Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 195: Chaoqin Muchu

() The sound of the bullet's eruption overlaps with the sound, and it spins through the rain at a high speed, and shoots into the wall abruptly!

Lin Haixiong's heart shook at this time, and he hurriedly lifted a thick gas mask around his body, and at the same time his body began to pounce to the side, begging to avoid this strange blow!

When the bullet has not touched the wall, the airflow on the tip of the bullet penetrates the wall, and a small hole is drilled out. "Huang Chengcheng" followed closely, and penetrated the wall in an instant!

The power is weakened, but it is very limited. Lin Meng is mainly not a second-order advanced storm fighter, and it may be blown out by this blow!

However, in the wind and rain, he is more sensitive, and the bullet has been disrupted after passing through the thick gas shield.

The bullet rubbed Lin Haixiong's left arm, and after killing one by the way, it left a small hole in the ground.

Lin Haixiong was sweating profusely, and a burnt odor came from his left arm. Now that it disperses, the blood will flow out like life.

Thinking of herself jumping to the ground, Li Jiayu gave him an inexplicable smile. He cursed in his heart: "Damn it, that stinky girl cousin!"

Originally, Lin Haixiong had the possibility of a battle with the help of violent storms. But now... the sniper completely interrupted his delusion.


Only escape can have a ray of life! Staying and fighting will definitely die! He remembers the miserable group of his own men in his heart. The more so, the more scared he is!

"You must get through the grass!" Lin Haixiong just started to think, and started to move. As for those "brothers" who were fighting the world with him, I can only say sorry here.

If he can leave this place today, he will definitely avenge him!

Before the body ran away from the manor, a red electric ball slammed in front of Lin Haixiong! The weird red electric light spread out, forming an oval grid!

Lin Haixiong didn't care about the bleeding arm, a roll made his left arm land first, and the pain went deep into his bone marrow!

"Li Jiayu! Are you really going to kill them all?! If I am not dead today, you can guess what effect a second-tier senior inheritor will have on you at Xijiang University!"

Lin Haixiong roared out those words with a ferocious face, resisting the severe pain and constantly flashing his body, without any regularity at all.

Li Jiayu jumped down from the third floor, and the red octopus was also smashed on the ground at the same time!

The ice-blue pupils are eye-catching even at night.

"Are you threatening me?"

"Of course not, I'm just stating a fact!"

"Do you know?" Li Jiayu didn't approach him, but started to walk to the other side, "What a foolish act to expose yourself to a top sniper!"

"Huh?" Lin Haixiong's body hair suddenly exploded! Like a beast that perceives danger! This time it is far stronger than before!

Can't hide it... will definitely die!

Lin Haixiong's hideous face, his boots made a footprint on the ground, fighting his fate to build up the energy in his body, doing his best to gather the wind, and rushing towards Li Jiayu frantically!

The handsome man in the white windbreaker stopped and lifted his head slightly, glancing back from the corner of his eyes.

"Bang!" A big head was directly smashed by the explosion! With huge mental power, Li Jiayu faintly saw a bullet in it...

Blood mixed with brains splashed on the ground, and the headless corpse was obliquely struck by the bullet's kinetic energy and swept past Li Jiayu.

A trace of blood remained on the white cuffs, making his eyebrows frowned slightly.

The rain continued to wash the dirt on the ground, as if to crush all the evils here into dregs, and merge them into the earth's soil.

The rest has collapsed, and the leader who looks like a **** or devil in their eyes has been killed easily!

Making them unacceptable to human beings who have inherited the supremacy, when their faith collapses and their ability to react weakens, even the desire to fight is unnecessary.

Only a few people are still fighting desperately, and they are smashed by three points!

The remaining people were honest, but still did not escape the fate of death. They were more beautiful to die, at least a whole body was left, unlike those shot by Kuang San, it would be good to have more than half of their body left.

At this moment, except for the Liu Yinsha beside the fallen angel, the entire "Moon Eagle League" was declared annihilated!

The woman Liu Yinsha was still screaming beside the fallen angel, fully demonstrating the charm of a woman.

If it wasn't for the inappropriate venue, I'm afraid this slutty woman would have to mate with the fallen angel! Of course... it is estimated that Li Jiayu will not let her ruin her clone.

Liu Yinsha completely sold the "Moon Eagle League". After all the material storage sites and the poor women were placed in place, these talents returned to Xijiang University.

The rain is still falling, and the strong smell of blood continues to wash away here, and I don't know what choice the army will make after discovering it.

Liu Yinsha was naturally disgusted by Xiao Wanqing and several people, both of whom belonged to the upper class. They knew this "social flower" better than anyone else.

Don't look at her getting into the bone marrow, it seems that no one dared to touch her except her two husbands.

As for the reasons... those are all hearsay, Xiao Wanqing naturally wouldn't explain it clearly to Li Jiayu.

Liu Yinsha lived in Xijiang University. She wanted to stay with the fallen angels, thinking that she was her true son!

But she didn't have no brains at all. The terrifying sniper last night had already made her feel the freezing cold more than once.

Liu Yinsha was sure that she was targeted by the mysterious sniper at that time! Her life was in the hands of others! She even had an illusion that if the muzzle was kept at her... would the chill hurt her Frozen to death?

Relying on the "social flower" ability, she didn't have much time to fight with the inheritors of Xijiang University, and the mysterious sniper was naturally remembered by her.

"It's a little girl!" This was Liu Yinsha's first thought.

"It's not too This is Liu Yinsha's thoughts after seeing the mad three.

As the saying goes, it is difficult to change the nature of the country, Liu Yinsha always wants to get in touch with Kuang San, always feel that the girl is mysterious and unusual, attracting her all the time.

Liu Yinsha had an orgasm, as if she had just returned from xx, she was even worse than she was in the fallen angel.

"How can this be? Do I want to engage in lily? Obviously fallen angel lord can satisfy me..."

No matter what Liu Yinsha is, it can't affect Kuangsan. If something happens, Kuangsan doesn't mind tying her into a "Zongzi" and throwing her into Li Jiayu's bed.

The insect crystals searched from the "Moon Eagle League" were halfway away by Kuangsan. Although Li Jiayu was a little confused, he still gave Kuangsan a few more.

Don't look at just giving a few more, these are all second-order insect crystals. Even the entire "Moon Eagle League" only has 20 in stock!

Fifteen colorful insect crystals were placed in front of Kuangsan, and the stunning girl picked up one, with helplessness written on her face.

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