Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 185: Sisi

() Because of the news from the army, many civil forces hurriedly packed their packages and ran away before they even had time for breakfast.

No one is blind or deaf! The huge black shadow to the west, roaring like thunder, even the inheritors are pale! Not to mention their ordinary people.

There was no need for the army to urge, and they followed after a trot, and no one was left behind! This was the first time that the heirs who had protected them were stunned. It was the first time to see such a neat scene.

Many inheritors took a lingering look at the river in the west, and the roar became weaker and weaker. It was obvious that the monster had been severely injured by the top power! But now, with their courage, they may not necessarily rush there to fish in the troubled waters.

Didn't you see the "King Kong Orangutan", "Tyrannosaurus" and others all running back? In fact, people were curious about that top powerhouse, but those who participated in the battle didn't say anything about it, and no one knew who was sacred.

The only thing that feels at ease is that the Xijiang City migration team is protected by a great god. This allows many ordinary people to bless that one never get hurt in their hearts.

This is the only thing they can do.

Kuang San's face was pale, and after repeatedly evacuating her spiritual power, she realized that she was still somewhat separated from this body. A large amount of venting spiritual power will make one's heart cramp.

Even taking medicine is of little use. With Kuang San's current concentration of spiritual power, he can easily control'Ke Ke Di'. Except for the summoning of the'angel' and the need for spiritual support during the manifestation, the other tricks require'time.'

If the ‘time’ is endless, Kuangsan can reach the top of the ‘legendary’, but if it is lost... only by spiritual power, the ‘lord’ is already the limit.

Now she also has many areas that are stronger than "Tokasaki Kakusan". Of course, the premise is that time cannot be used.

With the support of vigorous spiritual power and inheritance techniques, the speed alone has increased sharply, and the black and red streamers flickered on Kuang San, arriving in the clouds above the migrating team in less than half a minute.

Sweeping his gaze at will, using his mental power to search for the team of Sogang University, it turns out that...the bottom seems...very chaotic?

The astonishing eyesight swept the white and fat bugs at a glance, but they looked very disgusting.

The width is about two meters, like a broad bean bug, but the thing is a bit bigger. The memory in my mind flew over, and finally found a similar species.

Kuangsan stopped in the air, Liu frowned slightly, and said suicide: "Is this a giant worm?"

The memory was slightly confused, Kuang San always felt something was wrong, but seeing the group of inheritors hurriedly coping, and several people were attacked and killed from time to time, Kuang San couldn't help grinning.

Now the earth’s background is still too bad, the second-tier intermediate can be counter-killed against low-level bugs. Although the opponent has a geographical advantage, it will be GG when you meet, and your inheritance will cry!

In the world of magical fantasy and fantasy, it is estimated that the bug can't do a good job among humans of the same level. This is a gap, and it takes a lot of time to make up.

Dozens of swallowing giant earthworms are surging quickly in the soil, often "jumping" one or two lives easily!

There are also maroon slime tentacles in the big mouth. Even the inheritors will be easily torn off their arms and legs, and the unlucky ones will even die!

Don't say let them protect ordinary people now, even they are in disaster, how can they have other thoughts? There are inheritors who wish that the weird worm would eat a few more people, and if they were full... they should not come to trouble them anymore.

The second half of the team was ravaged, but few of the elite inheritors in the front returned to rescue. Kuang San stood above the clouds, looking at all this with indifference.

"Run! Xixi, run!"

"Mom, mom! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~"

The little girl's cry came into her ears, and she glanced three times, with a touch of movement in her eyes. That child... isn't it the only human being parasitized by the mutant iron nematode?

At this time, the young woman was covered with mud, and even her pants were worn out, blood mixed with dust. The pretty face was already invisible, but her left sleeve...was already empty.

The hot blood kept flowing out, like a broken faucet. Although the "water flow" was not large, it has now made the young woman dizzy.

With vague consciousness, she kept pushing her daughter, although there was still some dust on her body, but there was no other harm, which shows that this mother protected her very well.


Not far from the mother and daughter, a giant swallowing earthworm jumped out of the ground without warning, swallowing the man in! He didn't even have time to call for help!

Immediately afterwards, the white fat head smashed into the ground, like a fish plunged into a lotus pond, without a trace of obstruction, only a hole left in the ground.

The young woman was still letting her daughter run, Xixi's pale face did not have a trace of blood, and after being pushed down by her mother, she struggled to get up and came to her...

The young woman's dizziness became stronger and stronger. She recalled the rebellious era of secretly drinking her father's liquor. The taste was absolutely uncomfortable, just like now.

The "Black Star" had already occupied the top of the line of sight, and her daughter's face had also become blurred. She knew that she was going to die, and the community team had already been dispersed by the panic. She had no chance to entrust Sisi to anyone, and she was anxious, but she had nothing to do.

For some reason... she thought of the night-like girl again, whose pure moonlight can only be embellished, and her strength is unusually strong. ...People are very nice...Knife mouth tofu heart.

If Xixi... If Xixi... "Bang!"

Before she finished thinking about it, the dizziness caused by the massive flow of blood finally made her unable to hold on, and she fainted on the ground, smashing a piece of dust.

The blood was still flowing, the little girl named "Sixi" was shocked, trembling tightly, kneeling and supporting her mother, her small shoulders trembled, her cute face was already wrinkled, her tears mixed with her nose. Burst into tears.

If it was a peaceful age, the young woman might be able to survive now if she was immediately sent to the hospital. But now unless there are top-notch support inheritors, other...nothing at all.

The crying sound of the little girl quickly attracted the swallowing giant earthworms, three in total! Traces continued to bulge on the smooth ground, and it was obvious that there were creatures moving quickly below!

The slender hand gently shook it A giant swallowing earthworm suddenly jumped out of the earth! The cracked mud flew up to the sky, the disgusting mouth opened, the greasy brown tentacles and the tongue sticking out, just need to go down Free fall, the delicate flesh of this little human girl can fill her stomach for a while!

Xixi closed her eyes and felt the warmth on her mother's body, her small body twitched, not caring about the bug at all.


The little mouth opened slightly, making a sound. Immediately afterwards, the loud sound of broken sound spread across most of the migrating team, and many people subconsciously raised their heads and looked into the air!

I saw a black and red streamer quickly smashed towards the rear team!


Xixi raised her head, and the wind squinted her eyes slightly, letting her see an unforgettable scene.

Thank you for the 2000 starting coins rewarded by the "Emperor of Dark Stars"; the 200 starting coins rewarded by "Murong Luoyue"; the 100 starting coins rewarded by "Moving and Solitary".

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