Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 25: General

"What are you doing?!"

The young man's slightly angry voice came from the headset.

"Sir, please stay calm, we can't make sure whether your body has changed, so..."

"That's why we are locked up and studied carefully?!"

The voice of the youth continues to rise, like an enraged lion cub!

"No no no, sir, I think there is some misunderstanding in this."

"Oh, God is on, I'll go to you m&#*! Let me call, I want to call my lawyers to accuse you of your violence!"

The agents on both sides did not answer again, suppressing the young man who wanted to "runaway", and then turned off his headset. After all, no one wanted to hear him making noise all the time.

The woman lowered her head and was not interested in what was happening next to her.

Only Kuang San, secretly reflected the appearance of the two in his eyes, deeply remembered in his mind.

The young man is a rich second-generation or the like, and the woman should be just an ordinary person. As for why she appears in the rich area, I am afraid that only she herself knows.

The helicopter flew directly to the top of a building and stopped. Everyone was taken elsewhere by "medical staff" in chemical protective suits.

In the middle of the journey, the youth made great mockery and put all insulting words on them.

Can't say what the quality of the other party is...

Anyone who sees himself being brought into the "laboratory" by "researchers" will not feel so wonderful, right?

Uniforms similar to military uniforms can barely match with chemical protective clothing, but Kuang Sanyi's black rabbit pajamas seem out of place, especially the two fat trouser legs, which will always give people a different kind of cuteness.

The elevator went down, Kuang San closed his eyes and scanned the entire building mentally. Unexpectedly, this was not the headquarters of SHIELD.


After disinfection, blood draw, and security check, they went outside the small room isolated by glass.

"You mean, we just stay here?"

"Then it's like a monkey visited in a zoo?"

Obviously, the agent is much taller than Kuangsan, but at this time, he has a feeling of being overlooked by the little girl in front of him!

Without answering, he raised his head and glanced at the glass room on all sides, his brow furrowed, which was really uncomfortable.

The young man yelled on the side again, nagging about his power.

Suddenly, the young man became hot all over, even if someone was "supporting" his shoulders behind... but he accidentally fell to his knees.

The body was curled up like a cooked prawn, and the surrounding agents quickly drew their guns at the young man. As long as there is an accident, the bullet will end his young life.

"I don't like someone holding a gun at me."

A cold voice sounded, and the shoulders of the two agents who pointed at Kuangsan loosened, and under the expression of the senior agent's eyes, they slowly turned their guns.

Kuang San embraced his chest with his hands, the youth is already "evolving," his physical fitness is quite good, it should be a consequence of fitness.

The burgundy eyes swept the other woman slightly, and the temperature emitted from her forehead was slightly hot. It was obvious that it would start to "evolve soon".

If you fail, you will die, and if you succeed, you will reach the sky in one step.

Of course, you might become a guinea pig.

The long-awaited "Super Soldier" project was taken over by a radical man.


The sound was like a broken bellows. The young man turned over and lay his back on the ground, as if in this way, he could lower his body temperature.

His thinking was clearer than ever, and even myopia disappeared. On the contrary, his field of vision became wider. He was even able to see the small lines on the ceiling 30 meters away.

The body is weak, but the strength is constantly pouring in. In addition to the young people who can find a trace of danger in the "guns", the rest of them want to stand up against him.

"Heh~" The corners of the mouth grinned, and the agents' arms with guns are a bit tight. Fortunately, there are no interns here. Otherwise, the guns might go off.

The blue eyes continued to look forward, half of his flawless face reflected in his pupils.

Miniatures, he didn't even see a trace of blemishes on the girl's face! Compared with the others, even the best-skinned woman has a thin layer of powder on her face.

The wine-red eyes stared at him, and couldn't tell how he felt.

The young man moved his hand to his left chest. Is this... a heartbeat?


The sound of leather boots stepping on the floor sounded, and an elderly man with a star hanging on his shoulder came here.

The girl was locked at the first sight!

"Ha, finally let me find you, you are the younger of that old fellow Williams, right?"

Kuang Sany looked dazed, "Meow meow?"

Then I thought of Hong Empress again, could it be the identity she arranged...or the main god?

The old man smiled and nodded at her, then made a straight face, and refilled her with the temperament of being a general.

Kong Wu's voice was powerful, and he pressed towards the agents!

"Who gives you the right to arrest anyone?! Is it Nick Fury? Or is it Alexander Pierce?!"

"I want to take this girl away, trust me, I will take the time to have a good talk with your chief!"

Fingers rested on the agent's shoulders, each time the tall body shook slightly.

Just when the old man was about to take away Kuangsan, he was directly stopped by him.

The old man's eyes are like sharp wind eagles, piercing people's hearts.

"General, the director didn't tell me that someone can take these three people away from here."

The voice was neither overbearing nor overbearing, and his eyes looked straight ahead, instead of looking at the old man.

"Heh." It seems to be amused, and the snow-white eyebrows are slightly This is the first rebuttal I heard in the last fifteen years. Young man, do you know what this means? "

The agent did not speak, but only blocked the three of them. The old man raised his head slightly, and several soldiers behind him immediately raised their guns and aimed at the man.

"I ask you, what right do you have to imprison citizens of the United States of America?"

"General, we don't have any rights. But we are working hard to protect more people."

"Oh? Then put the minor in the glass room for you to visit like a monkey?"

The agent's heart was shocked... "The Minor Protection Act" in the United States is detailed to a certain point.

Even if my parents beat and scold their children a little, they will be accused, so they can go to jail and reflect on their lives.

And children will naturally be handed over to institutions that protect minors for raising.

These are biological parents! Not to mention outsiders!

Although he is not very proficient in the law, when it is just this one, he believes that there will be more than multiple accusations on him!

The old man walked up to him, "Actually, I'm very surprised, why is there an organization like you? Born to protect the world? You were not born when labor and capital came to the battlefield with guns!"

The agent still didn't let anyone go. The old man directly called Nick Fury's phone, and after a loud roar, he handed over the phone to the agent.

In the end... he still witnessed the "Black Rabbit Girl" following the old man.

Nick Fury rubbed his eyebrows in the office, and he was not in the mood to deal with the piles of papers on the desk.

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