervous and suspected of an accident. Can I reserve a bed in Umbrella?"

Kuang San looked over, and in the "Nightmare", her authority was obviously higher than that of the Red Queen.

Snorted softly, "Determine their location, now the enemy is now, it's not the time to play peekaboo!"

Without waiting for the Red Queen to gather information, the "Nightmare" suddenly turned his head, the electronic eye stretched a little, and locked the Kun-style fighter that had just climbed to the sky.

Natasha: "Tokisaki? Tokisaki! Can you hear me? Stark has been controlled by Rocky. We climbed to the sky above New York. If you have time, please help us!"

"I saw you."

Natasha, who was driving a Kun-style fighter, looked happy, and was almost hit by ‘Mark’ on the wing again!

The hatch had been closed long ago, Button gripped the compound bow tightly, his phalanx faintly white. Just now when "Mark" was chasing in a straight line, he unexpectedly shot the opponent with an arrow, but then...

Facts have proved that the flexibility of "Mark" far exceeds the speed of Patton's nerve reaction.

"After Xiaohong, have you seen a draw?"

"Draw the ball?" The red queen's eyelids jumped, "Master, if you hit Stark now, the control can be released, but if he still has the ability to fight with the Qiruita army, I can't estimate it. ."

"The umbrella did not launch a supply satellite?"

The red queen's bad premonition gradually grew stronger, "Fa... is a launch, but Stark..."

Nightmare shuttled between the buildings, Kuang San glanced at the Q version of the red, "Did you take advantage of the other party and speak for him like this."

"No! Absolutely not!" The Red Queen hurriedly shook her head, just like shaking a rattle.


Kuang San is not in the red, turned his head and looked forward, the weapon system locked the ‘Mark’ firmly!

Although Stark was controlled, his common sense still remained. At this time, he decisively gave up chasing the Kun-type fighter, and after releasing a few small jamming missiles, he leaned forward and flew between the buildings.

"Rogers, please arrange the battle plan as soon as possible. Natasha, you'd better control the landing of the Quinn fighter, at least you must put down Dr. Banner, otherwise, I can't guarantee your safety."

Only Stark's communicator was cut off, and Kuang San's words completely fell into everyone's ears.

In the Quin-style fighter, several people looked at Dr. Banner subconsciously, and the other party just smiled at everyone in embarrassment.

"Send me and Banner down first. Natasha and Patton will temporarily control the Quinn fighter. With your fire support, it should be easy to deal with the enemy's advance team."

"hope so."


In the sky, two armors, one large and one small, shuttle back and forth between the buildings.

I have to say that Tony can fully bear the title of ‘genius’ in certain fields. At least in the present situation, if the "Nightmare" does not use the magic pattern, unless the energy of the "Mark" is exhausted, it will not be able to catch up with the opponent at all!

There is no way, every time when he hurriedly pursued, ‘Mark’ always turned around flexibly and threw the ‘Nightmare’ tens of meters away.

There is no major problem in the city now, and S.H.I.E.L.D. has also sent many personnel to evacuate the population. Kuangsan would not use weapons unless he had to.

Seeing the slightest passing of time, the spatial fluctuations over New York gradually eased, and Kuang San finally put away his playful mind.

"The Red Queen, call the logistics satellite and let it send the next set of ‘Mark’ supplies."

The red queen quickly nodded and agreed, and at the same time gave Tony a silence in my heart.

Spiritual power gushes from Kuangsan, and it turns into magic power in an instant, quickly occupying the entire armor!

Strange magic patterns light up on the armor of the legs, and the thrusters are slightly floating, and the speed of the'Nightmare' has skyrocketed by more than one step!

‘Mark’ glanced back at Tony ignored what Jarvis said, the blue and green pupils were so calm and alarming!

At this time, he would only execute Loki's orders in his mind.

Haunt the "Nightmare"! Even if you give everything!

The distance between the two sides gradually narrowed, but Tony was not in a hurry. There was another corner in front of him. By then, with the mobility of ‘Mark’, he could completely get rid of the big guy behind him again!


‘Mark’ took the lead in turning the corner, and after the crowd below shouted in exclamation, the thrusters became brighter, and the speed was once again higher!

The bones and wings of the "Nightmare" were slightly spread on the back, and the magic pattern invaded it little by little, and finally turned the corner at a very unreasonable speed!

It did not slow down at all! Instead, speed up again when cornering!

Even Tony, who was in a calm state, twitched his eyes slightly. He wanted to grab Brooks by the collar and question his inertia?

Inertia was eaten by you? !

Or is Newton's coffin board not suppressed? !

Seeing that he was about to be caught up, ‘Mark’ turned and stopped the flight, and the weapon system aimed at the ‘Nightmare’ for the first time!


The red queen swallowed his saliva and used the electronic eyes to identify the location of Tony in the dust and mist below.

Just now, ‘Mark’ didn’t even have time to launch a weapon, he was drawn into the ground by a big ear from the ‘Nightmare’!

There were cracks on the asphalt road around, the red queen blinked, "Master... Stark won't be shot to death by you, right?"

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