Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 44: show off

The big tomb of Nazarick was hidden again.

The movement they made was too great, and even the kingdom was under a lot of pressure. Spies from various countries and other organizations, large and small, sent people to the large forest outside the fortress city of Ye Lan Tier to investigate intelligence.

The big tomb of Nazarick is in danger of being exposed at any time.

Flying squirrel has a headache for this, I don't know how many times.

The Kingdom of Riyestije.

Unlike the nobles who are devastated every day, Princess Lana is very happy these days. The demon invasion failed, which means that the world can still be sacrificed by her to the demon lord in exchange for some treasures.

Although I don't know who stopped the demon lord, it is clear that this matter is not within her consideration.

At least don't care for now.

Princess Lana has increased her life span by a hundred years, and her body is in a young state to the death of her old age.

The last blemish on Qiao's face disappeared. Even if she didn't secretly practice smiling in the mirror at night, she could always smile with a sense of "sincerity".

This made Clem, the knight, not daring to look directly at his immediate superior, Princess Lana, in recent days.

The smile of the princess seemed to possess a kind of magic power, as long as he looked at it, his heart would beat fiercely.

This is a fatal mistake for a fighter who has been practicing under the command of the chief warrior of the kingdom all the year round.

Clem couldn't stop the dim light in his eyes when he thought of the warrior who had trained him in the usual life.

The kingdom’s army stationed outside the forest, except for the two nobles and their few private soldiers, the others

Because of constant friction with the empire every year, a new round of conscription began within the kingdom. This time, no one regards stationing in the Great Forest as a beautiful job.

It might be fatal to go there!

The undercurrents in the king's kingdom are surging, and there is a sign that the storm is coming, even Clem, the foolish knight who only knows to be loyal to Princess Lana, can feel it.


Clem was practicing swords and was called out by the maid in the palace of the princess.

Clem, wearing a silver-white dazzling armor, didn't say much. Princess Lillana called him more often, and he didn't care this time.

Whether it's a trivial matter or a major matter, he, Clem, will definitely go up and down the flames for Princess Lana, born to death, he will not hesitate!

After all, his life was given by Princess Lana.

In Clem's mind, no one can compare to Princess Lana, even the legendary angel, right?

As a knight, even though his strength is not good, his hearing is still good. From the corridor, she could hear the voice of her Royal Highness talking and laughing. It seemed that Princess Lana was in a good mood.

Thinking of this, Clem smiled at the corner of his mouth, but disappeared immediately.

With a stern face, a solemn and serious expression, knocked on the door.

"Is it Clem?"

A crisp female voice came from the house.

The maid replied from the side: "Yes, your Royal Highness."

"Let him in."

The maid opened the door and made a "please" gesture to Clem.

Clem nodded to the maid and walked into the room.

In Princess Lana's reception room, apart from the second prince and Renhou, it is believed that he was the only male who had come in, which made Clem feel very honored.

The window that occupies almost half of the wall opened wide, and the breeze outside the window blew up the first layer of veil on the inner curtain.

Now is the time for afternoon tea.

As a knight, Clem subconsciously observes the indoor situation, which is what Gurdjieff once taught him.

Clem was taken aback for a moment.

He heard the laughter of the princess in the corridor before, and thought it was the captain of Cang Qiangwei's adventure team.

I didn't expect that the person sitting across from the princess was a girl in a black dress that he had never seen before.

‘Is she the daughter of which nobleman? ’

This idea flashed through Clem's mind, but was quickly rejected by him.

The daughters of the noble families in the kingdom would never sit together with the princess in any case. At most, they were only inserted by the nobles, becoming maids serving the princess and acting as the eyeliner of each family.

As Princess Lana's "confidante," Clem had never seen the daughter of Princess Lana sitting opposite.


The black long skirt is a style he has never seen before. The skirt is about to drag to the ground. The girl has never maintained a lady sitting posture like Princess Lana. Instead, like a little girl, she playfully puts her little shoes under the table, from time to time. Step on the brisk beat.

With double ponytails, closing his eyes seems to be enjoying a rare afternoon tea.

The long eyelashes were mixed on the condensed skin, which was quite eye-catching, but even so, Clem kept his sight to another place. The mole of tears under the corner of the girl's eyes tightly tied Clem's eyes.



At the first sound, the maid outside the house closed the door to prevent interrupting the afternoon tea between her Royal Highness and her friends.

The second sound was the sound made by the girl putting down the tea cup and touching the base with the tabletop.

The long eyelashes suddenly turned upwards, and in an instant, they even took away the magical power of the mole.

The wine red bloomed, Clem's heart tightened, and the girl looked at him blankly.

Clem stiffened and didn’t know what was going His body muscles became numb, as if he had performed the magic power of five dragons and jade pillars on a lonely night. The aftermath of those two or three seconds of staying.

Burgundy seemed to be examining it, Clem raised his head and tucked his abdomen, unconsciously completing this action. It seemed that the one who looked at him was a great man.

"Okay, Kuangsan. You scared cute Clem."

Clem's body became stiffer.

He had never heard her Royal Highness say such incongruous words.

'lovely? ’

Shouldn't the warrior be strong or something else?

Today I seem to be embarrassed by the princess.

Clem used his own brain circuit to figure out everything in an instant.

Half-step forward, bow on one knee and salute.

Bow his head: "Your Royal Highness."

"Clem, didn't I say it? There is no need to salute in private."


"Get up."

Amid the sound of metal rubbing, Clem, whose body was surrounded by armor, stood up.

‘It seems that she has a very close relationship with Her Royal Highness, but why have I never seen her? Don't say I have seen it before, even I have never heard of it. Is it possible to be the queen of other countries? ’

Clem was puzzled, not knowing what he should think.

"How is it?" Princess Lana looked forward to it. Clem didn't squint. He knew that the princess was asking about the beautiful and thrilling girl opposite.

"The will is fair, the talent is extremely poor, and there is no hope of a heroic domain for life without opportunities."

Clem gritted his teeth and said nothing.

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