Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 7: What to do if you start invincible

Perhaps it was the elf king who gave the order that this little elven army was unimpeded within the elven kingdom. Because of the blessing of magic, it didn't take long for the army to come to the outskirts of the king's city.

The old elf mage explained a few words to Kuangsan, asking the army to set up a tent outside the royal city, and coordinated with a few other officers to march into the royal city.

Suddenly stationed a large-scale army outside the royal city, which can still attract the curiosity of the elves, not to mention the huge daily throughput of the royal city's spiritual stream, the roots of the powerful, and all kinds of news immediately fly.

The few flattering powers were a little daunted. They wanted to stop the army in the first few cities, explain the woman a few words, and then went to the city to serve the Elf King, but the army did not pass through the city at all...

At this time, several elven clan dignitaries were anxious to the ants on the hot pot.

"I heard they just entered the city."

"Can you stop it?"

"Hard to say."

"How to do?"

"Didn't you just buy a batch of high-quality goods? How about directly offering it to the great king? You go to the palace, and we go to the woman to find out what is at stake."

A bald elderly elf thought for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement.

This group of great nobles was still very reliable in doing things in the city, and soon contacted the city defense army and stopped Kuang San's carriage.

The city defense army was very polite, serving some frontline officers while serving tea while washing some clean fruits.

In the elven country, the frontline soldiers of this era are the least valuable existence, and often only the elves who offend the powerful, or the elves who have little ability in the family, will be organized to the frontline to fight back and forth with the elite knights of the religious country.

For families like them with good conditions, bribing some of the rich and powerful in the city defense army, they can naturally stay in the forest elves' king city base camp and lead a leisurely and comfortable life.

Normally, they look down on the little officers on the front line, that is, they are so polite when they are given orders.

The system of the Elf Nation has decayed for so many years, and the Elf Nation has not been destroyed, not because of how sophisticated its system is, nor is it because the surrounding enemies are weak, but... the elves generally can live for a long time.

If this has been the case for thousands or thousands of years, this country will collapse completely, and even the elves with a little knowledge will know these things.

But what does this have to do with their leisurely and comfortable city defense forces? By that time, they had already returned to the embrace of the mother tree.

Besides, the elven kingdom borders the desert peninsula and the religious kingdom. Although the holy kingdom is also very close, it must cross the ocean.

When the original religious nation was the Alliance of the Elven Nations, no one dared to provoke the Elven Kingdom, and even if the religious country turned against their Elven Kingdom for certain things, it would not hurt.

The two sides have always been relatively restrained. It is the small soldiers who repeatedly rubbed the borders. The magicians who are a little bit higher will not go to the borders on the edge of poverty.

Those adventurers and mercenaries that are popular in empires, kingdoms, and appraisal countries are not popular in the elves, because no adventurer wants to offend a country.

The great nobleman came, and at first he smiled brilliantly, saying that he was looking for a chat with the "goddess", which made the officers bewildered.

Kuang San was idle and bored, first listened to the great nobleman bragging for a moment, and then hypnotized him with low-level hypnotism.

Hmm... "Blue" not only didn't consume, but increased a bit.

Soon, the team with the "help" of the great nobles opened the green channel, and went all the way to the palace.

Like many descriptions, the palace of the Elf King is located on a majestic tree, but the interior decoration plan has chosen a luxurious style similar to that of a human palace.

After the officer and the nobleman sent Kuangsan into the palace, they left separately.

A little fairy palace lady who was not hundreds of years old greeted her with no envy in her eyes, but gave Kuangsan a pitying look.

"PLZ follow me."

Kuang San didn't care, and followed behind the little palace lady, um, the hundreds-year-old little palace lady looked pretty watery, but in the hands of the Elf King, it would obviously not end well.

From the time when the great aristocrat was hypnotized, Kuang San had contacted Mo Xiao and Xia Yin through the means of Xiao Honghou.

The two of them had never been on the earth of the real world, and only when Kuang San came to another world did they woke up from the ring.

After Xiaohong used a variety of methods, he installed the GM account for Mo Xiao, and "sold" an angel account from Kuangsan's account memo to Xia Yin, allowing Xia Yin to log in successfully.

This wave of operations should not be difficult.

Kuang San's soul projection looked at the two curiously, and Mo Xiao became a wandering swordsman with ordinary appearance and spicy chicken. Xia Yin's appearance has hardly changed, but there seems to be a halo that shines on her all the time.

Mo Xiao is equipped with a junior leather jacket, tattered straw sandals, baggy trousers, nylon rope trouser belt, and a rusty iron sword.

Just looking at the equipment, even the poorest adventurer is much better than Mo Xiao, but Kuangsan and Xiaohong can see the attributes of the GM account...

The various "+" signs after the full value made Kuang San curious, you know, this is no longer the data in the server, but the real world.

"How do you feel?" Kuangsan asked Mo Xiao.

"Um... there is a sense of rejection, like the world is repelling me." Mo Xiao hugged the rusty iron sword in his arms and said how he felt.

"Very strong?" Kuang San asked.

"It's not I always feel that if I make a few more shots, the world will throw me out."

"Throw you out?!" Kuang San's tone increased a little, "This kind of attribute will not be directly detached from the end black universe, right?"

The second half of the sentence was obviously after asking Xiaohong.

"It's the same situation as Xuexialang. If you have enough source points, you can upgrade your GM account and get detached in the last black universe. It's not difficult."

Kuangsan curled his lips, "That kind of source point amount is not something we can bear now."

"Yes." Xiao Honghou replied, falling into honey silence.

"What about you Xia Yin? How do you feel?"

"Me?" Xia Yin frowned, "I feel okay, but I don't quite understand the above moves."

"Have you played the game?" Mo Xiao asked from the side.


"Then you can do it right away. Anyway, this level has almost no threat in this world." Mo Xiao paused and asked, "Why don't you try?"

Xia Yin looked at Kuangsan, and after seeing Kuangsan nodded, he began to release his skills.

The so-called skills can be achieved with the movement of the mind, and it is not much different from the feeling she used to sit in front of the computer and tap the keyboard with her fingers.

The halo on Xia Yin's body became thicker and thicker, swaying in circles, like ripples that accelerated more than ten times.

The jade hand stretched out, the small hand pointed, the light ball was instantly far away


In the distance, at a place where Kuang San seemed to have known each other, a mushroom cloud slowly rose, causing the four of them to fall into silence...

.. m.

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