Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 168: :interference

The body is like a sharp sword out of its sheath, bursting towards the "Tyrannosaurus"!

The dangerous instinct caused the ‘Tyrannosaurus’ to turn his body slightly and grab the parasitic half of his body with one hand. Before he could react, the sound of gold and iron fighting came to his ears!

A tooth entangled with a black thread collapsed and flew out. When the parasite was pinched at the waist, he didn't care. Instead, he opened his big mouth and bit at the forearm of the'Tyrannosaurus'!

This bite caused half of his teeth to collapse and fly!

However, it is not without effect. Although the'Tyrannosaurus' has thick skin and thick flesh, it is still a mortal after all. Body cultivation inherits the physical strength, but it is not invincible.

The skin was pierced by sharp teeth, and the hard muscles "turned it out," and couldn't take it any further!

If a blow fails, the parasite wants to come again, as if he doesn't know the pain! But he is not a madman. After a series of actions, people will easily know that he has an IQ, and...not low!

When biting through the skin of ‘Tyrannosaurus’, there was a black line on a tooth, like a tiny snake, sneaking into the interlayer between the muscle and the skin.

Its current strength is weak, and it can cause no harm to the'Tyrannosaurus' at all. Although the ‘Tyrannosaurus’ was powerful, it did not fully control itself, so the tiny thin line of only a few millimeters was not discovered by him in the dim light.

He was very angry, and squeezed the hand that was weak on the parasite's waist fiercely! The parasite's face covered with black lines turned out to be blush!

Use most of your strength to throw the parasite to the ground!

The whole "person" is bouncing high, falling, bouncing. Until there was no more movement, blood flowed from the back of the head, slowly soaking the land.

'Tyrannosaurus' snorted coldly and turned around to clean up the other parasites. If he was still alive this time, his face would be lost!

On the side of Sister Xu, a woman in her early twenties covered her mouth and squatted down helplessly, tears streaming from her eyes.

The parasite is her boyfriend, and the two have reached the point where they are talking about marriage. They didn't expect...

Sister Xu put her arms around her shoulders, saying nothing to comfort her. She didn't have anything to complain about. If it were not for this group of people, it is estimated that they would not survive tonight, but more people would suffer.

It is good to leave a whole body, at least you can bury him, so as not to be infested by those bugs.

The black thread on the young man's body quickly receded, hiding in the back spine, slowly forming a mutant iron nematode, coming out through the body, and digging into the surface of the formation.

Look in one direction and flee again... Kuang San is over there.

No one here has noticed this change.

At this moment, Kuang San's face was no longer smiling, as if he was putting everything out of the way. Those parasites had only second-tier low-level and intermediate-level strength at the beginning.

But as he continued to fight, although his aura did not increase, his fighting ability was rapidly improving. The three parasites entangled the ‘Tyrannosaurus’, trapping him in place and dared not move at all!

This is one of the top powerhouses in the army! And before the three were parasitized by the mutant iron nematode, they were just ordinary humans!

Li's eyes flashed, and his callous palm kept touching the scum, and no one knew what he was thinking.

As the head of the regiment, he has not been loved by the inheritance. This is nothing to do. His body is old, and there are even some hidden diseases left behind when he was young.

In the beginning, firearms and cannons played a apex role. In addition to the fact that soldiers took obedience to orders as their bounden duty, most of the awakened and inheritors obeyed his command.

After the war was tragic, the inheritors died batch after batch, and firearms were not so useful. Only the top combat inheritors could dominate the battlefield!

Replenishing troops in Xijiang City, while also greatly absorbing non-governmental inheritors. Although the strength of the army has increased sharply on the surface, it has also planted many hidden dangers.

Fear, irritability, and disobedience to orders all exist, and even those folk inheritors who are so arrogant are as timid as a mouse on the battlefield, and they are simply unbearable!

Even if there are a few powerful people, they are full of arrogance, and they violated his orders, and they hooked up with the group of powerful people, completely treating the military orders as nothing!

Fortunately, the most powerful man in the army, the King Kong Gorilla, is still supportive of him, otherwise... his regimental commander, in addition to commanding some ordinary people, is simply ostentatious!

The emergence of mutant iron worms, parasites, and super-high combat effectiveness all made him see hope and hope to regain control of the army!

Li Jiayu, who stood beside Kuangsan, carefully compared the various parasitic insects in his memory, and was denied by him the same way.

His face was very ugly, he didn't even know such a powerful bug! Could something unexpected happen again? That thing really mutated from the iron nematode on the earth?

Since his rebirth, the world has been slowly changing. Although there is no change in general, there are more and more small accidents.

Who can tell if there will be large-scale changes in the future? If that is the case, his only capital that can suppress those ‘proud sons of heaven’ will also disappear.

This kind of mutant bug is very difficult to deal with, only these are good, if there are other places in the entire migration team...the consequences are simply unimaginable.

Parasitism, dispersion, parasitism... keep circulating If it weren't for their iconic "black line," Li Jiayu would not sleep peacefully anymore.

The seventeen parasites and the twenty-odd inheritors did not fail in the battle, including the two top powerhouses in the army.

Kuang San turned his head, and if Ran Hongxia and Platycodon grandiflorum join in, I believe that relying on their sword (arrow) skills, they will surely win quickly.

It is inevitable that the group of parasites will lose their fighting ability, but whether the mutant iron nematode is dead or not, a conclusion is still being made.

Looking at the only mutant man who was dead, his pupils tightened instantly!

The face of the corpse was clean, and even the skin exposed from the damaged clothes was no different from normal people.

The black line is gone!

Of course Kuang San was not afraid of that thing. For her who had successfully broken through to [Alpha], coupled with the body of an elf, she was not afraid of such parasites.

But something is affecting her perception!

Usually she likes to observe the entire battlefield, nothing can escape her eyes, but this time... the black line disappeared under her eyelids!

Who the **** is it? Is it a visitor from another world, or the **** consciousness?

The burgundy eyes narrowed into a dangerous arc, and the momentum on his body was condensing, in the perception of Kuangsan... danger was approaching.

The black Martin boots slammed out thirty centimeters to the right of the body!

Li Jiayu noticed that the earth was shaking in an instant, and swept his gaze towards Kuang San Na, a mutant iron nematode of about seven meters, mixed with fragments of soil, was shaken into the air alive!

Standing still on the spot, his right arm naturally lifted and straightened, and a magical mark appeared on Bai Nenyu's hand...

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