Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 17: Tetanus Blade and Destiny

【The Dark Sacred Code】

The strongest troops of the Slian Church, all of them are powerful men above the [Heroic Domain].

They are equipped with magic items left by the six great gods and are considered to be the last guardians of mankind.

There are not many people who are familiar with [The Dark Sacred Code], and the surrounding people who eat melons have never realized that they have criticized "the strongest force of mankind".

As for how the noble old man entrusted the relationship to the top of their heads, perhaps only the captain of the [Black Sacred Code], "The Black Sacred Code" would know.

Yes, it is very interesting, the captain of the "strongest man" unit, his title is also the dark holy scripture.

The captain is one of the only three gods who have awakened the blood of God in Slengjiao. Except for the supernumerary seats of [The Dark Sacred Code], the captain's combat power is placed on the mainland, and they are all outstanding.

In Mo Xiao's eyes, they had a special magic prop on their faces to conceal their true looks.

Mo Xiao couldn't understand. Since it is called "the strongest," what are they still worried about?

The stronger little loach on the mainland?

Mo Xiao also received information from Xiaohonghou that the so-called six gods are just players drawn from the "world tree" and put on the server of the "other world".

Whenever he thinks of this, Mo Xiao has to lament this game company.


The Six Great Gods, the King of Eight Desires, and Ainz Ur Gong have all experimented three times, and even the "World Tree" has reached the state of shutting down service from its heyday.

How many years?

Mo Xiao is not sure, but there must be five or six years on the earth.

For example, the krypton gold props in the second year of the game's opening service can actually be matched with the krypton gold props in the fifth year of the game's opening service!

What kind of conscience is the planning of this game?

Changing to a certain goose factory, I can't wait for half a year to have a new generation of equipment, let you become a krypton gold boss.

In fact, the cycle in the first half of the year is fairly normal, and Mo Xiao has also seen a three-month-old game of new generation equipment!

"World Tree" is a very popular game in Yingzhou, is the planner killed to sacrifice to the sky? The props at the beginning of the game are so strong? Don’t you need to make macro adjustments in the background?

Mo Xiao thought about it, letting go.

"I'm standing here today. It doesn't matter what you do. Hypnosis, killing, or resistance to walking doesn't matter. I just want to let everyone know how unreasonable the city guards in the country are taught by Silian!"

The captain squinted his eyes and obviously didn't want to drag it down again. He had encountered many difficult tasks, but this time...

He gestured slightly with his eyes, [The Dark Sacred Code] The eighth seat, the Great Shield Wanbi, stood up.

"Fight him away."

The brawny man wrapped in black armor nodded and walked in front of Mo Xiao step by step. The other members of the pitch black scripture watched the girl named Xia Yin.

‘There is absolutely no way for such a dangerous person to exist in the religious country! The captain thought to himself that the short-haired woman who exudes a holy breath puts too much pressure on him.

Even the non-staff seat in the teaching country did not bring him so much pressure.

Mo Xiao folded his arms around his chest, holding the "Tetanus Blade" in his arms, raising his head and staring at the strong man's face.

"You... your face is black, and there is a faint **** glow between your eyebrows. There will be **** disasters in recent days. It is recommended that you do not go out of the city within half a year."

The muscular man didn't speak, as if he didn't care about Mo Xiao's words.

The brawny man muttered, "Come with us."

Mo Xiao shook his head, "If you have the ability, you can fight me away."

The strong man threw the huge shield equipped with both hands to his companion, turned his head to look at Mo Xiao, "offended."

The arm, which was two rounds thicker than Xia Yin's waist, pointed directly towards Mo Xiao's shoulder, slightly hard, the brawny man frowned, slowly exerting force, Mo Xiao remained motionless.


The brawny man took a breath, and the armor wrapped around his arm expanded a circle, and the muscles of the left arm violently violently. Even the dark face gradually turned red because of the surge of blood.

The few people who had originally defended Xia Yin turned their attention to the giant shield Wanbi.

At this time, the strong man exerted strength with his hands, feet and waist, his sturdy shoulders encircled Mo Xiao's thighs, the stone slabs on the street were also crushed, and the spider web-like cracks rapidly expanded outward.

On the other hand, the wandering swordsman still clasped his chest with his hands and held the rusty iron sword, motionless.

The eyes of the girl behind the wandering swordsman seemed to be brighter.

"Boom!-boom boom!"

The burly man stepped back a few steps, breaking the stone slab into pieces with each step, his big mouth was like a broken bellows, sucking air "whooping" to lower his body temperature.

Now even the onlookers who eat melons feel something is wrong.

"Brother Mo Xiao, someone is watching us." Xia Yin spoke to the wandering swordsman in front of him.


"The strength is not bad, Kuang Sanjiang won't let us fight in the city."

Mo Xiao lowered his eyes, "Understood."

Xia Yin nodded, and suddenly a small blue circle with a radius of about five meters rose under her feet. Before the pitch black sacred code and others could react, they moved to a deserted suburb outside the city while the formation flashed.

The five people in [The Dark Sacred Code] are even more like enemies, with undisguised fear in their eyes, even the sacred curse song that was blushing before, all over the body exudes magic power, ready to instant some offensive magic at any time.

Mo Xiao finally took out the precious rusty iron sword in his arms, and the rusty iron sword pointed at the five people in the pitch-black sacred book and lifted it up slightly.

"Go together, I see how strong you guys are."

The captain's body was tight, his eyes squinted, and his spear faintly gleamed brightly.

"Your Excellency is too arrogant."

"Arrogant? You don't want to go to me."

I saw the wandering swordsman's footsteps at random, and his body was full of flaws. The rusty iron sword in his hand was shaken at random, and some rust powder flew down from above, making people quite speechless.

However, the previous performance of the Great Shield Wanbi made the team members play a twelve-point spirit, and their brains calculated rapidly, only waiting for the captain to attack first.

In the air, the stratosphere.

Kuangsan smiled and stopped the girl who was going to help [The Dark Sacred Code].

The long hair is black and white, and the eyes are the same. The white pupils are under the black hair, and the black pupils are under the white hair, which is very strange.

The girl's expression was indifferent, as if everything in the world could not arouse her interest.

"Hey~ It is forbidden to pass here~"

Desperately looking at the girl in the black dress who suddenly appeared in front of her, her inner alert reached the peak, she could stop her silently, and she could also carry out a sneak attack silently.

Apart from the Platinum Dragon King on the mainland, this was the first person who could pose a threat to her.

Moreover, the opponent is human!

"Huh?" Kuang San tilted his head, his burgundy eyes seemed to see through.

Deliberately flew forward, and the distance between the two was pulled in.

Eyes closed, nose wing lightly.

"The smell on your body is so familiar." When I opened my eyes, the light flashed through the pupils.

"I guess you are a half-elf."


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