Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 23: Kahn Village

The captain of the Sunshine Scriptures of the elite troops of the Church of Nations is a middle-aged man in his thirties.

The contour of the face is three-dimensional, with sharp edges and corners, and the hairline of the forehead is worrying.

With a fierce face, often a straight face can scare a child into tears.

The captain of the Sunshine Scripture, who has always been known for his sternness, was looking at the girl in the yard dumbfounded.

The girl has short silver hair and big blue eyes with a hint of charm. The first time she sees her, people will put down their guard and enjoy the tranquility brought by the girl.

But... the scene in front of him... makes Nigan, an elite, doubt life.

The girl kept pulling out all kinds of props from her skirt pockets, especially the one-meter-long staff, the pictures taken out of her pockets, not to mention how weird.

Is it space magic or an artifact?

Negan didn't know, he didn't dare to step forward and disturb the girl.

Standing next to the girl was the chief wind god, Dominique Ire Baitos, a former member of the Sunshine Scripture.

Seeing Chief Fengshen approaching him, Negan hurried forward to say hello.

"grown ups."

"Yeah." Chief Fengshen nodded, "You come with me."

Negan followed honestly.

The two came to the corner of the courtyard, which was sheltered by vines, and the small pavilion was a natural summer alley.

"Remember the mission I told you last time?"

"Yes, my lord." Negan straightened his body. "We will send a small army disguised as an imperial army to draw out the warrior chief Geoff of the kingdom through violent means, and then kill him with magic. In the end, everything will be blamed on the empire. Body."

Chief Fengshen nodded and said: "This time the situation has changed. I hope you will not use violence as much as possible, let alone killing civilians."

"But..." Negan hesitated.

"What is our doctrine?" the chief wind **** asked.

"Report! Human first!"

"I hope you can do this more beautifully, and don't let other people get hold of it."

Negan's complexion changed slightly, and he whispered, "You mean other priests?"

The Wind God Officer glanced at Negan coldly, and immediately made Negan not daring to breathe.

"Go and replace with new equipment."

Watching the Chief Fengshen leave, Negan was full of doubts, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Sometimes, the more you know, the faster you die.

On the surface, the country is calm, but Negan knows that where there are people, there are struggles, and even the supreme council has constant disputes.

Those big people are in a bad mood and find some reasons to let him, the captain of the Sunshine Scriptures, be exiled.

He Nigan... Sooner or later he has to climb to the position of the twelve!

But he will never know that there is a man behind the scenes of the twelve high-level teachers of the country...

The Sunshine Scripture led by Negan changed equipment with the help of Xia Yin. At first, Negan and others were not very happy. They existed very individually, but they were equipped with the treasures left by the six great gods, and now they are all replaced...

When Negan got the props, his thoughts changed again.

Nigan took a deep look at Xia Yin, remembering the appearance of the silver-haired girl, and had a cautious conversation with the silver-haired girl in the middle.

Ninety thought he knew a lot of the secrets of the religious state, but it seemed that he was still a lot worse.

"This ring can directly summon the strong within the religious kingdom. When encountering force majeure enemies, don't hesitate."

Xia Yin patiently explained the equipment and props, but Negan listened very carefully.

‘The enemy of force majeure? Nigan found the key point and was able to take the position of the captain of the Sunshine Code. In addition to his strength, Negan's mind was also quite meticulous.

It seems that he has an ulterior secret in this mission.

End the conversation with the girl in honorifics. As night fell, Negan led the Sunshine Scripture and a small army to the border.

Prepare to kill the chief warrior of the kingdom there and provoke the conflict between the kingdom and the empire.


Kuangsan remotely controls the twelve high-level members of the Supreme Council. They all have nano-robots made by Xiaohonghou in their minds, and they can quickly accept orders directly.

The Scriptures of Fire Extinguishment have not moved for the time being, and they are still staying behind to guard the country.

The war between the church country and the elven country seems to be fierce, but in fact both sides are more restrained, often after the handover, they begin to "play Tai Chi."

After playing for a long time, no one was killed. At best, he was slightly injured, and some of those injuries were accidentally rubbed by his teammates!

It takes half an hour to beat the drums to retreat, cook and eat, doing this every day, giving people the illusion that the battle is extremely intense.

Elf kings, prison.

Several people in the Shuiming Sacred Code gave up running away two days ago, and finished writing the impression of the new elf king.

Today, those elves let them go!

Is it possible that what agreement has been reached between the church country and the elven country?

The elites of the Shuiming Sacred Code did not dare to delay, and hurriedly returned to the religious country.

After that, the idle personnel of the Shuiming Sacred Code and Fenghua Sacred Code were all sent to various countries to search for news about the big tomb.

Even those strong men of the pitch black scripture who have entered the field of heroes are no exception.

The kingdom of religion is fast-moving, and the kingdom of elves has also sent a large number of ships to search for resources. From the mother tree of life, the powerful heroes in the field of heroes begin to walk out of the kingdom of elves, looking for certain graves that frequently appear in their minds.

Taking advantage of his spare time, Kuang San also notified the man who had been hypnotized by her, telling him that the merchant's inheritance belonged to him.

Afterwards, Kuang San quietly waited for news inside the church.

Within the religious nation, all elites who receive a search mission are equipped with some technological equipment. Once they are killed, those technological products will be automatically destroyed.

For this reason, the little red queen has already begun to study how to send satellites to the sky in another world...

Fortunately, Xiaohonghou has a database of Honghou Honghou successfully launched satellites in the Douqi continent, and promoted the fantasy world into the intelligent life of the fantasy and science fiction hybrid world with her own power.

If it were not for the Red Queen to transform the ancient space into a small planet, the population that could survive that battle would be reduced to the limit...

Just as Kuangsan recalled the "feat" of the previous Red Queen, the Sunshine Sacred Code led by Negan bypassed the border of the religious nation and arrived in a small village called Kahn Village in the kingdom.

The villagers were all controlled. Negan hypnotized a few villagers with inferior hypnotism and asked them to go to the nearest city for rescue.

On the way back, that small army was replaced by the empire's equipment, and even the Sunshine Sacred Scripture disguised itself as an empire army.

The members of the Sunshine Scripture concealed around the village, and the "imperial soldiers" who held sharp blades in the village made the villagers dare not make any moves.

In the dark night, Kahn Village is like a huge mouth opened by the abyss demon, waiting for the big fish of the kingdom warrior chief to take the bait.


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