Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 41: Paradise Lost in Hell




It seems that there is an industrious lumberjack, holding a chainsaw, cutting down trees continuously, creating benefits for the company and himself.

It's just that while cutting down the trees, it was accompanied by a scream or scream.

The picture from the projection lens suddenly made Flying Squirrel serious.

As an undead, he has a justice value of -500, but he has not seen such a cruel murder in the world tree.

The large forest surrounding the large tomb of Nazarick is like a **** demon that stretches for hundreds of miles, opening his mouth and chewing constantly and entering its mouth in search of secret treasures.

The sharp teeth have shreds of meat, and the dark red tongue is fused with the earth. The addition of flesh and blood mud turns the entire forest into a paradise lost in hell.

Will this pose a threat to the tomb of Nazarick? Will this situation attract the mysterious Space-Time Administration?

All the uncontrollable factors made Flying Squirrel anxious, until there was a layer of light on his body, it made Flying Squirrel, the last supreme of Nazarick's tomb, calm down.


There are fewer and fewer people in the forest.

But there are always smart people who have found the trick.

As long as there is no sound, or the voices of the people around you are louder than yourself, the mystery will not find yourself.

With the splattered flesh and blood of several teammates, the whole person is like a zombie whose evolution in the world of science and technology has failed.

He is an experienced and strong adventurer.

Stainless steel grade.

The brawny man who had plucked up the courage and wanted to confront the mystery had already frightened his courage. Now even if a little mouse appears in front of him, he will definitely be the one who flees.

The strength of the steel grade comes from a strong body and martial arts.

Fortunately, he is not a magic chanter. The casters of the same steel grade in the team were already mysteriously crushed into meat sauce when they activated their spells.

The first layer of meat hanging on his chest is probably that of the magic chanter.

The adventurer's spirit reached the peak, and he controlled himself to jump to the clearing without dead leaves and branches every time, trying his best to keep himself silent.

This is the limit he can do.

However, he did not expect

One after another screams came from the forest, which had already alarmed the kingdom warrior chief Gejiefu and others. Soldiers went to investigate. Just when they reached the edge, they saw an adventurer twisting his body in a strange posture. The street performers in the capital city are even more funny.

The soldier sneered.

"Hey! It happened inside"

Before the soldiers could finish, the steel-grade adventurer who was frightened by the sound stepped on a dead branch.


The crisp sound was concealed by the soldier's voice, not worth mentioning.


The steel-grade adventurer raised his head, and the soldiers were shocked!

The bloodshot eyes seemed to ooze blood, the vicissitudes of life, the armor bathed in blood, all proved that the other party was in big trouble.

What kind of eyes are they?

Grief? resentment?

Almost all negative emotions can be included in it.

Especially the pupils that had shrunk to the extreme, it was like a nail pierced into the heart of the young soldier.

How can a soldier who has never been to the battlefield ever seen a person like this? The other party seemed to be eating his flesh, and immediately let the soldier's feet soften.


It was the hard-working chainsaw of the lumberjack again.

The soldier saw the most terrifying scene in his life.

Not far away, the people on the edge of the forest just disappeared like this!

It seemed that there was an unknown liquid splashing, and there was also a stiff thing wearing a rope.

‘He seems to explode? ’

This idea kept echoing in the soldiers' minds.

The soldier touched the dark red mud splashing on his armor.

The scent of blood is rushing into the soldiers' noses, which is much more irritating than the smell of rouge on a lover.


The soldier stepped back three steps in a row, and his long, sour legs couldn't support the soul that was terrified to the limit.

He sat down on the ground with a "puff".

The slippery soil on the ground reminded the soldiers of the **** mud gathered after the explosion of human beings.

It was hot under the crotch and peeed.

The young soldier crawled, using his hands and feet together, to throw a rope that had collapsed into the air.

The rope was thrown away and brought the nameplate.

In the moonlight, the nameplate representing the grade of stainless steel reflected a gleam of light.

Afterwards, he was thrown into the **** mud that exploded in the forest.

It's a coincidence.

The warrior leader of the kingdom, Ge Gefu, was the strongest man in the kingdom who had entered the realm of heroes within half a step.

After discussing with several nobles stationed here, they decided to take advantage of the night to find out.

Anyway, the big forest has been explored countless times, and the surrounding mud pits have been dug three feet deep, and even a monster can't be seen. Where is the danger?

Gu Geoff was wearing armor and a broad sword at his waist. The young soldiers in the assembled army were still complaining.

The adventurers who heard the sound around said they wanted to join in the fun.

Gu Gefu readily accepted it, but the other nobles were dissatisfied.

The magic chants in the adventurer team use magic lighting, and the large team marches towards the dark forest little by little.

It's like a piece of delicious meat breaking into the big mouth of an evil spirit.

The scattered footsteps of the soldiers stomped the dead branches and leaves on the ground to crackle.

The large force did not go deep, and Gu Geoff only led more than a hundred people to explore the expedition.

The transparent soul of the shadow ghost appeared above the forest for some Seeing the small group of troops entering the forest, he couldn't help laughing a few times.

Extraordinarily infiltrating people.

The eyes occupying half of the face looked at the large troops stationed outside the forest. The shadow ghost's eyes were full of greed, and that piece of fat meat could not be eaten in his mouth, which made the shadow ghost's soul body mouth, simulating a lot of saliva.

The shadow ghost became the spirit of the sacrificial circle.

Its respect for the great old ruler rises to everything.

The shadow ghost is like a little devil, hiding in the dark, secretly having fun with Gu Geoff's small army.

The noisy sound entered the forest, and the hard-working lumberjack seemed to rest, and no longer held the chainsaw, creating benefits for the company.

Gu Geoff found the nameplate of the steel-grade adventurer, and found the mud bursting around the trees.

A faint smell of blood still remained in the air.

The army continued to move forward.

The deeper the forest, the more the **** smell will be. On the trees, the ground, and the dead leaves and branches, Gu Geoff can find dark red and **** fleshy mud.

Human, fresh, meat that can be made into fish-flavored shredded pork.

Flying Squirrel, who was meeting with many guardians in the Great Tomb of Nazarick, didn't notice that Gu Geoff, whom he had always fancy, entered the evil spirit's mouth.

Xiao Di was expounding the plan of the great and supreme, although Flying Squirrel hadn’t thought about any plans he had.

While saying yes, the guardian looked at the flying squirrel with admiration and respect.

Flying Squirrel felt a little awkward.

And Geoffrey is like a butterfly about to fall into the spider web.


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