Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 3 Chapter 18: Rod of god

() New York is a global metropolis, even though it is not a tourist city in nature, the daily flow of people still explodes.

Regarding ‘Umbrera’, people hear about it almost every day. In particular, the construction progress that can be called open-hanging, so that people have never left the line of sight.

What is the cost of this building alone? No organization has been able to estimate it yet. The other party's materials are too complicated and it is completely confidential. Only when the other party has completed the construction and obtained information from the contractor, can it be roughly estimated.

That must be a pretty scary number!

Who is the owner of such a huge capital flow? Which industry giant is it? What is the purpose of building on the opposite side of the Stark Tower?

These secrets are like a cat can't catch a ball of wool, and people who scratch are itchy.

New York is located in the United States and is famous in the world. Sometimes people who don't know much about American history will think that New York is the capital of the United States.

It sounds funny, but on the other hand, it confirms the influence of the city of ‘New York’.

The Stark Building is also undergoing rapid renovation. After the renovation of Tony Stark, the ‘architect genius’, people always find his taste a bit unique.

The floors are built higher and higher, even if the two buildings are completely different, but from a the twin towers.

According to the "known information", if ‘Umbrera’ is really a company, no matter what it wants to do, it will become a global giant in one fell swoop.

The huge amount of money is placed there, although no one can figure out where the money comes from.


The cloud computing base occupied by the Red Queen is running computing on a large scale every day, and the plans she made are slowly progressing.

However, the funds, a large number of black and black people, have attracted the attention of many people. Although they can't find out who did it, it is combined with the recent booming ‘Umbrera’...

She doesn't want any accidents. The first task the master gave her must be completed perfectly!

This time, the Red Queen aimed at the virtual currency! With the advanced level of the [beta]-class detection spacecraft's central brain brain, she fully believes that even another artificial intelligence will take a lot of time to decipher.

At that time, the Red Queen already had a lot of funds.


The plan hasn't stopped for a moment, Kuang San is still studying the complicated and boring magic array.

The Red Queen always wanted to do something big in her heart. In the era of Internet dominance, she was the **** there, controlling countless "small soldiers," ready to launch attacks on hundreds of millions of computers around the world!

And somewhere in the desert in Africa, underground, there is an experimental base.

Of course it is not currently built, but its personnel and the forces behind it have been uprooted by the Red Queen!

Now, it is Umbrella’s first experimental base in this world.

Although she didn't even know Kuang San herself.

Kefei Wilson, a scientist who is not well-known in the industry, not even well-known.

However, it is undeniable that the other party has a good deal of research on new weapons.

But in this world, those who have money go to order Stark's latest weapons, and those who don't have money go to other arms dealers to buy some cheap products.

With the weapon genius of Tony Stark, a small number of arms companies even think that the development of new and large weapons is no longer useful.

They couldn't compare to Tony Stark's pervert. In fact, those who oppose the Stark Group generally do not end well.

Most arms companies have begun to study weapons that are small but practical.

After all, on the battlefield, the most powerful thing is often the finale, which is positioned as a shock.

And the ones that consume the most are often new weapons that are small in power but very valuable.

With regard to guns and bombs, these companies have repeatedly set new highs, and they have nowhere for Kofi to use his fist.

It was hard to confirm a technical study, and the result was published on the signature, but he did not have his own name.

He hates! He hates the company, he hates those people even more! The glory that should belong to his own, but was magnificently attached to them by a group of thieves and thieves! Enjoying the blessings and cheers of people!

But what can Kefei do? He can do nothing.

If it wasn't for the company that thought he was still useful, it is estimated that the person named "Kefei" has long since disappeared in the world, right?

When he was kidnapped, Ke Fei did not even resist. When the light gradually appeared in his own world, he even felt that he had gone to heaven.

But everything in front of... the white hall, all kinds of people wearing laboratory clothes come and go.

And he, Corfe Wilson, dressed in shabby clothes, had a beard that hadn't been shaved for a few days, and a decadent sigh was out of place.

"How is it? Is it better?"

There was a gentle female voice in his ear, and Kefei raised his head. He could swear to God that he saw the angel.


In a white coat, calculating with a computer, precision instruments are being processed not far away.

Here, you have what you want, and don't worry about funding at all.

Even the design drawings and general plans have been written.

For the rest, just confirm the assembly. Kofi Wilson asked himself more than once, if it's all like this, what do you want him to do?

Kefei stood up and came to the experimental frame. The virtual projection was always floating there. This is simply the experimental base that researchers dream of!

Slightly larger than ordinary military satellites, Kefei tapped it with his hand, and the virtual projections were completely separated, and even the small parts were clearly marked.

In the middle... is a high-density mixed metal long rod that is 6.1 meters long and 30 cm wide.

The front is slightly pointed and looks quite aggressive.

According to the calculation of tens of millions of experiments on the supercomputer, the success rate is as high as 95.68%!

When Kefei first saw it, he felt incredible. This is a conceptual weapon. Even the military is still in the theoretical stage. This mysterious organization has already been built!

What is even more incredible is that the chief engineer who built is him, Kofi Wilson!

Licking his slightly dry lips, Ke Fei took a look at the progress of the construction, and he couldn't wait to go to the construction base.

Standing in front of the perforated glass, a large mechanical arm was assembled inside, every fine part was not let go, Kefei was shaking with excitement!

Now he doesn't think about national glory or security. Here, he has seen people from many countries, some are **** like him, and some are simply voluntary!

The computer that controls the robotic arm belongs to a clone of the Red Queen, and this "satellite" is being assembled.

Until the last part is installed...

Ke Fei almost ran over, seeing the huge "satellite" not far away, and his blood was boiling.

This conceptual weapon was produced by them after all! A weapon that can deter the world!

Space-based weapons, also known as the rod of god.

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